What went wrong?

I fucking hate twitter diplomacy.

Does this guy not know that the US has the fucking largest airbase in Qatar? Does he not know that Saudis support terrorism as well?

What is he doing?

Can we all agree that he should stop tweeting about foreign affairs, also all his legal problems (the ban, russia, comey)?

Other urls found in this thread:


Twitter is literally Trump's biggest asset.

He's so gullible.

>What is he doing?
Being a fucking retard. How long will it take before we collectively realize that there is no underlying plan??

Who gives a shit. Qatar IS home to a bunch of Taqqiya spouting cunts. I hope they all get rekt.

Of course, we're going to have to wait for a non Jew puppet to handle Saudi Arabia.

Force two of the biggest funding parties of terrorism to fight each other, sell both of them arms to fight each other, lower the debt. 4D chess baby.

quite literally 4d chess mate.

Calm your tits /sg/. He's not after Assad

Qatar funds benign, non-violent Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan. It's the Saudis who fund and support the jihadists. Why the fuck is trump shilling for them?

>Muslim Brotherhood

I think all US presidents are well briefed about weapons they sell to KSA end up in terrorists' hands too. Blumpf is just repeating the mainsteam media lies on his Twitter.

But I think more politicians should be as active on social media. That way they can't pretend they're too busy to listen to their people.

Anyone with even basic reasoning skills knew this as soon as he started running for office.

>Force two of the biggest funding parties of terrorism to fight each other, sell both of them arms to fight each other
But hasn't this been the US's MO regarding the middle east this whole time, which resulted in the creation of ISIS? What makes Trump think it'll end differently this time?

>also all his legal problems

Are you fucking stupid?

He does this for Israel, what is best in their interest, not America.

Trump is a Jew.

>Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan.
they've been planning this shit for ages. another tool for rothschild


and? It's only purpose there is to deter Iran from doing anything.

>lower the debt
never happening

Can't Trump supporters all collectively get up and squack at him with links on the Muslim Brotherhood funding terrorism, how Saudi Arabia is the source of many terror organizations and that allying with them as a contingency has never worked in the long-run?

You'd think a "populist" would listen to these widespread complaints. But I don't see Trump supporters going out of their way to call out their god emperor huh.

What you're saying is that all Trump supporters here are ironic trolls, except for the ones that are mentally handicapped. I could buy that.

Judging by how Sup Forums was on election night, I could buy that premise. But any community that gets its kicks from acting like idiots will soon be flooded with idiots who think they're in good company, which is true with The_Donald ledditards coming here.

It doesn't have to end differently, Europe can burn for all America cares. America will lower its debt by selling weapons and secure even more oil in the area if you think they care about Europe your mistaken as for terrorists attacking America they have more issues with domestic mass shooters then foreign terrorists.

TFW got called a shill and ctr for a year before Sup Forums came to their collective senses.

Survival of the fittest, cunt
Twitter diplomacy works better to get you votes in a democracy than actually being a politician
You brought this up on yourselves

According to Assad's Syria both Qatar and Saudi Arabia fund their extremist groups. And as long as Saudi Arabia keeps buying American weapons all their presidents will shill for them.

I don't think anyone in the West has any integrity, even my country did some small weapons deal with Qatar in 2013. Then everyone acts sanctimonious about importance of stopping terrorism.

You act like Hillary wouldn't be backing the Saudis even harder.

I think most trump supporters as a whole, both here in general, are almost purely motivated by "trolling libtards". Not that there's anything wrong with teasing/baiting your opposition for some good fun (we're on Sup Forums after all) but at some point when you are destroying your own communities to prove a point you cross the line into 'mentally handicapped'.

Cue trumpcucks cherrypicking a small handful of "liberal" protests turning violent as if this somehow outweighs the absolute cesspool that is "trump country".

Because they assumed Trump already knew this, what with his remarks about the Saudis funding Hillary and hinting that they were also responsible for 9/11.

So either he learned something that invalidated all that or he's only pretending to be on their side as part of some greater scheme.

Problem is is that I always hate that "see-no-evil" approach especially when the establishment wasn't really shaken up by it. Hillary was never really in trouble of going to jail. The Clintons still maintain their "charity" organizations. Democrats gain favor for opposing Trump in an incestuous bid for office next term. Hardline republicans who spoke out openly against Trump, members of the Tea-party, never lost a fucking pay check.

So. What we're really saying as a society is... we'll vote on whoever we view would troll rich people to the rich people who own the media, banks, and government. Don't you think that this is going to be a learned behavior those in power will adopt and use against us? Even now we're still at a contentious spot where Trump signed a bill to repeal our privacy rights towards broadband and wireless providers.

