What's your excuse for opposing slavery?

Both Christianity and paganism allow slavery, what's you excuse for opposing them? if you don't own slaves you are not a real white patrician man.


A real WASP man


All the great ancient peoples had slaves

Make sure to not to kill your slaves though, Christians

Seems like Sup Forums is too pussified and blue pilled to reply to this thread

It's not that we're pussies, it's that there are better threads than yours

and all the great ancient people believed in geocentrical flat earth and rape was legal.

I'm too autistic even for Sup Forums, nobody responds to my threads. even BBC threads have way more responses

False, ancient knew that earth was round and rape of free citizens was illegal in Rome and Greece

>tfw being taken from your homeland and sold on an auction block like a slab of meat makes you horny


/thread Shareblue

That's why Muslims are winning now, we need to enslave muslims and sterilize them all.

that's hot

No amount of cuckholdry will be as humiliating as this, nothing will be enough for revenge. blacks were eternally BTFO

You may be white you're still a subhuman to me.

We are not white, we are special.

Tell me user, would you like to be a slave and work to the day you die?
While you wife/kids are sold off to some kike pedo Muslim scum?
slavery is barbaric and old,we can do 10 times better with trained professional employees

Slavery is the only reason american blacks exist

No greater evil has been wrought against mankind, no greater blight released upon this earth

Nobody likes being a slave for any other reason than sexual one. I don't have a wife or kids, why would they be sold to Muslims?

it's not barbaric, Romans and Greeks did it more.

All your arguments are appeal to emotion.

No, not sterilizing slaves after freeing blacks is the reason or deporting them or releasing them at all

>it's not barbaric
>the romans/Greeks did it so it's ok
That's appeal to authority, a actual fallacy,go read the sticky
Agian,we can do much better with trained employees

If you want slaves,go looking for the poor/in dept, those are the new,legal,soft slaves
You are OK with slavery as long as you are the master,right?

No, that not my argument, my argument is that it can't be barbaric because barbaric are non-Roman-Greco roman things by definition.

You can't mistreat trained employees, that's no fine.

I'm okay with slavery as long Whites dominate the world and it's not shitskins enslaving me. some slave occupations are cool, would love love to be gladiator.

>I'm OK with enslavement of others
>but not when they do it to me
Alright user, there's nothing left to discus then,have fun enslaving people

That's not what I said kike, I'm fine with whites enslaving me.
I'm unlikely to get enslaved anyway.

So if some leftist feminist death squad enslave your ass,its alright becuz they are technically white?

>Georgians in favor of slavery

>what if black reptilians, gay, alien, transsexual children with cerebral palsy enslave you
Yes, i'm fine with that

Because slavery prevents the development of fundamental actions for the formation of a good human being.

>The importance of being self-sufficient if necessary, not depending on the effort of others.
>The value of developing hard manual jobs that will harden men.
>The absence of an ethnic-cultural presence alien to the native one that grows purposefully to the point where they are already more than the natives.

That last one fucked up so many places.

you can be self-sufficient, many were, slaves mostly did basic jobs.
Romans and Spartans were pretty hardened without working pleb jobs.
Just don't let it grow that much, robots will help out and there won't be that much of a need for slaves

all wagecucks are slaves tbqh. it's just institutionalized

One of the reasons why technology development slowed down in the last centuries of the Roman Empire was because of massive slave work.

There was no incentive to create better machines and new techniques to grow food, manufacture goods, ease communications, etc.

Because it's not like we all are wage-slaves to central banks, haha. How can I oppose something which I am choicelessly?

slavery stagnates technology when you could solve your problem by throwing more slaves at it.

We need to make slavery great again, wagecuckery is boring compared to other form of slavery.

>caring about making job easier for slaves
False, slavery helps non-pleb people focus on better things. during ancient times non-slaves focused on war, we don't have that much war anymore so we can focus on science now.

a machine makes a better slave than any human could. I'm sure if this wasn't the case regardless of any moral standards we have we'd still be using human slaves.

Slaves are the worst kind of labor
>you have to house, feed them
>require constant supervision
>they break their tools and half-ass everything
>can only do unskilled labor
>they may revolt
Bot even worth it tbqh

I don't oppose slavery. Slavery has its uses though less so in the age of mechanization.

Machine don't make good gladiators, sex slaves, they don't do good on anything that requires socializing.
it's better than paying niggers for nothing, all that money that is wasted on shitskins can go into slavery for people to enjoy. slavery can be fun.

It's not cost effective and it imports retards and shitskins who will fuck with the nation's gene pool a few hundred years down the line.

shitskins can be exterminated and pleb whites can be enslaved instead.

Christians don't allow slavery.

That's because they are complete cuckholds now and let libtardism and political correctness inform their spiritual beliefs.