This is a message to all men in fighting age.
Do not dwell on it unnecessarily long. There is nothing you can do about it anyway. Save for prepare yourself as best you can.
Simply store this your brain, somewhere near the front, and keep it there.
An age of ultraviolence is coming. I do not know when, but I do know that most of you will live to see it.
There is rapidly approaching a time when in every White Western city, corpses will be stacked in the streets as high as men can stack them.
And you are either going to be stacking or getting stacked.
Fifty years ago exactly, in 1967, western civilization reached peak depravity - "the summer of love".
This summer, darkness will fall across the face of America. Birds will stop singing. Temperatures will drop. Stars will become visible in the daytime sky.
In about 100 days, a total solar eclipse will occur. On August 21st, the Black Sun will cross the american continent. That will mark the turning point.
We are going to enter a world which is like nothing you can even begin to imagine right now.
There will be leaders. You need to be prepared to recognize them for who they are, and you need to be prepared to do whatever they tell you to do, exactly as they tell you to do it.
You are going to be required to do things that you cannot possibly imagine yourself doing right now. And if you do not do these things, you will die.
Your body, mind and soul cannot possibly be fully prepared for any of this.
But you need to do your best. All that you can do. To be ready.
Hail Victory.
Summer of the black sun
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw moving to Nashville soon.
I'm going to bring my guns.
You should buy more ammo
> Summer of the black dad still missing.
And more clips. No such thing as too many clips.
Shitty bait.
ahblackoleh sunah
wohntcha cahm
It's true though. While they're cheap and readily available you might as well get a whole buttload of spares, just like you might as well stock way the hell up on ammo.
Good, I'll finally be able to get a confirmed kill. Se you faggots on the killing fields.
my budy is redy brudher
Newfag here, what is this?
The US is going to get #blacked by moonman.
So I understand an eclipse is happening, but why will this spark a civil war?
>unironically calling them clips
fucking CODfag
no reason, but larping
because this guy is larping
>M&P Sport II
LOL. At least get a quality AR.
Cash me outside how bow dat
>An age of ultraviolence is coming
Metal as fuck \m/
The new currency will be metal bands, and Iceland and Finland will become the new duopoly of world superpowers.
Stop misusing that word. LARPing is meant to distinguish those who actually get off their fat asses to role play from those who are tethered to their shit-jug-equipped doublewide computer chairs
Fuck that shit bro, off to SE Oregon with my guns, food, water, seeds and trailer.
Have fun killing each other, I'm going to be hunting antelope and if push comes to shove just live in a cave.
Even if I have to start killing, with the lowest population density in the continental US there wont be much killing when even cattle out numbers you.
Ran some basic gematria and got some interesting matches.
See ya soon
>nothing will happen
More gematria without the word "and" in the date spelled out.
People in Carbondale are double fucked then.
don't forget hearing protection!
>tfw the eclipse path goes directly through my town
Gonna be a lot of out of staters coming in, I'm gonna fuck as many of them as I can.
I've got two ziplock bags with easily 100 of those -30dB foam plugs each. Super handy if you ever do loud stuff like use power tools, split wood, have to sleep while the neighbors are being loud, or whatever else.
Excellent ROI as something to stock up on.
>Fifty years ago exactly, in 1967, western civilization reached peak depravity
look geezer i know you have a hard time watching anything but the weather channel but the 60s arent even on the radar as far as decades that are depraved
80s literally pushed faggotry on the masses both in clothing style and pop culture. 90s pushed race mixing and sexual liberation of women which women cant even define since if a woman strips its ok because "shes in power" but if a video game character wears a bathing suit all hell breaks lose
and now finally the previous decade was just a bunch of shit in which we were expected to accept sex offenders will be in every neighborhood in every state and cali wont even lock them up anymore
current decade is all of the previous + god forbid you dont convert to islam and honor rape some white guy. this dwarfs some one using euphemisms in a song to talk about sex. for fucks sake in the 90s they would just say it like in the nin song "closer"
I was just visiting Nashville. I think you'll be surprised how many Muslims are there. Also a shit ton of black people. I went to a Waffle House and my family were the only white people there.
They are fine entry-level ARs user.
Tfw I only live 20 mins away
atta boy.
Come to think of it, I also use them at those odd times I go to see a movie, even though I don't put them all the way in. Those things are mind-bogglingly loud. It can't be healthy for people to think that's normal.
>In about 100 days, a total solar eclipse will occur.
* yawn *
Ho-hum another scienceless fool pretending he's a prophet.
Christians have made thousands of predictions and all were wrong.
Too soon man
Time Cube was 100% redpill. Now it's gone.
Coincidence? I think not.
Lunar eclipses were a huge deal in the ancient world, and this one is really pretty exceptional.
MO user here. Ready for the happening
Looks like I could go see it with only maybe a 6 hour drive or so. Thinking about maybe organizing a road trip with some old friends.
I can't sleep with ear plugs, make my ears sore.
MO too. I've been looking for that image for ages.
fyi they are from /k/. There's one for every state
which website is this
>So I understand an eclipse is happening, but why will this spark a civil war?
The eclipse will end and shadow will leave the US directly over Ft Sumter, the place where the US CIvil War began
The foam ones are pretty gentle but granted constant in and out will tend to run the canals raw and present an increased danger of infection. I forget the names of those little muscles in the bone linkage in your ear that tense up during loud noises, when you're chewing, etc. to reduce hearing damage, but I'm not the only person in the world for whom they will sometimes spasm out of control when lying on one side or the other, and I found unexpectedly that putting in an ear plug in that ear will stop it.