What did we actually do that was worth a damned?

>This thing that COULD have happened is always worse than the thing is IS happening
Wrong. You don't know. You can say you know, you can act like you know, but unless you can peer into alternate universes you don't fucking know.

If he said "Saudis and Qatar are supporting ISIS, the US will have nothing to do with him", then he'd get crucified because most people believe Saudis and most Muslims are dindus.

The liberal media is pushing the narrative that he hates all Muslims, remember? To see him make great deals with Muslim nations dispels that illusion. And by tweeting about how Saudi Arabia and Qatar are great allies against ISIS, he gives himself a backdoor to turn on them if/when there is more solid proof that they are backing ISIS.

This is the best move. Learn to 4D chess.

The Saudis will do what we tell them if they keep getting their military from us.

>So either he learned something that invalidated all that or he's only pretending to be on their side as part of some greater scheme.
Or he's an idiot.

>Ignoring the millions of dollars she took from the Saudi Royal Family.
Man you really are a blind faggot.

What went wrong? There were people voting for him that actually thought he had it in him.
I would have voted for him too, don't get me wrong, but only to see this world plummet into chaos and hopefully WW3 (read= nuclear apocalypse) faster than the snail pace it's going at now.

>inb4 you want WW3? should have voted Shillary instead
I don't want to give a woman credit for making my dream come true.


Trump's a smart, well-made billionaire, media mogul who understands how to talk to clients. Fact.

This does not mean he's somehow Lex Luthor and is written in by our God, Stan Lee, as having genius-level intellect.

I don't believe supporting him has to rely on absolute blind trust falls.

Looks like Saudis bought Trump before Qatar.

It's all a show. There's no way people can elect a decisionmaker in a country as large as the US. Why would the elite allow some random peasant with some pocket change to run things?

We did this before. We supported Saudi Arabia and they constantly fucked us each and every goddamned time.

What are you even talking about.

Trump turned into a run of the mill neocon cuck once he got into office. The proof lies in the policy:
wall not started
Saudis still receiving billions in weapons
Israel still getting billions in free money
NATO considered "indispensable"
US still in NAFTA
Obamacare still in effect
tax cuts for globalist corporations but not the middle class
welfare hasn't been reduced
no progress on repealing gun control

Trump is a fucking failure, I can't find more than five promises he hasn't broken

hate to break it to you but the president doesnt matter at all.

someone else has been running the country before drumpf and will continue to do so after.

Look im op and im stupid as fuck.

And you are going to do what the Jews order you to do.

A b s o l u t e


>all reference is pointing to Qatar
>US military all over fucking Qatar
he really should fucking kill himself now

9d underwater basket weaving m8s


Half those things are the fault of congress. Shill

You keep reminding us that she is not president, that she lost, that libs should get over it, then you turn right around and blame her for things she would have done as president. And you call me a blind faggot??

>Saudis support terrorists

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

What about when I am King? Will he fix it up real nice?

>says we made the wrong choice
>claims the other choice is not part of the discussion
Wtf im with her now

He's just being a good goy and infidel.

twitter it's trump's master weapon
nobody challenges him there and lives
it is the god emperor's sacred sword

More like you will do in Middle East only what they tell you unless you want daddy Al Saud to start buying stuff from Russia instead.


The exact opposite actually.

Up until George W. the fucking idiot rode into office, the U.S. policy as divide and conquer from a distance. Fund both sides, watch from the sidelines. This came after Assad's dad raped the U.S. in Lebanon under Reagan's watch. He and George Bush Snr. said "Fuck this shit...dead Murricans for oil is going to cost votes".

During the first Gulf War, Neo-Con's and the military were frothing at the mouth to cross into Iraq. They were begging Bush Snr. to let them go all the way. He refused. He said the objective was to put Saddam back in his box and leave it at that.

So of course, a decade later, his retard son decided to just throw it all in and go for it.

With predictable results. ISIS, as they are today, is the result of Obama abandoning Bush's retarded nation building exercise and leaving power vacuum, plus the western powers (including the U.S.) trying to get back at Assad (and fuck with Russia).

9/11 was the result of divide and conquer (Muzzies vs. Russians) and getting too deeply in bed with sand niggers (the Saudis and Egyptians) and Jungle Niggers (The Pakis).

Al Qaeda was not happy with the secularist or "cucked" U.S. puppets running the Middle East.

Instead of the Western powers learning their lesson and forever barring Sand Niggers and Muslims from ever entering the west ever again (except the Cucks and Secularist puppets), they just figured they'd go on an Empire building exercise instead.

In fact, Trump's call for a Travel Ban is literally the smartest thing any U.S. President has done in this regard in the last 20 years.

