Umm, no sweetie... She was an angel
Umm, no sweetie... She was an angel
Other urls found in this thread:
A fallen angel
Good thing that van was there
She WAS an angel.
Then something turned her into a dangerous jew puppet.
Even monsters are cute when they're young.
I wish I would have fucked her when she was small.
Just a darling.
Fakest damn smile I've ever seen a little girl have. Her eyes tell it all. Literal devil.
A scary as fuck angel for sure, I wouldn't come close to her.
Hillary is a HUMAN
Watch as she does perfectly human activities
Lucifer also was an angel.
Most villains usually look good.
fucking KEK
kill yourself
More like an angel of death.
But President Trump gets TWO scoops...
Was it Monica Lewinsky?
She was already a lib shill and Alinsky puppet during Watergate. It was just still PC for a woman to call niggers on their shit back then.
so was the devil
Traction needed here URGENTLY
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/128735512/uk-gov-linked-to-fake-news-huge#bottom
I don't know why but I laughed harder than I should have at that comment.
Quit shilling for your own threads, faggot.