Lol bongs can get jail time for offending terrorists on social media
Lol bongs can get jail time for offending terrorists on social media
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Bongs live in a nanny state, more news at 11
Funny how the UK went from hanging criminals for the most minor of offences, to hanging victims for the most minor of offences.
gets your dendrites dancin'
Nanny state doesn't describe it. They're goading people into feeling anger then arresting them for being angry. It's the US style of manufactured prison population.
I want to make a fake account and spread hateful propaganda on UK groups.
like I even give a fuck, I say what the bloody hell I want !
Whoever wrote that is a faggot who needs re-training on hate speech laws. They removed the word insulting from the legislation.
>doing jail for words
this is what differentiates truly free countries from state slaves. Sadly even in Poland you can be fined for hate speech. At least I've never heard about anyone being jailed for it.
lol a stick!
sounds like a potential double edged sword to me
bongs should take advantage
A pointy stick,no less
Now how in the fuck am I supposed to make a peanut butter & marmite sandwich?
>They're goading people into feeling anger then arresting them for being angry.
>"Ya honor, I had to rape that white bitch, I'm just so angry."
Are Brits even allowed to have tools? Seems like my entire garage, like $20,000+ worth of tools, would be confiscated in a 'weapons raid'.
>Can join a foreign army, declare war on the United Kingdom and it's people, commit treason, come home, tell everyone you're going to kill a lot of British people on orders from your foreign army...
>...don't get arrested because police "lack the resources"
It's funny because they seem to have plenty of resources to arrest people for pointing out what the fuck is going on.
these posts can't be real....a croquette stick???
>sports are military training in disguise
Ah! The dreadful golf-fu!
Pretty sure that's a sexual emergency.
>not nasty in its proper place, the kitchen
This could apply to more than just knives.
It isn't. Whoever wrote the tweet is a moron. You can't be arrested for offending someone, there was a campaign to change the legislation (led by the guy in the picture...seriously) because it included the word insulting and it was removed.
>bin that post, or you'll be toast
Reported. Police will be there soon. Enjoy prison
brit banter is stuff of legends
I am thinking i could groom blonde british teens with impunity from here, being white as I am.
such a retarded question. you're quoting fake police screenshots of tools taken from a murder investigation and asking whether we're allowed to fix a fence too?
Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if I, a US citizen, made an account specifically to tell them to fuck off with their nanny state bullshit
>be bong
>have a nice putting practice on the lawn
>leave my putter next to my field hockey stick in the stairwell
>gone the next day
>"Fookin' gypy cunts."
>You can't be arrested for offending someone
Yes you can. Public Order Act.
Brits are tools.
Absolutely nothing.
made this one
And when was this change made? Because between 2010 and 2015 there was over 2000 section 127 arrests.
Public Order Act what? There's public order acts dating to the end of the civil war.
Yes you can. It's part of the Public Order Act. They did remove "Insulting", but "Offensive" still remains.
It's up to those arresting, charging, prosecuting and judging you as to what entails "offensive" behavior.
If the victim claims they were "offended" they are obliged to investigate the claims.
Since Muslims can go to Syria for weapons and terror training legally, im formally inviting white brits to America for weapon and freedom training. I'll teach you gun safety, marksmanship, and general riflery.
Nothing. Are you fucking retarded?
That's the Ministry of Love just giving all comrades a friendly reminder!
Literally nothing. At worst they'd ad you to a list to disallow entry into the U.K.
Legally they can't do anything.
You'd discover most were fake upon trying to comment.
Your use of the word 'faggot' has been deemed an offence of inciting hatred on the ground of sexual orientation. Please kindly submit yourself to questioning at your local police station at your earliest convenience. Your details have been passed along to the Online Hate Crime Hub, officers from this unit should be at your address shortly. We sincerely wish the 2 year prison sentence you will receive gives you ample time to reflect on how your toxic views are incompatible with modern Britain.
No you can't because they changed the legislation. It has to be abusive or threatening behaviour. You can't just say you were offended and get someone arrested you dingbat lol
2A works on all human beings
When this happens here in the USA , terrorists including house members and senate members will feel the force of We the people....
