What do you europeans think about guns? I kind of like the ides of owning guns without too much restrictions, but I think that people with mental issues or a history of violence shouldn't be able to own weapons.
What do you europeans think about guns? I kind of like the ides of owning guns without too much restrictions...
Other urls found in this thread:
every household should own a rifle for defense of the community
>with mental issues or a history of violence shouldn't be able to own weapons.
If they are so dangerous they should be in jail
That's a kriss vector. It's a pretty cool gun. I can buy the long barrel version right now if I wanted.
Based Czech. Don't give your guns up, you are one of the last bastions of freedom in Eurocuckland.
If they are that dangerous they should be killed outright. Otherwise they should retain all of their rights. If you've served your time and paid your dues I see no reason not to allow people their full rights back. If you are a violent subhuman you should probably be taken out back and shot. All the freedoms, or no freedoms.
Legalize recreational nukes
Except they're usually not. I think that before getting a gun permit/license you should have to do some courses of gun safety and get an evaluation to prove you're sane.
yep , we should have the right to own any gun as long as we don't have mental issues , clean records and a way to store them safely (and not being muslim)
would love to have a gun a shoot at things because I'm a dude and I like sparks and explosions.
other then that, I'm pretty happy with our strict gun laws. we are allowed to have them and shoot at a range, or when you're a farmer and that's about it.
>normal criminals don't use guns
>we can defend accordingly
>never have to be 'afraid'
>never have to think like an American 'what if'
>we have overthrown our government without guns numerous times
>we have forced re-elections without guns numerous times
shit it pretty cash over here in the country that had the first constitution in human history.
>Trump 2020
Hmm. I agree with you Pierre.
That's strange.
Countries without a meaningful military service shouldn't own guns. It will be just a bunch of infinite betas wanting to feel tough and shooting themselves by mistake.
Its a tool.
If you have a job or a hobby needing this kind of tool you should be allowed to wield it, if responsible.
Like driver licenses you should make weapon permits the same way.
For each class a license.
A- pistols
B- SMG´s Shotguns
C- Bolt action Rifles
D- Semi automatic Rifles
E- Full auto weapons
F- large Destructive devices?
Do you tests prove responsibility. Be accountable for your actions.
Yup Hans. You're totally right.
Every citizen should be forced to take firearm handling and shooting lessons after turning 18. Volunteers can do so sooner. Upon passing the necessary tests (including psych eval), the citizen will be cleared for firearm use and possession. After this point, he is forced to carry at least one firearm, loaded and ready, in public. Failure to do so will result in increasing fines.
Failure to pass the tests will result in the citizen being forced to repeat the test during EVERY single one of his free weekends until he either passes them, becomes incapable of handling firearms or dies.
Being convicted of a crime resulting in a sentence of at least 1 year of prison barrs the citizen from carrying a weapon, until a successfull repeal is made by the citizen to a jury of his local community.
The state explicidly tells the citizen that it is the citizens duty to protect his community and to fight any attempt to undo his democratic freedoms, including those made by his own government.
The expected result is a rapid decimation of idiots unsuitable for civilized life and an increased sense of duty, responsibility and community for every citizen. Not carrying a weapon will be seen as a shameful admission of inadequacy, due to it being associated with criminals and the insane.
Furthermore treaties should be put in place to allow citizens of allied states that have passed these or equivalent tests to carry weapons when visiting said states.
The court system has neither the resources or time to try that many cases. Additionally, who decides who is mentally ill or violent to expedite the process? Too much authority will be the result.
there still a few based frogs here.
I think guns are cool and a good idea, but humans have no fucking clue how to use them. Even countries with fairly liberal gun laws, like the US, misuse them all the time. The second amendment isn't so that you can shoot drunken people that stumble onto your backyard, it's to fight the tyranny of the government and keep politicians and your representatives in check. And yet, it's a crime to do so, even though the second amendment explicitly states that action as a purpose.
People don't deserve guns. I'll gladly see them banned and inaccessible to civilians if people won't put them to good use, and people have shown, again and again, that they are not willing to pay the price and use them for a greater purpose.
Should be before that.
We had tons of school programs for decades. Shooting clubs, and other shooting activities, normally sponsored by the NRA, till the lefties thew a shit fit over "scary guns".
