HAPPENING: Leaked Antifa Training Manual

The Radicalization of Evergreen: 3 Years of Anarchist Propaganda Literature from Evergreen State College Student Groups (2008-2011)

>I feel compelled to come forward with evidence that the school has allowed student groups (at best) or domestic terrorists (at worse) to indoctrinate freshman into their extremist ideology. This documentation shows intent to corrupt the school by infiltrating its faculty and staff, and among other things, promotes theft/shoplifting/vandalism/arson, and celebrates violence, bank-robbing, and cop-killing.


Get in here Sup Forums, time to study the enemies tactics.

Other urls found in this thread:


More: metafilter.com/143060/Freshman-Disorientation


Why is this thread not getting more replies? This is interesting shit. I'm reading the manual right now

Anyone have a link to the R2Dindu video?

my home state is so fucking embarrassing

Tacoma is bae


This is training dipship university kids how to be terrorists.

Degeneracy: The Manual

this is long as fuck, but I couldnt find anything really noteworthy. They are max cringe, say they hate the government yet want to hand over total control to it, love whatever the Jews told them to love that week.

What in the actual fuck? This manual is straight-up cancer.

>Why is this thread not getting more replies?

Because it requires reading and not just looking at shitty infographics.


>shower beforehand
>do not use amphetamines before


Infographic? I got you

Bump, this shit is pretty big actually.


If you all want a digital copy that isn't phonecam shots the libtards left their digital copy up at:


For anybody who doesn't know what NARCAN is, it's for niggers who overdose on heroin

too many font changes in that fucking manual,
no wonder they recruit such useless autists.




Thank you, have some imaginary shekels.


And they accuse us of being fascists. The only difference i see here is we are honest about our authoritarian tendencies.

I thought VPNs were banned from Sup Forums

Thanks for the user who linked this the last time, it's amazing.


nice pleb tier weaponry


It appears the first place to break this story was

Also, ping times in London are really fast today. What's up with that? X-D

Shareblue has been out in force pushing the Russian thing like always

>people are this mad about a guy writting limp bizkit on a wall

Oh you are fascist and they are as well.

But it seems you have zero fucking idea what fascist means.

Uh...that is what i said.

luv how r2dindu pops up out of nowhere at 1:20

>keeping to one lover can feel stifling to queer people

I put the pictures into a thing and upped it

-7/10 you're not even trying

Anti-shill Bump

It has nothing to do with "authoritarian tendencies".

bump. This is one of the matches that will start the fire. Something to keep an eye on.

The feds are going to have a field day with Antifa now.

we are fascists because its a great political ideology, unlike anarchy. fascism promotes social order, keeping key industries state-owned so they never become ran by subverters, promotes patriotism and unity, takes care and lifts up the needy, preserves culture and sovereignty

anarchy is literally just rationalization guilt from hedonism/degenerate lifestyles, as well as being so comfortable in society that you lack identity and meaning.

Στραβός έισαι ρε Νιούφαγk; Αυτό είπε

how is any of this new to anyone here? its been disseminated since teh weathermen days.

there were training groups for this shit at every major and second tier university since the 60's.

communist bookshops in big college towns have workshops on how to make pipebombs. I've seen it in chapel hill, and in orlando.

god knows those morons will blow themselves up, but still they think they are going to throw the fucking things like a vidya.


Who knew cancer would be so adorable?

wtf i'm i witnessing?


Fascism against a group of people is the correct word used instead of "Racism".

What you are talking about is ideologies and how you want to live.

Also being American and wanting state-owned industries is basically asking for a suicide.

Sup Forums is anarcho-fascism


>digging shit out of a dumpster is a skill


I agree, it's not realistic in a Jew-ran government. They don't have our best interests at heart. That is the inevitable problem with complete free enterprise.


>No spacing with some of the words.
This really activates my almonds.

Then how about you drop that "state" bullshit and work on globalization instead?

A common goal and room to grow.

Thx user


What the fuck have I witnessed here and why are both sides so incredibly gay showing violence towards each other? This is the poster video to passive aggressive behaviour.

Gee, I wonder who wrote this?

Agreed, Limpdick Bizkit guy should have hooked that tranny in the face when 'she' tried to hit him with that bottle.

because these commie arachists are snakes that will strike the second you turn your back, or even if they think they have a window. they are stupid and shortsighted as fuck.

