Can any bongs explain this, why is it such a big deal to not have TV licence? Saw it numerous times and got curious. Tried google, bunch of worthless results
UK and TV licences
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>why is it such a big deal to not have TV licence?
Because the government knows who propaganda is failing to reach.
It pays for the BBC. Basically another fucking tax that covers the properganda the BBC pump out.
t. Bong on Holiday. Hence flag.
You should probably stay in Bulgaria.
Kek. Yep, It's safer and the beer is really cheap.
Yeah seem like a form tax. But they go way overboard with threats
Not a bong but as I understand it there's an assumption that nearly everyone owns a TV, so if they're not paying for a TV license it's akin to tax evasion.
>holiday in bulgaria
I've never bought one but you get regular letters and the occasional visit from from some tosser. Just shred the letters and don't answer the door.
BBC hate thread
Here follows a list of the crimes the BBC have perpetrated against Sup Forums and the Human Race.
>Funded under threat of force.
The BBC is a Communist organisation that uses State violence to procure funds. Anyone found to be receiving transmission without first purchasing a (((teevee licence))) opens themselves up to the possibility of State violence and persecution.
>Denigrates Sup Forums
Constantly moans about the site. Called it an "extreme free speech messaging board"
>Denigrates anime
Sent some worthless whore to Japan to get fucked on the taxpayer dime. While she was there she moaned about anime and Japanese culture, bringing disgrace to Britain with her horse face and provincial accent.
>Lies to the world
Uses it's ill gained funds to spread globalist propaganda worldwide via its pernicious BBC world service, bringing further dishonour to the U.K
>Environmentally irresponsible
The BBC lazily spews it's pollution into the Earths electromagnetic field, instead of keeping it safely contained inside telephone wires and encoded satellite transmissions where it belongs. Then it has the gall to complain about those who pick up its un-encoded filth transmissions (((illegally))), even tho the transmissions end up on people property whether they like it or not, violating the NAP. This kind of disgraceful behavior messes up the navigational abilities of bees, reducing pollination, increasing global warming and contributing to the extinction of all life on Earth (probably).
>Provides cover to foreign pedophiles by way of lack of coverage.
Sins of omission.
>Intentionally named its organisation after a porn category
>Is an anachronism
Does anyone still watch television these days? Its like needing a licence for a typewriter. Just who the fuck do these people think they are?
>Will never name the Jew
Your government threatens you about other shit too.
The only thing I can think of thats similar here is the anti drunk driving campaign.
Trip across most of Europe. Mates went to Turkey. Fuck that! So I'm waiting in Bulgaria for them to get back.
It's not a big deal, it's the just (((BBC))) desperate for more money.
Empty threats.
It's even a TV license, it's a BBC license if anything. You can watch TV legally for free if there wasn't the BBC on it. But considering you can't remove one channel from the whole network...
Hence why you buy Sky TV and ignore it all.
You have a TV and want to watch broadcast terrestrial TV. You have to buy a license. It's basically a subscription fee and if you don't watch TV (((they))) will come round to your house to check that you aren't watching TV.
Look it up on YouTube. You'll find a load of dodgy cunts who are obviously watching TV and think they're getting one over on ((((the man)))) by being arseholes to the people that have been sent round to check the situation.
To be fair it's a God awful mess of a system to fund the State broadcaster and probably costs more to police than it makes in fining the scum, (and they are scum) that think they can get away with paying.
They either need to scrap the BBC as a sort of but isn't really state broadcaster. Or put an extra 2 quid a week on everyone's national insurance.
Fuck television.
>It's even a TV license
not even*
just google it for some pictures
type something like "bulgaria holidays" or "burgas"
all you need to know the British public are retards for still propping up this propaganda machine
Nice. Have one (or several) for me since I am stuck here wage slaving all day.
fucking hideous organisation
Jesus, Brits are pathetic
Never had one and only thing that happens is a few letters and some cunt knocking on your door every so often but just tell them to fuck off.
This is wrong. The license cover receiving live transmissions. Not just the BBC. So even if you only watch Sky never BBC you still need a (((teevee license)))
But yet your countrymen flock here as soon they're old enough.
A TV license applies to any device that could see television programs like a computer, gaming console or cellphone too.
Do you think you don't have TV licences?
I'm pretty sure the fee is covered when you subscribe to sky.
Just do what everyone else does. Drink at work.
Erm. No.
i like it how the uk govt constantly threatens their citizens so overtly.
They want us to pay to watch their fake terror attacks and scripted propaganda. I ditched my brainwash TV years ago. It puts people into a trance. That's why they call it programming.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about.
It isn't.