Israhell calling shill out and saging thread anti kikery. wew

She lost. Get over it.

Hello Bill Mitchell.

Europe needs to ban all foreign funding of mosques.

Your the one that came here shilling like the faggot democrat you are about "LuL pol is coming to there senses" meanwhile the other choice in the election was already bought and paid for by the Saudi Royal family, and some how we are to assume that means they wouldn't side with the Saudis as well.

This. They're all the same. Democrats under Obama sold 60 billion dollars worth of military tech. Presidential powers is a meme, they all get their orders from the (((deep state))). Although I suspect Trump was always going to betray the altGoys for his Jewish and Saudi masters.

Isn't it funny as fuck that people learn about the president's foreign affairs through a goofy ass twitter

lol no sweetie
try clicking one of his tweets and getting out of your safe space for once ;)
drumpf gets btfo by based blueticks every time he tweets

Might want to overlay this map onto yours and ahhh match those poor areas to liberal controlled areas.

And ahhh how that liberal thang going for you jiggers?

75% of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards


both houses of congress are controlled by the republican party, if he can't bring (or bully) his own party together to create policy he is a poor/weak leader.
get over yourself r/the_donald faggot, you don't have to agree with everything Trump does to support him. You idiots think that you have to fellate him to fit in. I still prefer Trump over Hillary.

This is why everyone hates you. You'll never admit to being wrong, in any way.


based saudis wouold never do that it's all propaganda by Iranian shills, and I hope America invades Iran soon

Most poor shit holes are run by democrats, how is it trolling libtards to not vote for the people that ran detroit/chicago/baltimore into the ground? even California has something 70% of blacks failing literacy tests

Having two dirt durka countries fight each other over a shitty airbase that has almost no strategic value is a decent trade user.

of course he knows....usa is the leading supporter of terrorism, together with israel and saudi

How am I wrong? Trump might be sucking Saudi cocks but so would any democrat that gets elected too, I never said Trump was flawless or even the best president ever, he was just a better choice then the faggots in the Democrat Party.

Irony the post faggot.

>Can Sup Forums just agree that the world's greatest twitter troll should stop tweeting?

No. The tweets will continue.

He's putting pressure on Qatar to sort itself out. Our airbase isn't going anywhere, you fucking child.

Former dippy doo here, it's been fun watching old pudding puss crash bandicoot, but seriously, we can't let this digeridoo get his mits on the tiddles.

>Well he's not everything we wanted and he lied to us but I bet those damn dems were lying too!
You seem irredeemably gullible.

is this important to you.

This guy is going to have an entire college-level Political Science class devoted to him before we're done.

God help us.

>fucking obongo's fault

>can we all agree
We don't have to all agree on anything.

>Does this guy not know that the US has the fucking largest airbase in Qatar?

So? There are more NATO troops in Qatar than Qatari troops. Nothing will happen to them. The Qatari government could be toppled and no one at Al Udeid would notice.

>Assuming people didn't know Americas foreign policy would still be pro-Saudi under Trump
anyone who thought Trump would tell the Saudis to fuck off is a retard, you faggots need there cheap oil everyone knows America and Saudi Arabia are going to be intertwined for years to come no matter who is president.

Don't by gay, retard. If you're nostradumbass when it comes to Trump then people are free to call shillary what she was, a piece of shit.

The petrodollar is the only thing keeping our debt economy afloat

>If you're nostradumbass when it comes to Trump
He got elected. He is currently doing the things we are blaming him for. There is no precognition involved.

That's right, move dat goalpost!

>Doesn't understand how much your shitty country relies on Saudi Arabia and other M.E countries
Without Saudi Arabia your economy would crash and burn, you need that petrol dollar.

>projecting shills
wew you lads are getting to comfortable here. Seems we need to bring the plan up a bit.

You cannot admit that you are losers who elected a liar. Sad.

Of course he knows, dumbass. Trump's doing Trump. Just watch for what comes next.

Hehe. Keep thinking that, Immanuel.

Were winners who elected a liar, even if he lied our horse still won.

the biggest assumption in politics is to make an utopia where everyone agrees, nazism, communism ect.

While the fact of the matter is, the best systems like democracy work because of disagreement

A politician that doesn't lie -- :said no one ever

You hate Trump, don't you user.

>the best systems like democracy work because of disagreement

Nice try, nordi-jew

I hate him as much as I hate every politician. But you have to vote for someone and he was the lesser of two evils this time around.

being replied to by twitter-admin-dispatched drones is irrelevant
what matters is trump has won the election as early as july when he got hillary and obama to dance to his tweets

its a bad system, but alteast it isn't unrealistic


and a dual citizen I get to vote just like every other American.