If minimum wage increases lower poverty, then why don't african countries just mandate minimum wages to be at least the equivalent of $10 USD/hr?
Wouldn't that bring them out of poverty very quickly?
If minimum wage increases lower poverty, then why don't african countries just mandate minimum wages to be at least the equivalent of $10 USD/hr?
Wouldn't that bring them out of poverty very quickly?
Burger education right there guys.
Because they'd still be priced out of those fancy stick houses that are a step up.
Germany has a minimum wage of roughly $10/hr though.
Inflation. Printing money is bad.
Let's just make the minimum wage 1 million dollars so we can all drive ferrari's.
Fact is I wont work for less than $100 per hour so you've got a long way to go before you'll get my services.
yeah fuck it. it's everyone's god given right to have 4 kids while still working at the minimum wage. personal responsiblity doesn't matter because muh feels
Unemployment in African countries would skyrocket.
Not an argument and you know it.
Germany and the UK do just fine with higher minimum wages than what the US has.
Says the welfare whore. Go back to dream land and stop posting here.
>wages rise
>prices rise to match the increase in spending money
>things go back to how they were before but with more inflation
minimum wage is stupid, just stop importing millions of shitskins into the already oversaturated labor market and let competition naturally increase wages
10$ minimum wage is better then ZERO which is what they will make when mcdonalds replaces hem with a kiosk.
Brilliant. Let's just raise the minimum wage of anyone in Africa to 20 dollars per hour.
Better yet, let's make everyone rich by having minimum wage across the board globally be 1 million dollars per hour. No one will ever have to work, everyone will be rich.
To this date there is no data from countries who introduced Minimum wage that it hurt the population.
>they earn more than half the family's income
Drop the minimum wage now.
When you artificially make something more expensive ( labor ), less of it will be purchased. Since it can not be legally negotiated beneath a certain price, those individuals whose labor is least productive ( the poor ) will not be able to sell it at all. Now instead of making $7.25 an hour they are making $0.00 an hour and collecting welfare. Win/ win for Democrats.
Also look up the first post on Sup Forums under False equivalency
Most if not all African counrteis have shitty productions chains with the least paid jobs on this world so the First World country can get all the nice cheap shit we want.
Most First World countries have jobs in the service sector
Prove him wrong, oh great wise faggot.
Minimum wage hikes hurt economically disadvantaged minorities.
>Germany and the UK do just fine with higher minimum wages than what the US has
So does Austria with no minimum wage.
>If you increase minimum wage my burgers will cost 15 cents more!
>Think of the poor business owners, how will he afford the yacht that parks inside his other yacht?
Why does minimum wage make Sup Forums turn into boomers?
people should not be 36 with children working a minimum wage job and if they are, they're fucking retards that don't deserve 15$ a hour for doing a job any retard off the street could do. it would completely fuck over poor people (most of which do not have jobs) by making them even less employable. it would also speed up automation. the labor of some people is not worth 15$
Burger education right here guys
Minimum wage does not bring people out of pverty, it only hightens the line that is considered poverty because as the cost of labor goes up, the cost of goods goes up.
I make 21$ an hour, minimum wage in my states is 9$. There are people who make 9$ , 15$ and 18$ at the place I work also. if minimum wage went up to 15, then the current 15$ people would need a 6$ increase in order to keep the harder jobs incentives. The 18$ guys and 21$ guys would have to get it too to keep the higher position incentives. the work I do is worth 12$ more than minimum wage and I wont do it for less, and most people feel that way.
Raising minimum wage will only raise the poverty line by making the labor cost more across the board.
>better then ZERO
Lies, young people could work for 5 and get work experience that they need for jobs above 10. Now wonder unemployment is a problem, when you have to pay a minimum wage and decide between a man that worked for a few years and a negro that never has, when you could hire both at different wages.
>no mention of the woman's race
shes fucking black. seriously, when is the last time you've gone to a McDonalds?
if the prices increase, then what was the point of rising the wages when the inflation of prices cause you to be in the same economic situation as before the artificial wage hike?
If you do not have 6 digits in your bank account you are poor.
If you increase minimum wage you make everyone's lives shittier and you get minimum wage workers fired and replaced with machines. It also disproportionately hurts small businesses destroying the middle class.
Yeah, because teens don't work these days.
They're on that GIBSMEDATS income.
If the current minimum wage is $0.5/hr and you raise it to $10/hr after a period of time the purchasing power of $10 will be the same as $0.5 before, but in that process a lot of people will lose their jobs and a lot of businesses will fail because of the sudden hike in the price of labour.