Be nice to him man. I don't want to have to clean my own toilet.
Well when i was with sky for 10 years i never got a letter.
In Germany you have to pay now "Rundfunkbeitrag" for watching ARD/ZDF whatever the fuck state shows around 17€ per month.
The worst thing is, even if you don't even have a fucking TV you still have to pay it and sponsor state propaganda which shows you bullshit.
Germany is cucked on a much higher level than that
I have thought about it but eventually I would have to get behind the wheel and I never drink and drive.
If I lived in a city and went on public transport I would probably be lit a couple times a week.
>hurr obligatory counter-flag bantz
I'm French, and yes France is pretty pathetic too, but Britain is outright dystopian. Look at this fucking sign , wtf kind of a country does this? What kind of a democracy does this ? Bongs have lost their fucking marbles.
>why is it such a big deal to not have TV licence?
It pays for the BBC. If you don't watch TV, you don't need to pay it and it isn't a big deal
>I'm French
stopped reading at that desu
Were you renting?
Yeah we do but its not so 1984-like
They go after soft targets and bullshit/bluff when somebody wealthy enough refuses to pay. The highest profile one in recent years was Noel Edmunds. They ended up bullshitting about him having a licence according to their records. I don't watch anything but streaming or DVD/BR so bollocks to them. They can pay for their own Rohypnol to spike childrens Sunny D with.
Do you work for the government?
what happens if you just don't pay?
they can't force you to write a check...
We should ask for reparations. Because our TV licence money paid for Jimmy Saville and Gary glitter to appear on totp
This is how our system worked as well. Was always waiting for the kind of retard inspector who would force himself inside without juridical right, just to beat one up legally. Never happened, now it's integrated in taxes (I stopped paying those and went to uni until sanity ensues again)
They keeps sending threatening letters and showing up at your door and asking for gibs.
Nice to show to us all what is the average british citizen like, which tell us a lot about the current state of your country.
Please stay in denial a tad longer, you won't be able to after Britain become a califate.
I'm doing them a favour by not answering the door really. I'm such an ugly cunt the poor little tart would probably die of a terminal fear induced rectal prolapse.
burn the letters for warmth and if they show up at the door either don't open it or slam it in their bloody faces.
fuckin hell the worlds gone mad
Nah, that's line rental user
Not for long, in fact I wish it were possible for me to move to Poland.
Once there was an Austrian boy who lived in Germany who had that very same dream.
Hol up,
So you're telling me if I live in the UK and don't own a TV I still have to pay for a license for one?
I swear I can smell them
Dude Britian is full 1984 now. Yall are so fucked
No. If you don't own a tv or any device that can receive the BBCs dirty propaganda then you are exempt from the TV licence.
Wait till you hear about line rental...
Not really. Bongs can turn off the telescreens without the government getting suspic.
>Be American
>Watch broadcast TV News for free over the air with no repercussions.
Checkmate Bongs.
sorry but if any of my fellow britbongs actually pay for a tv license you're fully retarded
you really do not need one
like all you have to do is say youre not paying it and then never speak to the guy who comes to your door to check, nor let him in your house (obviously)
if you believe in the trucks you're seriously retarded
You have commercials to sit through every 6 1/2~7 minutes, that last 2 1/2~3 minutes long.
>Don't pay tax
>Oy open up m8 we don't need no warrant we no u wanking in 'ere.
>Open up
>They destroy home
>Find no TV
>You still go to jail for tax evasion for a service you didn't use
The fact they dont need a warrant to go into your house is fucked up enough.
seriously where the fuck do you get this shit ive never paid a TV license since the day i moved out and every year they send a letter and then a guy to the house and every year i tell him to go away and that is literally the end of it
>tfw we have a TV license tax as well
They can't legally enter your home, but they can assume you have something, be it a phone, a laptop, a tablet, radio, anythiing that can transmit the National television so you gotta pay
>tfw just failed the licence exam
Messed up the section on TV safety (sharp corners). I just wanted to watch the bake off. Anyone else have problems with it?
You unpatriotic scum, how fucking dare you not pay for Jamal to enter the country to fuck your girlfriend.
Is a British TV Licence something like the Japanese NHK?
Does anyone even watch TV anymore?
I have not had TV in about five years and I do not miss it one bit. My parents and my siblings got rid of their TV's as well.
its ok that tax money would only have gone to the jew bbc anyway >:)
...a tv LICENSE???!?!? What in the fuck is that?
Don't attack the Pole because he's right.
He's right.
>what happens if you just don't pay?