Now most people wouldn't even know how to do a safety check.
Disregard the first sentence...
Unironically this. Also APC vehicles, tanks, and LAAD missiles.
I would like to own several guns
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post
I think guns are awesome.
I own several myself including "evil" assault weapons and shit like that. Got myself an AK, AR and a SIG 550.
Awesome shit.
A clean criminal record should be all that is necessary.
I wish my country would allow them for personal defense.
But nah. Daily shootings in Amsterdam though.
How many times have you put your guns to good use? Keep shooting crates, faggot. When it comes time to actually fight against the government or shoot someone infringing on your rights, you're just as helpless as everyone else.
(((Who))) decides who is insane though
>but I think that people with mental issues shouldn't be able to own weapons.
Who has the right to decide what counts as a "mental issue" and what doesn't?
I agree with the history of violence one but ideally they'd just get killed on the scene by the armed citizens.
Let me drop a redpill on american gun control:
>The reason why it works in Europe
Because we restricted civilian gun usage from the very beginning, that's why nobody has guns, including 99% of criminals, and when someone does, they get neutralized after killing someone or a couple of people, which rarely happens ever.
>The reason why It won't work in the US
Gun control can't be introduced because everyone already owns guns and have for centuries. Criminals won't turn in their guns and will keep them instead. If you didn't want monthly mass shootings, you should have restricted gun access from the start. The best you can do is have good self defense laws when it comes to guns.
pic unrelated
Everyone should be allowed to have anything that a typical foot soldier is equipped with. This includes full auto rifles as well as grenades.
You don't need a driver's license to own a car though.
You can drive around your own property just fine.
Can you imagine the governments in todays Europe if citizens were armed to the level of americans?
Now thats why we cant have guns.
Would anything really be different though?
This would only work with a trustworthy government, scared of its own people.
In the US, taking away a citizen's driver license won't benefit you all that much, from the government's perspective. Taking away their license to own a firearm however, decreases the chance of being overthrown, decreases total potential resistance against you.
Just saying, there is a huge incentive for the governments to NOT allow citizens to own firearms.
Requiring permits or safety courses just lets corrupt officials bar citizens from their weapons with a wall of red tape.
I want one.
>niggers with a history of unstable behavior should be allowed to own grenades
Jeez, I wonder what could go wrong!
Very fucking different.The brits would have shot their parliament to pieces after manchester for example after they realized the government knows about at least 4000 terrorists and not doing anything to keep them safe.
There is no happening against governments in Europe because the riot police is more than enough to destroy every movement.Now if the movement would have guns well the riot police would be fucked and traitors would be hung and quartered as in old times.
They hurt people and cute animals :(
I have a shotgun.
Planning on getting a glock and assault rifle if the law still allow it.
Ever since the collapse of the soviet union, military grade arms from soviet supplies are readily availabe on the black market throughout europe. A simple way to procure one is to visit a truck stop at night, when the truck drivers get out all their smuggling goods since nobody does controls anymore past Schengen. Nordics will typically smuggle cigs and booze, while slavics will smuggle women and weapons.
Heck, east germany is still chockfull with NVA supplies.
We also did not restrict gun ownership from the very beginning. In fact, the emperor, being a feudal lord, encouraged his subjects to arm themselves and practice their use, as that would give him a larger pool of recruits for his armies.
Arms were commonplace until the forced disarmament by US forces past the surrender in 1945. After the denazification was completed, gun ownership was steadily increasing until the new social democratic puppet regime passed a law restricting it, under the guise of battling criminality. The police first supported this, but after a year concluded that the restriction had no measurable effect on crime and suggested to remove the restrictions again, which the government denied.
It should also be noted that laws to restrict weapon ownership have historically only ever fallen into two categories: Preserving certain arms as status symbols (swords in europe) or to prevent the citizens from toppling their government. The entire martial arts movement in china was born from disarming the citizens to discourage uprisings, for example.
No, they wouldn't. You can exert violent pushback against a government without guns, and people often do. There are plenty of backwater brits with grandfathered in shotguns and hunting rifles, too. People don't do jack shit because they live cushy little lives and the self-sacrifice that would be depriving yourself of the comfort of sitting in front of the TV to fight for a cause your believe in is too big of a price to pay.