That is because social science is not real
if everyone has a greater capital expenditure power, will this not raise prices in a free market?
No, the companies based there would just hire illegal immigrants for less than the minimum wage.
Thanks Moshe
Just work for almost free goy, then you will get (((experience))) to move on to better jobs
Then 40 years later they are still in the same place
>work minimum wage job
>earn more than half the family's income
>minimum wage minimum effort
>doubling the wage doesn't double the effort
>Raise minimum wage.
>Everyone above minimum wage has their labor devalued.
And it doesn't stop (((them))) from hoarding all our money in the pyramid scheme that is interest payments.
No lies, 5 is better than ZERO too.
Wages haven't been rising in a long time. Give more money to people, have them buy more, more people get to work.
In Germany and Japan, give more money to old people, they don't have to work (they couldn't anyway), they buy, and it offsets the need for a young population, and weakens the refugee ponzi scheme thing.
Better question is why do so many of these minimum wage people vote Republican?
>40 years later they are still in the same place
Your problem for being a retard unable to find a better job or get an education.
Why not zero? If someone wants to work for free, why not. Internship is free and you get a bit of work experience and you get to see how things work.
Study basic economics you absolute shitfuck
Minimum wage benefits nobody except large corporations that can put small business out of business by making it illegal to pay people a certain amount...
Image you run a mcdonalds and the wage of all your workers has to go up 50%, but you MUST have the same income from the store in order to keep the lights on. Now you have to raid prices by 50% in order to just keep the lights on. Image everyone has to do that. Now the workers make 50% more, but everything now costs 50% more too. No effect. So now people move their businesses to states with lower minimum wage.
FWI: There is a state and federal minimum. Business has to pay the higher of the two.
But a person working in a minimum wage position (assuming not in school) wont be getting an internship.
>muh look at all these countries with high minimum wage who are rich
The problem with a minumwage arises when it is set above the market rate for labour. When Germany introduced the minimumwage a few years ago there wasn´t that big of an effect because the market rate was about the same. Those who got their salary raised by the minimumwage were hurt in other ways like an increase in workload.
>muh think about the poor people
Minimum wage hurts the poorest of us, those without a job. If you are unskilled and uneducated the only way to get a job over someone who is, is to offer your service for less. This market mechanic is undercut by a minimum wage. labour unions in South Africa did not want to implement the minimumwage because they cared about the poor but because they wanted to protect themselfs form competion.
Nevertheless, why have a minimum wage, it simply discriminates against people with low skills. Why would you disable people the chance to work and gain skills for free?
introduces minimum wage
1. Wages rise thus the employer must pay more for each employee. The cost for producing something rises.
two options:
a. The prices of said goods rise, in order to pay for the higher wages.
> congratulations you made living more expensive
b. the employer cuts a part of his profits in order to pay for these wages. Leaving him with less money to invest. Because he isn't able to invest he will lose his Competitive Advantage. Other companies perhaps foreign companies are able to produce at cheaper price. this leads to american businesses losing their marketshare to foreign businesses.
> congratulations you have started a cashflow outside of the USA. Money which could have gone to VAT to pay for social security shit is now going to some sweatshop in India or China. The US government will have less revenue and because they'll still have the same expenses they'll have to raise taxes in order to maintain their programs
Lol why would your employer increase your wage if he legally didnt have to
Lower taxes and impose restrictions that prevent companies from moving.
>Says the welfare whore. Go back to dream land and stop posting here.
found the chink
Nice argument ahmed.
Fact of the matter is that with the increase in automation, most min wage jobs will be eliminated entirely. Only skilled or educated labor will increase in value. The solution is a baseline UBI, not an increase in min wage. That is my economic perspective.
My personal perspective is that if you make less than 100$ per hour by the time you are 36, you are a degenerate failure and I don't care. I'm making 107$ average at 27, self employed. No excuses.
Soooo.... women are trying to destroy the economy?
>having significant money in the bank at all points in your life.
>not getting rid of any debt, getting reliable cars, and making sure you are aggressively paying on a home, and contributing to 401kin your 20s
Five figures is fine. Bong education right here.
I support raising minimum wage because the wage certainly isnt going up on its own. But you cant. Because the money is not there in the economy. Its in the bank and it wont ever leave the bank unless a large company wants to buy another large company. You have to fix the corruption in the government that lets these businesses get away with it and bail them out when they fuck up. Which wont happen. Basically the entire system is corrupted beyond repair. The only way to fix it at this point is to tear down the current system and replace it, which will take an Armageddon event.
Minimum wage should be decided per-district on the basis of cost of living.
