> Sologamy is the act of marrying oneself and the growing relationship trend has seen more and more women in the U.K., Australia, Japan, Taiwan and the U.S., walk down the aisle by themselves to give themselves away to themselves.

> They realized that marriage often represents an individual’s maturation into adulthood and identified that women who didn’t get married were stripped of this “marker in life.”

> “By marrying themselves, women can celebrate their independence and personal growth while making a sacred commitment to whatever responsibilities and promises nourish their uniquely singular lives,” a statement on the company website reads.


that is the most retarded shit ive read since the beginning of 2017

god femicancer has really fucken up white women

they are absolutely destroyed

>women marrying themselves
>men creating artificial wombs

We need Jesus.

They probably never had a First Communion.

It's all about the dress.

>They realized that marriage often represents an individual’s maturation into adulthood
and what's more mature than a $20,000 game of pretend?

I can't blame them, there's no guys worth marrying anymore. They have to pick between shitskins and white numales.

This. Men and women fuck. Should be so simple, yet somehow we've lost the way horribly


aka public attention whoring


yea and worse this shit is spreading to japan and taiwan apparently
western liberalism truly is a cancer

>be such a reprehensibly grotesque feminbitch that no man wants to marry you
>realize you are going to be alone for the rest of your life
>realize you are utterly miserable and hate your life
>decide to marry yourself in a vain act to improve your self esteem
>after the ceremony, go home, feed your cats, and cry yourself to sleep


Sounds like something that is socially acceptable, but has a special definition for my shortcoming, which means my philosophical inability to pair bond and procreate is less stigmatized.
Sounds like you know who...

This has got to be the most depressing shit i ever read and im not even a women...


>tfw too smart for monogamy
>tfw divorcing myself and getting alimony from myself for the rest of my life

Can't wait to see them push for the tax benefits of marriage

there are people out there who take things like this very seriously. makes you think, that you should avoid these vaginiggers at all costs

I don't even have religious leanings, but all this kind of stuff is giving me a uneasy sinking feeling like some immense, invisible force is going to smite the shit out of us for facilitating all this rampant degeneracy.

Im fine with this if it is made fully legal. Cannot get married unless you divorce yourself and pay half your income as alimony to the state.

Thanks fag marriage.

>implying you wouldn't wed yourself to get a tax advantage and have the status of 'marital privilege' to protect your joint assets of user & user against civil lawsuits.

Sign me up. I'll marry myself just so I get a break on taxes. There's nothing degenerate about it as long as you are not engaging in fornication and plan to marry an actual woman one day.

It is pretty easy to do, just just bust a nut, its fun to do.

Holy shit. At least men keep to themselves when they are single and cant have a woman. The moment you realize nobody wants you and need to make a statement out of it, is the saddest thing ever. Sad.

Anyone know which states recognize Sologamy? I'll marry myself by the end of the week if this will work.

In a nutshell

This is it.
Marriage day is the day everyone the bride is the center of everyone's attention. Attention whoring turned up to 11

I also could more easily qualify for welfare and gibsmedat as a married couple than as an individual. How do I get started?

Yeah, no, you need to find a spouse you lazy fucks. No guber muny for you.

> someone marrying itself
WTF how does it can be possible? Marriage is union between two people. What kind of autism do human must have to invent this?

They changed the definition once, from a man and women to two people, so it makes sense that it can be changed again. After all, even you seem to endorse the two people neo definition.

How about I maximize my own income in life first? I see nothing wrong with marrying myself on paper to qualify for better tax rates (nobody else would even know).

> so it makes sense that it can be changed again
But it is stupid.
> even you seem to endorse the two people neo definition
Nope, I just said it wrong way.