Obviously I didn't mean niggers. They would be sent back to Africa or liquidated first.
>hunting rifle
These are not weapons of war.Also government cleanses never happen from backwater people,but the city dwelling population.
In Britain for example you get arrested for going outside with a fucking butterknife and im not even kidding.How do you think would it be possible for them to reach the capital armed with shotguns and hunting rifles that are not capable to pierce body armor in the first place in groups of 1-10?
I know if hungarians would have the same level of weapons that americans,gyurcsány,orbán both of them would be long dead and the corruption cleansed.
Nothing stops you. Sure, your laws are moronic and your 2 bullet mag semi rifle limit is laughable but you can in fact get a handgun for range use. Shotguns are easy. Can't use them in self defense because fuck you
>Yo bae, carry my piece; finna hit up muh bois.
Geebus Hans . . .
They kill people well enough. All major terror attacks by civilians in Europe have featured outdated firearms, homemade equipment, or consumer-level gear. The distinction doesn't matter. You can keep ignoring it but the matter of fact is that people don't use guns or exert any type of action that involves anything more than slacktivism because they just don't care anymore. That's the reason, not because they can't get a full auto assault rifle or whatever the fuck.
>compulsory firearms education, ownership and posession
Brilliant Hans
woah yur rlly coole vry wow tell uus mor
How about teach gun safety classes when they are in high school? That's what schools used to do over here until women got more voice in things.
As stated, volunteers can do the tests before reaching 18 to gain their weapon rights. Schools are free to give courses to help their pupils pass those tests. It's not like these tests would be hard (I'm more concerned with pacifist pussies faking out to avoid responsibilities).
Terror attacks are sucker punches against soft targets like unarmed civilians. Corrupt government officials are surrounded by heavily armed guards 24/7.
I'd like to have a pistol for self defense.
I own a couple of compound bows and crossbows, and a P99. Katana's, mace, smokebombs .. I'm prepped for a crusade.
If you are rich enough, you can afford to hire security that wields guns, who will do what you say, in any country. Gun restrictions ultimatley only remove guns from the common people, not from society, which speaks volumes about the intentions behind it.
Yes, we need guns asap to remove the invaders.
They always are. It's why militias have historically been effective.
I've been supporting ArmBritain for 8 years, and have posted quite a bit on Sup Forums about what I think about British gun laws. That is to say, some of the worst in the world, maybe behind North Korea if we're lucky. Ridiculous inspection processes involving gun locking storage, set out purchases for firearms before a 5-year renewal, no handguns, .22 calibre restrictions on semi-automatic rifles, cucked version of the Mossberg with 2 in the chamber and the standard hunting rifles. You can own a few .50 cal weapons if you have access to a special range (you don't and won't, its invite only to most clubs). Ridiculous for the country that founded English common law which explicitly states the right to keep and bear arms.
Push for open carry in the UK in light of recent events. Legalising handguns used to be on UKIP's agenda which garnered a lot of support. But there were 8000 votes for the "Legalize Cannabis Its Safer than Alcohol" party last year and 200 for the ArmBritain one lel.
Being a Czech living in Malta and owning a handgun, I naturally am in favor of owning firearms. However, I am much more in favor of the Czech firearm law including CCW and requiring more rigid prerequisites, rather than the American model. There are simply too many infantilized irresponsible people at the moment. Over time I would like to see a transition towards the American model however (1-2 generations time).
Forgot to mention: mandatory gun club membership and self defence isn't a valid reason for ownership in its self.
I can't wait for a race war. I will Purge the fuck out of these 3rd world fuckers.
No way that would work, because the government would be in charge of it, and then they would use it as a way to not let you have guns.
Just take a damn class on your own volition and don't be a fucking retard, follow the 4 rules of gun safety and you'll be fine no class needed
Only 4 ..? What about the rest of them?
I wouldn't let my child use a tool without first learning its uses and functions. My oldest is 10, she knows her weapons safety rules verbatim and is working on functional stages of semi automatic rifles and pistols. She owns a daisy bb gun and has used it for years. When she can properly operate the mechanics of the weapon, she will then be allowed to fire the weapon.
I do the same with drills, saws, hammers, heck, even my truck. Teach a child a skill properly and responsibly.