At most you could ask the federal government to set a guideline of minimum wage being x% of the cost of living. Anything else is absolutely fucking retarded.
because people depending on the minimum wage past the age of 21 made some very poor life choices
In a federal system, there is no reason for the central government to set price controls on things like labor what the fuck. Fuck FDR. I demand to be taken to his mausoleum so I can shit on him and his tranny wife's tomb.
>can't make an argument at all
>hurrr ur just wrong
The state of nu/pol/
No one is saying they should. Maybe you should try not battling strawmen and losing to them?
End yourself poorfag
If at first the salary followed the increase in cost of life.... They are forcing it down since 30+ years how are people suppose to live decently ? This is pure slavery, such riches concentration is unjustifiable in any way.
Dumb cunts shouldn't have entered the workforce to take men's college funds. They should be sent to an all girls school in the countryside and have rich men buy them when they come of age
High wages don't improve standards of living, good jobs do.
Simply saying "we'll increase the amount you're paid for shitty jobs" doesn't solve shit.
>56% are women
Responsibility isn't an argument~~
Even stupid people that put no effort in should be paid more to press the burger button on the screen.
Firstly, i'm against minimum wage because increasing it would make people unemployed. Not sure if you got that all the way.
Secondly: If a person wants to work for free it doesn't bother me at all.There are strict rules in the USA.
1. People cannot work free at a job where they may get injured because the workers comp insurance requires them to be officially employed, which has a minimum wage.
2. Manufacturing companies and restaurants don't do internships. An internship (paid or unpaid) is for students or recent grads only in their field.
If it was allowed, and a person wants to work for free, I wouldn't give two shits.
Money has no absolute value, it only has relative value. If you legally mandate that a certain class of low value workers must be paid at least $12 an hour, then everyones wage above that will increase to reflect the new (lower) value of the currency. It's basically a way of inflating the currency.
Think of it this way. I can work as a web developers for a business, that might pay $15 or I can pack groceries for $7 an hour. Learning the skills to code and provide value as a developer takes time and investment, often a degree or certification which needs to be earned, normally through spending money to invest in the educaiton and opportunity costs of not being able to work full time while learning.
Where as anyone able bodied can pack bags of groceries.
So if you up the min wage to $15 an hour, you could avoid the educational investment and simply pack bags and make as much.
Except businesses need certain things like developers, so in order to attract that position they have to offer more money than basic jobs like packing bags. So the expected wage goes up for everyone, not necessarily right away but slowly as the market re-adjusts.
Of course this extra overhead doesn't just come out of profit margins, it's paid for by increasing the cost of goods, and when most businesses are doing that it means the overall cost of living goes up. So the people who are paid a bit extra due to min wage actually aren't any better off because the spending power of their money has been decreased.
The lesson here is that you cannot artificially decide what someone is valued, that is a group decision that the market makes by seeing what people are willing to pay or be paid on average. Setting a min wage doesn't work it's just a temporary boost to people, it's used to buy votes, it typically harms the people it purports to hep.
Minimum wage is a price floor. Raising it will just create a new price floor. Need more people out of minimum wage jobs into livable wage jobs. Key is more good jobs created.
it's sarcasm-flavored reductio ad absurdum, you ignorant desert dweller
Because, my job is not worth doing if with less purchasing power due to a devaluing of labor if he does not give me a raise. If too many people leave the company at the same time, it goes out of business. They would have to give my position (minimum wage) PLUS 12$ or I would go to another company that does, or to an easier job that now pays my old wage at some other place. Its called "Devalued labor" check into it.
The problem with scrapping minimum wage now is that there's so many people competing for jobs that it would just result in a race to the bottom.
If were going to do extreme shit, we might as well say its illegal for people to quit their job or get fired. Might as well go FULLL COMMIE at that point.
Lower taxes for the business means higher taxes for the employee to make up for the deficit. Then what was the point of increasing wages anyway.
here's your argument
if you rise the cost of labor, some jobs aren't worth any more, so you get rid of them
Not quite true, you have to remember that "minimum wage jobs" are really for the unskilled worker. In an attempt to give them a higher wage, the problem is that the value they bring (with not experience or skill) isn't high enough to warrant hiring those people.
If you were to scrap the minimum wage (good idea to scrap union wage laws too, they are just as harmful) you'd see employees negotiating for their wages and they'd hold more power over employers.
pay no attention to the small handful of kikes with 99% of the worlds money
squabble over that last percent you dumb goy
if the minimum wage affects you at 36 years old it means you are a fuckin parasite who's either going into the work force for the first time in their life or just been sitting at their McDonalds job all their life cause you too "real nigga" to like find a career path or seek a promotion or do any of "dat otha white sheeiiit".