Weird, but I'm happy to have a remedy.
Way to be a cuckboi.
shouldn't this be on /x/
how fucking loony do you have to be to believe in mystical numerology faggotry?
Agreed we are at peak degeneracy in current year.
And it's only gonna get a lot worse before anything changes.
>Mystical bullshit
I unironically hope Trump promised the Saudis they could turn your shitstain country into a client state.
Do you have an M1 Garand or something?
Secret societies use it all the time, Kabbalah uses numerology, idfk why, you'd just have to get in touch with a university professor about it.
Lightning bolt!
The sun god is pissed, and will make it disappear on that date unless you perform a human sacrifice.
For more on the subject, look into what the Maya did.
M1 Garands are redpilled.
First day here eh? BBC should've told you that this is the home of quite the odd little group of cultists. Sup Forums has worshiped Ebola chan, Winter chan, the ancient Egyptian chaos god Kek, and made other legitimate attempts at a phenomenon referred to here as meme magic. Yes, it's believed to be actual magic. No, it's not all joking around, some people are serious enough to have made blood sacrifices. I advise you return from whence you came.
See you when the summer's through
Until then Have a good time but remember
There is danger in the summer moon above
See you in September...
>Not participating in Rahowa to go chase deer
The generals will not smile upon you
Wait. Is that a confederate flag?
presumably they use it to bullshit idiots into thinking they have some mystery knowledge
you know, like the trinity 3 in 1 but only one thing
I didn't come here to be insulted, the people over at reddit are not rude like you horrible people
Confirmed psychic here.
Doesn't look good, man.
Did someone say era of a Blacked Out Sun? Prepare yourselves my brothers, it is truly going to be an event larger than this world has ever seen in all of its days.
You're dead, dude.
Memphis here. Nashville is slowly becoming a northern city. Country music is attracting yankees to what was a fun place to visit.
I know you're baiting but I legitimately hope a glass sounding wand breaks off in your dickhole
I guess in the 'age of violence ' those walking the way of peace are the real gangsters huh?
>this is a clip
sort yourself out holmes
>Your body, mind and soul cannot possibly be fully prepared for any of this.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Smh not a single one of you have talked about the black sun esoteric Nazi occult stuff. Sup Forums is losing its mojo nowadays.
It won't be anything physical. Think 2012. It will be a shift in consciousness, if anything.
The prophets of doom want you emanating frequencies of fear to make you and your neighbors easier to control.
Shooting 1000 rounds indoors will destroy your ears by the way. Get a .22lr and live life to the fullest.
What do you mean a shift in consciousness?
Missouri checking in. We will live inawoods. I live near the Kansas border though and it's not that bad. No woods though.
Florida checking in,are we fucked with refugees?
>day before my birthday
Why has no one added onto this pic at the bottom "Being able to shoot niggers instead of getting shot: Priceless"?
I mean, I would do it but I am fucking lazy.
If OP is a fag, I'm calling you out when the Eclipse happens.
Carbondale here. This town is already kinda fucked.
>American Solar Eclipse
>must be the end of the world
your arrogance knows no bounds huh?
This. Is a great idea.
I've been lifting weights lately, for about a month now, can anyone tell me if This is a good regiment to prepare?
>5 days a week
>3 sets of 15 curls
>followed by 3 sets of 15 bench press
>finished with 3 sets of 15 squat-to-press
>hurr thing will happen durr great change come
fuck off sven, this is not even x-tier pasta
It's subpar. Seriously just go to /fit/ and pick any of the routines in the sticky. You can debate the finer points of anything, but the sticky is literally pretty much foolproof.
The sky turns black, sun and moon go dark, stars burn out.
God roars from Zion, shouts from Jerusalem.
Earth and sky quake in terror. But God is a safe hiding place, a granite safe house for the children of Israel.
Then you'll know for sure that I'm your God, Living in Zion, my sacred mountain.
Jerusalem will be a sacred city, posted: 'no trespassing.'
What a day! Wine streaming off the mountains, Milk rivering out of the hills, water flowing everywhere in Judah, A fountain pouring out of God's Sanctuary, watering all the parks and gardens!
But Egypt will be reduced to weeds in a vacant lot, Edom turned into barren badlands, All because of brutalities to the Judean people, the atrocities and murders of helpless innocents.
Meanwhile, Judah will be filled with people, Jerusalem inhabited forever.
The sins I haven't already forgiven, I'll forgive." God has moved into Zion for good.
sage and report
flag clicker - 1 postfag
> soul
that said: the time to learn if you can become the animal that you are - the animal that only white people can be - the lion that's inside you - if you can make the lowest scum of scum scream out in terror when you bare your true nature
the time to fuck some shit up and fix things is coming soon
fuck the commie faggots
enroll in national guard and follow orders - I am hoping it'll be a fully legal and sanctioned event, giving us a lawful and united states at the end of it - this should be the goal
>a granite safe house for the children of Israel.
Jesus, stop stalking me you fucking faggots!
Just say magazines are types of clips and stop being a faggot about it.
> clips
> magazines
just say magazines are a type of clip and then there's no reason to ever be a faggot again