America would be nothing without Italia, Italia invented many things which america stole.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can't even build a fucking level building

Sure thing Luigi

I love Italy!

give me some pizza recipies giovanni

When he conflates Italy with the Romans and Greeks.

You lot make great food though.

Lombards, not Italians.

Definitely ranks as one of my favourite African countries.

We also can't build that one fucking bridge.
Julius would be ashamed.

Italy is shit. You guys can't even take care of your trash properly.

The tower of pizza is literally the perfect representation of Italy all through it's history. Beautiful building but crooked as shit. It's a miracle it hasn't collapsed yet.

Besides, everybody knows deigos are the Turkroaches of Yurop

With Wien in such a state you speak? ahah

I love Italy. South Italy, North Italy, doesn't matter, it is all beautiful. Please stay the way you are, resist the immigration. Bella Italia!

you are arab rape babies though

lol its a benis

This is a pic of napoli, not a pic of vienna.
We are currently importing your trash and help out or it would look even worse.

bella italia.

>1 post by this ID

300+ upcoming anti-italian replies

italy is in the top 4 countries (ethnicities really) of all time: england, france, germany, italy

but since americas founding youve slipped into irrelevance. italian americans have contributed far more to the world than real italians.

Technically the dude on the right can be the dude on the lefts ancestor

2000 years ago

>italian americans have contributed far more to the world than real italians.
You should read a bit because you are looking quite dumb making such a statement.

The people in Rome were nice when i visited last
Everwhere else people were meanie weenies :'(

that is napoli...

Based Silvio solved the problem years ago. Stop posting fake and old news
Now Rome is the new Naples

You're right. If ital ital was actually a useful ally to Das Reich, America would b fucked. Thanks ital ital, America owes you a bunch.

I just heard something about importing your trash again. I admit I didn't pay attention if it was napoli or rome.

That WAS Napoli, more than 10 years ago. Now its Rome and Milan who are drowning in trash.

Rome is shithole too, I know it very well. I don't know about Milan, last time I've been there was 6 years ago

>Most advanced
>National airline is total shit

Andrea please

italian americans - based, christian, hate the government, hate nogs and other subhumans

italians - well known for their exuberant love of the EU and government control in general. still ran by (mostly nig/islamic) mafioso jews selling your countrys sovereingty for a few shekels

utterly overran with africans and unemployment

Italians literally kickstarted the Renaissance (with help of greeks) and the Great Discoveries.

I never understood why Sup Forums masturbates itself so much on germanics while despising italians and greeks are at the source of everything we take pride in
Should probably blame american education for not studying Humanities anymore.

The Memelord will take you to a tour between the streets of Milanistan

We pay for importing our trash you fucking cuck, you should be grateful

You're also importing sandniggers so who's really worse?

This looks like a shill thread desu senpai

i am ethnically italian. my grandfather immigrated here when he was 15.

I stated Italy is in the top 4, what is so insulting about that? Some of the greatest inventors and thinkers of mankinds history came from Italy, not to mention perhaps the greatest Empire.

I love Italian history, but an unfortunate page of Italian history has been the course of events post-American Revolution.

>He's coming

Ok. Thanks for the pizza and stuff I guess.

It was built in 1100

Americans were still living in tepees back then, and still were in 1700 too lmao

> italian americans have contributed far more to the world than real italians.
You're a fucking idiot, do you know how many inventions, artistic breakthroughs, mathematical, scientific, etc. discoveries have come out of Italy?

How come all your mamma's have sex with their sons?

Italians moved to America en masse. America didn't steal from the Italians, they inherited.

We took istria from you stupid fucks and you cant do anything about it.

>i'm ethnically italian
>a 56%'er

>We took
*(((They))) took

He saves the children, but not the British children

I love my country cause it's still pretty racist.

>that tower

That's amore vecchio amigo

this triggers the fascists

I love you Italy, but
>the most advanced country in the west
come on now.

t. utase/communist backstabbing rat

See:It's a shill thread

Italians are spawned by niggers. Mudshit refugees don't even bother immigrating there because they thought they were still in Africa between all the brown people and crumbling buildings.

fuck your istrian girls during summer holidays is enough for us.

Naples doesn't count as Italy.

Even you guys plagiarised the Greeks.

But in all seriousness, I want to be back on the beaches of Gaeta, I miss it :*)


italians! the niggers of the med!
italians had like 3 people you fuck heads
britain is the only place humans truly evolved
britain: birth of steam, computers, cars, trains, planes (their grandparents were british) president Trump, the men on the moon, the men who put them there. all from the British Empire
Now it's over, dead, gone. Humanity is over.
There is nothing but the slow death as rats enter our self-made prison and gnaw at us in a painful and slow death
digits means an hero quick

>believing the austrian lies

Shut the fuck up sub-human. Gas yourself.

Italy is a shithole, it shouldn't exist as a country and needs to be erased.

You mean "exporting"

Thanks for my Ray Bans, pepperoni!

we don't give a fuck about istria

this. everyone shut the fuck up!

muricans are spawned by europeans you are not a race so shut up fucking nationalist

turkroach albozerg rape baby


romans are italiens


Africa inizia sud delle Alpi, guinea