Either way, the minimum wage helps only those who have ZERO motivation to help themselves. Besides help these parasites it only takes jobs away from teens who would be fuckin thrilled to make anything over the summer.
This burgerbro gets it. People respond to incentives and if there's no additional incentive to do a job that requires more time and investment to be qualified for, then people won't do it, they'll do easier jobs that pay the same.
>Lol why would your employer increase your wage if he legally didnt have to
If he wants someone to do that job which requires more training and more investment (maybe an education or many years experience in similar roles) then they'll have to offer and incentive that is greater than basic roles that don't require training or investment.
They don't have to pay anything, but if they want someone to fill that position then they'll need to offer the incentive.
Employers don't mind increasing wages at all, if the government has inflated the currency due to policy then each denomination (dollar, pound, whatever) is worth less value, so you can pay people greater amounts while keeping the value the same as before.
People in business know that money doesn't mean shit, values means everything, they aren't the same thing, there's a translation between the 2 which changes depending on factors in the economy.
States have their own minimum wage. The federal gov has one too. The higher one is required to be paid. The system is currently as you said it should be.
Which will never happen because "good jobs" cost more in wages than bad jobs do. Better to just pay the good jobs the same as the bad jobs and tell people they're lucky to have a job at all.
> (You)
>This burgerbro gets it. People respond to incentives and if there's no additional incentive to do a job that requires more time and investment to be qualified for, then people won't do it, they'll do easier jobs that pay the same.
HOLY SHIT an intelligent person on an econ thread. It must be my birthday.
He'd work less, about just as little as the minwage retard can.
? It's retard-flavored nonsense and go figure you are eating it up lmao
>you'd see employees negotiating for their wages and they'd hold more power over employers.
No they wont, because any higher wage they could demand from their employer there'd be someone willing to do it for less, down to a Spic/Slav living 20 people to a house who'll do it for £2/$2 an hour.
We have too many workers for too few jobs for this to work now without major nationalist protectionist laws, but then they'd just move what parts of the business they can to these cheaper countries and ship the work back.
>The higher one is required to be paid
But that's wrong. That's a terrible idea and nothing like what I said. At most the government could say:
>minimum wage should be 50% of the cost of living for the district in which the person resides in
and nothing else.
Everyone does besides shareholders, we dont have to spend as much on gibs. It also pumps up the economy.
The minimum wage is to economics as creationism is to biology.
It's always painful in the economy to put up with government forced sanctions which artificially disrupt things, and also when you remove those sanctions, which is why they should never be made in the first place.
What you'd find in reality is that labour may become very cheap as companies start to offer less money, but the side effect of this is that they'd be able to offer their products for a lot less money and as such the cost of livng goes back down to what it should be which would be a lot lower. The standard of living would settle back down to about what it is now.
You'll notice that min wage is being raised all the time, it's not sustainable, once the market re-adjusts and everyone else is paid more to keep incentives relatively balanced, you have to raise it again.
Did you miss post?
The employees most certainly would have more negotiating power, be it for higher or lower wages. Plus it gives the employers lateral movement if it turns out the new hired employee is a burn out.
Watch the video I linked to. It covers much of what you're responding with.
We spend more on gibs due to businesses and states working in unison to have low minimum wages. Also the amount of people who have given up on being in the workforce due to not wanting to work at a gas station for 6.50 an hour.
>they'd be able to offer their products for a lot less money
> as such the cost of livng goes back down
Why would they want to do that? Why not just pay people less and keep paying the same, which is what's happening now with the cost of living going up by wages not. It's clear people will pay 5x the "real" price for a house, and 10x the "real" price for basic foodstuffs, so why not just keep those prices te same and let the plebs fight it out for the lowest wage for what few jobs there are?
And there's no "competition" to go to because everything is owned by a handful of companies.
>why don't african countries just mandate minimum wages to be at least the equivalent of $10 USD/hr?
Do you even economics?
Imposing minimum wage and improving it is, despite the opinion of many underaged memers, a good idea because the surplus in wages almost exclusivly goes into the economy. For example if the minimum wage is 1000$ a month yet the person has to consume 1150$ a month (rising rents, insurances, etc) the person will either have to cut their other expenses by $150, find a better paying job or go into debt. Most will try to cut other costs which will result in a $150 loss for the economy.
Went to the site and NONE of "the reality" is cited in their data available on the site. They have all kinds of shit but not wages by age.
How do they know this if they don't have the data?
topp cuck youtu.be
>56% are women
Wow, what a gigantic gender bias, glad the EPI told us.