Based Overwatch?

So, I recently bought Overwatch and quickly realized that Blizzard seems to share our views quite a lot:

>Mercy is an Aryan woman, blonde and with blue eyes. She is easily the most attractive character of all and protrayed as a literal angel.

>Reinhardt is another germanic character, portrayed as being brave, powerful and honourable. Just like Mercy, he also has a focus on helping the team instead of a selfish playstyle - further reinforcing the ideology of NatSoc.

>Winston on the other hand is arguably the only black character (depending on whether or not you count Lucio), portrayed as a monkey. Winston is by far the worst tank and almost always a bad pick (from what I have read so far).

>Pharah used to be the only muslim character (perhaps there are only a few left in the future, hopefully) and - who knew? - she is using explosives.

>Reaper and Sombra are both Mexican - and both evil. Who would have thought?

Anyone else who noticed this? Was this intentional?

Other urls found in this thread:

winstons useless unless against very low leath enemys and he does his "ooga booga where all the white woman at" special
pharah is overpowered, literally a flying rocket launcher
reaper and sombra are both kinda shitty

all the best players are white excluding pharah and asians such as mei or ginji

Both Hanzo and Genji seem to be very concerned about honour and tradition, as far as their characters are shown. I respect that.

Reaper is just...I mean, did a 13-year-old design him?

I can't say much about Sombra, she's kinda missing a personality.

>winstons useless unless against very low leath enemys
and I wanted to play it only because I could play cool gorilla

saved me some money, thanks

dont fap to jew watch girls,

Give me one reason why Mercy does not portray a perfect Aryan woman?

too late amigo

Helden sterben nicht.


The archetypes are too deep for them to ignore. At a conscious level theres no way they believe anything but lefty pc bullshit, but in their actions they recreate the truth unwittingly