digits for shitskins
Why a hammer, out of all things you could chose he chose a hammer..... Do you know how fucking hard it is to kill someone with a hamer? It fucking sucks.
Stop. [spoiler]Hammer time.[/spoiler]
Right Ahmed? I'm sure a German made truck would be far more efficient
Not that i would know, im just assuming
>fuck you government
>Do you know how fucking hard it is to kill someone with a hamer? It fucking sucks.
Thanks for telling.
Gee hans tells us more about it.
Inb4 >t.Mohammed
suspect dead
They have been desperate there for a while. They also directly attack police and gendarmes now, to be sure to get shot in the minute. Dunno, I think they want the "muslim people" to get outraged and raise all at once after those attacks, but I'm sure no kebab will get mad for literal retards killing themselves like that.
Whack someone not looking and it's lights out for good
Don't worry we will sing songs about love, talk about how we were never so united before, create more hashtags and talk about how we hate borders and laws and shit. Diversity makes us strong!
Until another attack happens.
Ban hammers.
If i would want to kill as many people as possible a hammer wouldn't be within my top 10 of favorable weapons.
Yeah I remember reading a sort of biography-by-interview of one serial killer from polant.
Usually he just used an axe and then raped the women he killed, but once he figured out that axe is messy so he'll try a hammer.
The victim survived, was completely crazy but sane enough to recognise his face. That's how he got caught.
Mossad working overtime. They'll have their mortgages paid in no time
wolf, wolf, wolf,
pretty easily actually
sneak up and hit this spot, he ded
see Axe>hammer
Hammers are everywhere, they're semi-concealable and somewhat acceptable to carry in public, they're more effective than knives unless you go for the throat which is risky.
I don't see why it would be a bad choice?
No one was hurt except the terrorist
>hammers are acceptable to carry in public
Is this confirmed
Halt. Hammerzeit!
Daa da da daaa, da daaa, da daaaa
Somewhat, put on a pair of work pants and no one will bat an eye at you.
Why did god give you all the humor when he created the German people?
Reminder that Austrians are not Germans.
In fact Germans do not exist, the contemporary German is just an amalgamation of Dutch, French, Austrians, Czechs, Poles, Turks, Syrians and Danes. 1806, never forget, never forgive.
Could be a gateway incident or precedent-setter. Yeah, if one person does it then it's almost laughable. But if it happens every other week then it becomes a problem for churchgoers and tourists or anyone who frequents the area for that matter.
Or maybe he was testing the waters for others like him. If that's the case he wasn't a psycho, just an idiot.
Hue, wat have against Rape-fudgees?! A hammer & sickle!