Based black guy here, why do you continually deride my community for crime (which is mostly directed at black people) yet dont give us credit for not commiting terrorism or having child sexual grooming gangs? White people are statistically more likely to be a serial killer and commit pedophilia so its not as if your community is perfect.
Based black guy here...
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Why u care about what people think here on Sup Forums most people that are racist here are not eevn white they just try to hard to believe they are
Sup Forums looks for the worst in things
>yet dont give us credit for not commiting terrorism or having child sexual grooming gangs
Thank you niggers for not being terrorists. Done.
you shouldnt get an award for doing things youre SUPPOSED to be doing
>hey way to go not blowing yourself up in a crowded place, nigger! here's your medal for not being a serial rapist! *crowd cheers*
doesnt work like that
if you were actually black you'd realize pol is a fucking joke!
>dont give us credit for not commiting terrorism or having child sexual grooming gangs?
>this is considered an accomplishment for shitskins
>not commiting terrorism
>give us credit for being half a problem instead of doing it fulltime
FUCKING BASED American Negroe does it again, manages to find opression where there is none! I say the "Alt-Right", which is a totally legit grassroots movement and not an obvious Jewish astroturf needs to have more of these FUCKING BASED black gentlemen, and pander to the them at every opportunity.