>A writer for a far right website ... has been sacked over an anti-Muslim tweet after the London Bridge terror attack.
What's wrong with this picture?
>A writer for a far right website ... has been sacked over an anti-Muslim tweet after the London Bridge terror attack.
What's wrong with this picture?
Other urls found in this thread:
>mirror co uk/news/uk-news/writer-far-right-breitbart-website-10566043
i'll give her a job as a live in sex slave. can only pay with neetbux though and tendies.
Why did Breitbart go cuck on this? She literally said nothing wrong.
you do know welfare is different than voluntary donations right you retard?
She got right to the heart of the matter. MSM doesn't like that. They want to give you reason to keep coming back rather than getting off you ass and doing what is necessary
(((breitbart))) is going full cuck, they let in too many diversity hires like that raheem faggot, and since bannon has left they're trying to go mainstream, time to switch to the daily caller.
There isn't any hypocrisy here, nobody said charity was bad, but forcing taxpayers to give to African nations against their will is bad.
More like Katie McJew, amirite?
>What's wrong with this picture?
absolutely nothing, hot af
she looks less jewish when she isn't opening her eyes so much and isn't doing a retarded selfie
Lol what cucks
The hero Sup Forums needs
You're an Indian
Whoa...it's almost as if Breitbart is...alt-lite or something...
What's wrong with this girl eyes.
It's like she's constantly in panic or something.
It's like a wild animal when you point your car lights towards it.
Breitbart are a bunch of cucks
This madwoman is too good for them
>What's wrong with this picture?
My cock isn't in her mouth.
Fuck breitbart.
More gold from her
its called crazy eyes
The 9% Hispanic is her bushy eyebrows
LMAO how is Sup Forums falling for the fact that this is a dude playing catfish.
Nerds are getting more desperate by the day.
>"There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn't live there"
Patently false. There's always some cunt who'll commit a terrorist act because he gets cucked at work or his girlfriend leaves him for a kike. I don't like Muslims but this is just sloppy.
i must breed her
>far right
She's great
Breitbart is Alt- Kike
Oh shit. lol
Pajeet btfo'd
Seriously? Oh shit your from America i guess you would see it that way.
RWDS eyes. You just know she'd be down for killing commies. Maybe the old "girl lures you into false sense of security" trick on the squad.
This is Sup Forums level shitposting.
>retards thinking this one decent pic is what she actually looks like
>What's wrong with this picture?
She has teh crazy eyes.
Never stick your dick in the crazy.
What was Rogan's response to her?
She looks like a jap
So making an observation on an ideology that's already shown itself as violent, is worthy of losing your job over?
Holy fuck this generation is filled with whiny little bitches who never grew out of kissing up to their teachers by telling on other students.
private donations aren't government welfare dumbass
Ah, it makes sense now.
((((Conservatives)))) weren't happy that she was waddling a bit too far right
gibmedatmoney tho
I don't agree with my fellow American.
Britain would be better off with all of it's mudslimes dead, or deported to the bottom of the fucking ocean.
I think I prefer alt-con for Breitbart's breed of 'alt-right but no no not really'
Impossible. To not stick dick in crazy. If a man is heterosexual he has no choice. But to stick penis in crazy. If a man is gay, he has no choice. Because butt sex is crazy and anyone enjoying it is also an extreme lunatic. Therefore this crazy too.
There no escape. There no escape.
>weed dude lmao
You make a good point, user.
Alt neocon
this, I have noticed they ignore a lot of topics
I have a fetish for crazy chicks. A 7/10 crazy chick is more attractive to me than a 9/10 normie, especially if crazy means aspie tho.
>A 7/10 crazy chick is more attractive to me than a 9/10 normie
I can't mane. My mom and sister are crazy. I think I have a psychological need to re-create my childhood life.
Take it from someone who has the same fetish: it's not worth the hospital bills, multiple property fires and physical scars.
fucking hell cunt, get one of your mates to act as a designated cockblocker. fucking crazy is simply unsafe.
I also had fetish for crazy chicks. More than just pretty girls. Crazy chicks are much easier and do way more stuff. High five folks. Hell yes.
You may have noticed I said had fetish. Yes....try some. Try some. You will want flea dip and spirit wash.
You will need some kind of enlightening spiritual experience now. Tibet? But you will not have fetish. Not after.
In time....the scars will heal.
truth, revolutionary act, etc
Fapping is the ultimate red pill. You can't get cucked.
do you ever sleep based nork archiver?
She went too blunt for Breitbart. The point is to be subversive.
She had to find a creative way to say there be no terrorist attacks if Muslims didn't live there.
You have to be subtle and subversive until the day of the purge or you gain enough power.
You would too if you thought you were seeing Muslim terrorists everywhere you went.
you are literally cucking yourself
>literally grabbing a cock in your hand
>cum splashes all over your hands and tummy
Kys you fucking fag
She's brilliant! I would fornicate with this lady.
I do enjoy breitbart but you have to be careful because it is still run by jews
He is not indian but Iranian.
She fired not because she is racist but because she is stupid
She's hilarious but she's also clearly off her gourd.
Those eyes though.
No one cares you smelly poo-in-loo. She is still based for using "You're an Indian" as an insult.
She's a doll.
>paying someone for content you enjoy
Not too bright, are you?
trying to go mainstream = constantly bootlicking the leftists
no balls
That whore is a psychopath. Yes, use that against her.
Breitbart is basically good for anything EXCEPT for articles about Israel and Syria.
But I agree, this sacking is kind of worrying. HOWEVER, before we jump to conclusions, I think we should explore other possible reasons why she could have gotten the sack. I've seen too many women who've gotten sacked for incompetence or excessive unexcused absences try and blame their firing on something else for me to just take one of them at their word.
>See archived link
>Check flag
>Always Norway
>Still surprised
wow, very clever kikebart. They are going to astroturf this cunt into the alt-right and she'll become another Lauren Southern. She'll be more "edgy" then the rest because of her status of "getting sacked" by Breitbart Jews because... she... attacked muzzies? I've seen worse from brietbart this is being done on purpose dont fall for kikebart tricks. Bannon is fat and not as clever as he thinks he is. Fuck you kikes and your kosher rightwing
This Norgay Autist is pretty impressive.
Doesn't matter where on the chart he was, her point stands: Non-Whites don't get a say in the immigration policies of White countries.
>those tweets
What a bunch of pussies
>I'd rather have a Muslim American as my neighbor than you with your racist values
Who the hell would want some smelly brown people who hate your way of life to live by you than a pretty, racially conscious white girl?