>prison for an opinion
thats not a nanny state, thats 1984
Have you seen the fucking comments on OP's link?
Holy shit the people are pissed
kikebook /cheshirepolice/
Time for Americans to use our freedom of speech to spam the uk police with stuff that they consider illegal.
4A, my dude.
If you offend a person to the point of "distress" you can get yourself pinched.
In the case of one young man who left anti-religious cartoons in a public toilet;
>The airport chaplain, who was insulted, offended, and alarmed by the cartoons, called the police.
Part of his sentence was being banned from producing or carrying "offensive" cartoons.
top kek absolutely nothing
Since the UK has become the living embodiment of Poe's Law the line has become blurred between fake tweets and real ones.
So yes, I'm asking if you're allowed to fix a fence and whether or not they trust you with a hammer and nails.
What the fuck is a weapons sweep? sounds like something they do in prisons. Do the authorities over there really go raiding random neighborhoods for household items that could be used as weapons?
only normies use facebook
and if they were serious they'd have to arrest half the country, and half the country would fuck them up for defending the enemy.
>thought crime detected
come get me then motherfucker.
Sure you can.
You just tell them it caused you distress.
Also; If it has to be abusive or threatening, how do you explain guys being arrested for referring to dead people on twitter as "monkeys"?
That's neither abusive (the guy is dead) or threatening (the guy is dead). It's literally just offensive.
Well, the answer is I don't live within 200 miles of London, most of the surrounding area is farmlands and woodlands, yes you can carry pretty much anything you can provide justification for, should you be questioned (you wont be if you're not a nigger).
Not since the end of the 18th century when the Scottish Highland villages were raided by redcoats.
general Brit hate thread before they're all banned from 4chins?
it is something they do in prisons
I take offense to this tweet, you Cheshire cats can go lock yourselves in your own jail cells now, or perhaps you can go climb up a tree with a rope and then make yourselves disappear so that only my smile remains
They do them in the U.S. too. Or used to. I saw it on an episode of Cops. They went into some shit hole in L.A. and did stop and searches and seized a bunch of guns and had a bunch turned in for cash.
They said one of the guns they seized turned out to be one used in a murder, and they went back and arrested the guy they got it off and he coughed up the name of the guy he bought it from and that poor dude got arrested for murder.
Fucking do it dude come to USA, you can have all the hockey sticks and putters you want without them being taken from you
Like the Bongland Supermax?
>half the country would fuck them up
>with no weapons or free speech
Top kek
holy fuck i would murder everyone involved in shaming my little girl like that
jesus christ she would grow up to absolutely fucking hate authority figures if they pulled that shit, what are they thinking?
Hey Bongs, I got you a gift. Wasn't sure if you had one already or not.
This sounds like a good idea. Freedom school.
that has to be a photoshop
more like diversity rehabilitation unit
come home, white man
Wheelie makes you think.
>muh no guns
do you think shotguns and sledgehammers are magically less effective than the knives the terrorists are forced to use? then shut the fuck up.
Lol this reminds me of that swear ticket dispenser from demolition man
There's 3 million gun owners in the UK and about a million more who don't give a shit what the law says. That's a start. You can't appeal for American style gun laws (not yet). The best way is to probably start focusing on open carrying in lights to the recent situation or, as a start, allowing particularly veterans to open carry. That's something Phil Campion, the ex-SAS guy, was advocating for. Then start loosening the licensing system, removing calibre restrictions, the inspection processes, legalising handguns, etc.
also checked
So what's with the weapon sweeps photos here? I'm honestly confused.
Right, what I'm wondering is if they just do it among the general population of non-imprisoned citizens.
We have the 4th Amendment here though. They'd have had to have warrants. They can't just come in our houses and search around hoping they find something.
>man arrested for not smiling
They are fake. Taken from a murder investigation. Like OP's pic and most in the thread.
Besides the Australian user, he's posting some decent stuff which shows how fucked the UK is.