Quality post. Inshallah, brother.
>hurr your ideas are wrong cuz i said so
>your enforced morality is arbitrary
And yours is not? Or should we just do away with social norms and rules and do whatever feels good. Gas yourself, you cancerous mongoloid.
If it didn't exist, why are people so adamant on fighting against it?
all morality is an arbitrary popular consensus on what standards of behavior work best for producing a healthy society. The only morality with any form of universal root that we can observe is the natural one, brutal Darwinism.
Considering the right wing is generally epitomized at natural Darwinism, your logical leads us to the conclusion that leftists have the more arbitrary, unnatural moral position.
His is the word of ALLAH, you infidel
Exactly. The only morality I have is the 14 words - and that means in an objective Darwinian sense to secure a future for my future granddaughters and sons. All other arguments are jew sophistry and mean less than nothing to me.
no german breed like a doberman would be siding against whites or nazis. they have the decency to know their master.
Allah is another name for Satan.
Muhammad was an antichrist, the guy was a dumbfuck animal who couldn't stop raping and killing, that should have tipped you off
Would be more accurate about left wing 68er bs
>m-muh morals
lmao faggot
LARPers coming out of the wood work, I see.
Why aren't there any leader examples in the Anarcho Capatilism section?
>implying the upper class wasn't the most degenerate part of what I idealize
>morality is arbitrary
Is this supposed to be hurtful because you didn't think dogs could be this stupid?
>muh morals and traditions are just arbitrary, and they were never widely practiced anyways. white people are naturally marxist - that's how we got to where we are today
>m-muh morals
It really must suck being a nigger with a 2 digit IQ. That is why I don't hate you guys. My feels are more like contempt and pity at your wretched genetic pedigree, completely ill equipped for the modern world. You niggers are literally antiquated farm equipment we let hang around out of pity.
>mutilated dog with no tail
Why do Americans like looking at a dogs asshole all the time?
This absolutly destroyed.
How will plebbit's legions of armchair philosophers ever recover?
can't tell if serious
>implying what you believe is superior
>yet you have no opinion on it
>s-stop! you're being wrong!
>your idea of traditional western values never existed outside a romantic upper class
Categorically false
>your enforced morality is arbitrary
All morality is a social construct but that doesn't make it arbitrary
>not based on any principles
Also false