Eric Clapton's Lawyer Trolled on Camera at Courthouse

YT Link
>Called Kekistani flag the KKK flag on camera
>"Did you just call us for being part of the KKK?"
>Questioned about Sup Forums evidence, calls it hate, racist, sexist speech
>"Kneeling, praying for peace, and got beat over the head with a bike lock by your client! And your response to that is online you've seen alot of racist and hate speech?"

>"Do you protect the rights of the public by calling everybody racist?"
>"Is the US Constitution not worth Protecting? Free speech? All of it?"

Best timeline, gentlemen. A shoutout to those who developed and curated the information which made this break the meme barrier. Praise Kek!

shadilay my dude ;))

Id slap that meat if you know what I mean.

hahaha epic troll!!!!!!! XDDDDDD praise kek my fellow pedes amirite or amirite???? SHADILAY and check my numbers KEK

... The flag says it all.

>South Africa..

We gotta sit this guy down
And have a good chat

>a fucking leaf

How badly should be shit on eachother's digits?

I have no doubt that OP is the whiny TD worshipping nasally shit heel squeaking "Praise Kek! xD" behind the camera of that video and I want his skull to be exploded under an articulated lorry