You're a bunch of cucks anyways, you can't handle the awesome freedom that millions of Americans wield every day.
When They orcs take over your libtard country you'll wish you guys were smart enough to have gun ownership like Americans
Certain areas of Europe would be quite bad off with American style gun laws just pushed in. The ONLY benefit to current UK laws allow the 3 million gun owners in this country to be almost exclusively white. That system needs to be expanded slowly, while at the same time allowing things such as I mentioned, open carry, dropped calibre restrictions, legalised handguns, etc.
Only the libtard region of the nation where the Nimby's live: North and South Holland. Blow the dikes and the region will flood anyway.
I think shotguns of all types should be legal to most anybody responsible. They have many sporting uses and are ideal for defending your home. Also they are not much of a threat to the state either. A sort of compromise.
I don't care for handguns, or concealing them. We don't have problems with gun violence on the streets and don't need to start with that either. Don't need high-capacity combat type rifles either. This isn't America, they're already too screwed to try to make their weapons iillegal.
Shotguns, .22lr rifles, I'm all for, everybody should have one, they're fun, inexpensive and you can even put down a riot with one if you really needed to.
.22lr? That's not a fucking combat round.
That round wins wars in a gun free society. 1 shot and the crowd will stampede themselves to death.
Lel true. But if that's his idea of ideal gun laws, bar the easy access, he can come to the UK. We have a cucked version of that (and its awful).
.22lr is a well used round for hunting small game.
Better than a bow and arrow.
I went to such a school we had a shooting program sponsored by the civilian marksmanship program, and one by the njrotc, and i was on both
Yes I know, but hunting small game is not (primarily) why people own guns, even if they have to lie about it in some countries.
Alright, think that if you want to, your country is so shit the orcs don't even want to come
Meanwhile in America, gun ownership is awesome and attacks only seem to happen in disarmed cuck strongholds.
The time has already come to fight in America. Better now before you end up like South Africa.
guns are cool, they make the bang shooty noise, killing fools nigga
Bows are perfectly legal. Also crossbows. Many people own them over here.
Some of the modern crossbows I've seen are pretty efficient. Not sure I'd want them for self defence.
>all that money
>all the surveillance
>shitty door that can be kicked in
Then Explain Paris, illegal guns, killed crap load of people in a country where guns are illegal.
Extra credit, not long before the Paris incident, there was an attempted attack on A train where they had AK's, luckily Americans were on board and saved the fucking day, again
ops meant to quote
>better than a bow and arrow.
Hue Hue a good .22 pellet gun is arguably better than a 22 for small game
Meanwhile a hunting bow:
This is the crossbow I prefer to shoot: Hori-zone Stealth RTF. 350 Euro on sale as we speak.
Ok.Go get a shotgun, and try to attack a squad of full auto rifles and let me know how well that ended for you.People dont do shit when they know very well it wont work.Nothing else.
Gun control works places like Britain and France because it was imposed slowly on the population. If you look at violent crime, they are much lower for firearms (especially in Britain), and its decreased.
But then in par, knife crime has went up massively (hence bin that knife) and all sort of other tools. And most of the crime in England & Wales comes from London and Birmingham, which are both below 60% white.
How would you judge it for self defence?
People use air rifles to kill rabbits here.
>aim at knee
>hope judge plays skyrim
There is exactly 4 rules of gun safety that encompasses everything
LOL cucked Sweden giving advice on how to protect ourselves.
It will shoot through you. It's better to be shot by a 9mm. The reload cycle takes more time than my 60 pound Hoyt Powermax compound bow. It's for long range accuracy, and pretty stable. As a side arm I use a pistol or airgun or Wlather PPQ EDC knife.
I live close to a mosque ..
>doesnt understand an SMG is a full auto weapon
i'm digging this structure, sign me the fuck up
also every time we leave permits up to some guy to decide, every fucking time one of them refuses to issue a permit to someone who should have been allowed one and starts a massive shit storm.
the slippery slope fallacy is real man
Mandatory military service
When I was a teen I was repulsed by the idea, and everyone over 40 who still had to do it keep saying how awful it was - but I regret not joining the army, and in the long run it would have been better for everyone
Giving guns to an untrained population would just be chaos