They send you rude letters at first
Then some prick comes to your door demanding to be let in to search your home to see if you have a TV. If you tell said jobsworth to fuck off, they reply "WE'LL BE BACK WITH A WARRANT AND THE POLICE"
Its just another scare tactic. If they had enough evidence for a warrant, they'd have enough evidence to prosecute you anyway.
So, basically, nothing happens.
Not paid for one for the last 7 years
They used to send letters every month saying they know the address hasn't got a license but did nothing else. Live in a block so they don't even have access to anywhere near the property.
New place doesn't have one and don't intend to. Not even a letter here so far.
It was even worse back then. We had to pay a fucking RADIO LICENCE until the 1960's
What the actual fuck
>eu freedom
Eventually they just sue you and if you're having bad luck, you'll end up in jail for a few months.
https ://
no it doesnt,only if you watch or record LLIVE BROADCASTS from the BBC
i own a 4k tv and i dont pay it and never have and never will
they have been to my door and i told them to fuck off,my tv is just a monitor for my pc anyway i dont watch tv
in germany you have to pay the license regardless if you own a tv or not lmao
it's cheap and is fun, like México, come here lads is safe I swear
BBCs dirty propaganda in on the internet too
so can they charge you for owning a computer or a smartphone?
I mute the TV through the commercials, jokes on them
>inb4 non-auditory, visual MKUltra programming via commercials
no,only for watching or recording live bbc tv
Bulgaria , or at least Sofia, is full of gorgeous women, and a cheap place to party. Right up there with Slovenia and Croatia in my book.
just watch for pickpockets and don't go to any "house parties", they'll just get you drunk and rob you.
It's called Rundfunkstaatsvertrag. Literally Broadcasting state contract. The state made a contract with a private business for you. Basically signed a contract with your name under it. A contract for every household.
Like every contract that private company can and will be able to enforce the payment through the court system.
In the end they will send someone working for the local court to your home.
These people can block your bank accounts. If you still don't pay they will come to your house and seize stuff of equal worth.
Also they can put you in jail until you pay. This is called Beugehaft. Literally translated: jailed until you bow down.
>and it isn't a big deal
Then what's with them paying for a billboard that costs more than 3 TV licenses? Why is it more important to intimidate people and shame them publicly?
Seems like a big deal to me.
Another question: Why do you think Muslim extremists think it'll be 'easy' to install sharia law in England?
Texfag here, I love Mexico, it's just dangerous enough to keep the tourists out of most of the country.
You just have to say you don't have a tv and they can't do shit, not allowed in your house to find out for themselves, so nothing they can do. It's all bollocks.
There's a TV-license fee in Sweden aswell, except noone in his right mind pays it, unlike Britain where they'll kick your door in and shoot your kneecaps off if you try to evade.
this is some fucked up dystopian shit idk how you bongs are even remotely ok with this
also bbc's full of pedos
I use netflix, hulu and HBO now and don't watch commercials. Haven't seen a commercial in 5 years.
When I see a commercial in public, like on a bar TV, I can't believe how terrible they are. I'm glad I don't have to watch that shit anymore.
But the Brits are fucked. What a pathetic country.
The BBC is an archaic institution that is no longer relevant or necessary in any way. They created this myth about their TV licence detection superpowers, and they send hired thugs to your door if you don't pay up, because they depend on our money to keep them going. They know full well they have no actual power, so it all revolves around fear tactics and social engineering. Doesn't help that you get these whiny cunts who support them no matter what, because muh BBC and muh monarchy is the only thing that makes us British. Fucking idiots.
Had one of their goons tell me I need a license since I have dvds of tv shows which count as recorded content.
Fucking bastard
>mfw never pay TV licence
>live in the middle of nowhere
>government can't understand why I don't have a TV
>stream everything on my pc monitor
>every few years they send some faggot to come down to my area to check
>because I'm in a small village word spreads extremely quick
>guy comes to my door
>pretend I'm not in
>lay under my covers in my bed watching anime and shit posting while the faggot rages
>here him say "I know your in there"
>my three doggos are going mad snarling and growling at him
>purposely play music really loud to piss him off
>love watching the wage slave rage
>he eventually gives up and drives away
Also another story
>faggot government decides to charge for water
>not paying a cent for it because fuck that
>faggots put the metres in
>keep getting bills
>not paying
>they send a faggot to my door
>do the same thing as before
>faggot gets mad and is hammering at my door for a solid 20 mins
>eventually fucks off
In the end Irish water collapsed. All the idiots that paid lost their money
>get a life, bin that kitchen knife
>you must watch TV so you're guilty until proven innocent. I'll put up threats around your neighbourhood
>part and parcel
>may or corbyn
why is the UK so fucked?