Spray a bitch with CS in her crotch

She goes home and takes a cold shower and ears dandelions

Yes right now anarchist are relating to different countries and states.

But with globalization they can no longer relate to anything, but the past.

And we all know that the past was a horrendous fail.

>shelve your cocaine habit so you can prepare to get fucked by the police

Send it to friendly media outlets to raise awareness that terrorist propaganda is being passed around colleges:


Most of them don't even know communist history. (((They))) don't teach it in school anymore, and these people don't even care, they just want to destroy shit for destructions sake.

I fail to see any way to win over nihilists. We are simply in full blown decadence, and history suggests there's no recovering from that.



thanks ausbro

I've read through the leaks and this is definitely the droid you're looking for

Also after it broke his glasses/threw them on the floor. He should have knocked that stupid thing the fck out. It was an obvious attack and even on camera, he had a free pass of hitting that goblin.. Why didn't he do it? Was he afraid of rollnigga? Or just being a huge pussy?

Any archive links? Don't want to click a honeypot.

so what do they do if a muslim assaults them? where's the page on that?

outlawing car camping, fortified wine, and sleeping on benches are apparently bad


boycott these companies because they dont want homeless people lurking around their business

That guy just missed the greatest oppurtunity ever presented to a white man in history.

poly is different from cuckolding, but for those with a humiliation fetish it can definitely be the gateway drug that gets them there.

We have another thread going about the radicalization of the homeless for protesting. It's interesting to see a connection in this student manual. This is speaking out against things done that would quell a homeless population in the area.

Got you to reply nigger

apparently migration is "forced"

>all of that naturopatchic bullshit
We need to meme drinking lye as a method for negating CS exposure

>Unhoused persons
>Female bodied folks


>right wing pundits = statistics and common sense

is a good thread on that memoryhole

Because this is Evergreen, and he is a straight white male. You think the SJW's running the college give a fuck about the right to self defense?
By remaining calm and being non-violent he has shown the world just how insane and unreasonable these people are.

>brutal treatment of shoplifters
>sir please put that back or we will call the police

brutal treatment to shoplifters

what are they suppose to do just give shit away, oh yea they expect free shit!
the real world is gonna shit all over these little fags

"free stuff"

i forget, do these guys love the government or hate it?

>agreeing with anarchists for the wrong reasons
Yeah! Starve the kike, I mean, white supremacist banks!

its weird to me how women think they're going to get in some epic nut shot during a confrontation like the dude is going to be standing stationary with spread legs irl


"If you are under 21 and your parents make the big bucks, you will not be eligible for financial aid... unless you are married! Find a friend you trust enough to join in eternal matrimony"

exactly. they are a bunch of edgy know it all wannabe toughguys out to take out their pent up frustration on a "safe" target. even though the target they chose is the right and conservatives who are people who can either beat the fuck out of them, or shoot them without a second thought and go about their business, and have been training in some cases their entire lives for a civil war. they think they will take down what are basically christian mujaheddin with bike locks and shittalk.

>no recovering
Bayonets and napalm are the penicillin this infected society needs.

I fucking hope so

More free stuff, and "International Workers of the World"

these guys are literally just Free Stuff: The Political Movement. great way to recruit the disenfranchised as your foot soldiers i guess

>do not wear wool or cotton
It is like they want militants to suffer horrible burns from nylon melting into skin after Molotov's play goes wrong.

I can't quite follow you as long as I don't know what this childish conflict was even about. Did Fred Durst abuse children and in what way is Green Day connected to all this?

You're right, but as a fellow Aussie you've got to agree, that cunt should have got bashed. It pisses me off that none of those cunts have been bashed or even arrested.

So this is what I'm putting together from reading two boards here today.

The homeless, as well as the students, are being radicalized.

And there are several pages in this manual that preach students to oppose local ordinances that would quell a homeless population, pages that lead students to places to acquire free food (and other stuff), and a page dedicated to businesses that took action against homeless populations via asking them to move along, prosecuting shoplifters, etc.

This is a pretty solid connection.

I think the next place to look is to the homeless community in any area where riots are breaking out on student campuses.