Over 200 new child sex cases open in Bongland

>the (((Asians))) ply the young girls with drinks and drugs before raping them
>the girls do not report these men despite being underage and the men being much older because the girls think they are their boyfriends
How does it feel knowing Muhammad gets more teen pussy than you, Brit/pol/?


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You don't have to be a bong to feel but all my suffering in life feels like it's all for nothing when scumbags like this come into our countries, rape our women and then have the media praise them and defend them

how is one meant to cope with this insanity that happens in our "1st world countries" at what point do we say enough is enough and drop every responsibility to reclaim our lands again from these failed humans

We need to start taking political action. I've seen the Brits sitting in their threads talking about being comfy while their country burns around them. It looks like they just don't care anymore and would rather wallow in self pity than take action. There is no unity amongst them.

Good to see they're properly integrating.

Pic related

>We need to start taking political action.
And do what? In every white country there are politicians left, right and centre who just kiss the ass of the "establishment"
Doesn't matter who we vote for, labour or liberal, democrat or republic, it doesn't matter, they all just shill for 3rd world refugees while telling us it's good for our economy

It's too late for political action, all right wing, anti-islam, anti-3rd world immigration parties don't stand a chance now, half our generation doesn't care about politics and will vote for whoever gives the most free shit
There is no hope for the future, and it's bad enough knowing that everyone is too comfy to do shit about it

Traditionally, bongs are very harsh on their kids
They are very critical of their kids
They don't show approval or affection to their kids
It's because they don't want their kids to get swelled heads
Kids who don't find love and approval, support etc at home, search for it outside the home
And outside the home, the filth are waiting ...

Why do you think that's cool? Virtually any older man could pull that off with a teenage girl. White men don't, mostly because we don't want to do decades of jail time.

This hit me two days ago
I'm perpetually filled with rage but when I heard about the latest terror attack, I tried to hang myself twice because there is literally nothing you can do anymore. Luckily I was just drunk enough and my garage rafters were too low so I couldn't finish the job but i'll probs end up trying again soon.

Getting some heroin next week to ease me into checking out. Blackpill well and truly swallowed.


Haven't been watching the news or Sup Forums very much today, what's been happening?

Something about Notre Dame?

British people are such cucks they are probably getting off to this.

There are literally no Muslims in England. This is a lie put out by the ARYAN PROPAGANDA SERVICE.

Meanwhile, ARYANS are running rampant on our streets, killing and maiming all in their path.

Just imagine each and every one of their faces in a circle surrounding some pristine 13 year old British white girl, slapping her face with their unwashed desert cocks

this forced meme is pure cringe

Tories complicit in CNN fake news



Wait a minute... those aren't asians

Ffs user. Atleast kill a few muzzies before you an hero. If you are accepting chaos might as well stir some up.

This is the best meme on Sup Forums.

You're a fucking humourless pleb.

>because the girls think they are their boyfriends

If that's actually true, what the FUCK is wrong with them?

Does anybody know if those girls who went missing after the Grande bombing turned up yet? Alot of ' free taxi rides' for underage girls given by fucking mudslimes.

The UK is absolutely out of control with immigrant crime.

They considered those 'men' their boyfriends? Maybe it's true what they say about british girls...

Too young and stupid to know that they are being manipulated with alcohol. Nobody would lucidly consent to being touched by these ugly fucking pakis.

Those girls are fatherless and are simply looking for something to fill the void. It's "daddy issues" taken to a perverse extreme, the sandmonkeys are merely exploiting it because despite what the media attempts to portray, white men are massively less likely to be pedophiles than non-whites.

Without being too crass or heartless...

These girls are "chavs" thick, horrible, little scum slags.

I'd still kill all of the rapists though but society had already failed them or more truthfully they had failed society

Anyone watch that that BBC miniseries Three Girls bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08rgd5n

Was fucking ragefuel of the highest calibre, account from one of the girl was that 3 of the pakis raped her anally with no lube while suffocating her with a plastic bag over her head.

This country is well and truly fucked.

Shitskins are absolutely disgusting, i don't know how anyone can live among them.

Protip: Sunni Muslims believe their religion gives them the right to rape non muslims. Its in the Bukhari

>16 people identified as a Jedi Knight
Fucking Jedi paedo scum.

Why not grab a sword and fight?