hey Sup Forums,
As a Wallon, I am really ashamed to share same country with retarded fl*mings
most of them ignorant, arrogant ugly people controlled by Antwerp's kikes
How can we fix them?
hey Sup Forums,
As a Wallon, I am really ashamed to share same country with retarded fl*mings
most of them ignorant, arrogant ugly people controlled by Antwerp's kikes
How can we fix them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Capital of Wallonia - Namur
Capital of Flanders - Antwerp
Isn't Wallonia the shittier part of Belgium? Doesn't Flanders generally vote in nationalist Right Wing parties?
It's true ?
I heard the jewellery Jew were powerfull in Anvers
>mfw my teacher said "if you want to steal gold don't go to antwerp because you won't find yourself in prison"
I keked out loud
He knew
Bruxelles is
Yes they do but they direct they're hatred against walloonian and not the real ennemy
We could works together
Also from the beginning of belgium till 50 years ago the flemmish only persisted because of the money we sent them.
Is there something more jewish than to betray the guy who helped you for so long, never asking anything in returns ?
Sauce of pic?
why do Belgium still exist (serious question)
Partition would be what to campaign for. Enemies should not share dirt.
I read what happened to Leon DeGrelle. Belgium should not exist as a country because it's terrible for Wallons.
Isn't Bruxelles capital of Flanders?
kys walon retard
walons are the jews of europe
They are litterally the niggers of Europe, lazy, worthless pieces of shit. We throw money at them like crazy, but it's never enough and they will never pass up the opportunity to call us racist xenophobe biggots who need to share more.
They get the same amount of EU-gibmedats that Ireland received in the past + euros from Flanders EVERY SINGLE YEAR, and it is still the socialist shithole it has been for over 30 years. And it will always stay the same socialist shithole. They are like niggers, they just can't be expected to better themselves.
hey, burger
in a nutshell:
the founders of modern Flemish nationalism had partial or full jewish ancestry, thus all these Fl*mish nationalists are jewish puppets( with VNV as an exception)
Basically, Jewish goal in Belgium was to divide economically succesfull country and spread the hate among White people
And the biggest problem is that they accomplished that, unfortunately
because for some reasone, nobody is willing to give up the shithole that is brussels. I'd say, let the wallooniggers have it. They turned it into an arab enclave, they can keep the mess they made.
Can't betray something that doesn't exist
>Belgium should not exist as a country because it's terrible for Wallons
yeah, so terrible to get gibmedats every year for doing nothing and calling your main source of income a racistxenophobeblablabla every chance you get.
Poor walloon...
On a side note: daily reminder that walloons are the literal niggers of Europe
This user is correct. I'm flemish but speak french too and have many walloon friends (muh rallyes muh groupes d'activité muh noblesse) and as a rule walloon men are way weaker mentally and physically. I just don't see how that region will ever have the required animus to catch up to Flanders.
>literally shitposts about Flanders
>takes up every chance to shitpost about Flanders
>muh joooooos, they spread hate between us!
Fuck off nigger. Try getting a job you fucking worthless commie shitnigger
> Basically, Jewish goal in Belgium was to divide economically succesfull country and spread the hate among White people
Well not to sound like an ignorant Burger, I'm not read on the subject or anything, but couldn't you make an argument that Flanders should be a part of the Netherlands anyway?
*succs feets*
fuckin walloos
Vive la Belgique!
I wish we could live separetely but the problem is that current state of Belgium, really much easier to control by using their pseudo-nationalist flemish right-wingers
So, that's why we are the same country
cool story, fl*mish scum
However you have really short memory and keep forgetting how much money we sent to you between 1831 up to 1960's, you ungrateful cunt
>but couldn't you make an argument that Flanders should be a part of the Netherlands anyway?
Then they would have to give up their 15 billion Euro gibmedats/year from Flanders.
Kek, burger. Walloons are the niggers of Europe. They don't work, also they consistently vote for communist parties.
> Also from the beginning of belgium till 50 years ago the flemmish only persisted because of the money we sent them.
Don't be pathetic. The south sent money to Flanders mostly to develop the infrastructure required to sustain the coal industry, i.e. Port of Antwerp, railways etc. It is in no way equal to the literal welfare leeching of Wallonia now, and the amount is totally incomparable.
>not rejoining the Netherlands
>be worthless alone
>muh 100 years ago shekels we threw you
Classic SJW shitnigger. Really fits well with the mudshits you commie niggers keep importing.
Fuck off and die already. If you want to keep your gibmedats, you'll have to stop trying to destroy us. But I wouldn't expect a nigger like you to understand basic concepts like that...
Best pornstar
>being the young brother to the dutch
Why would they? No way they're gonna move their capital to flanders
Wow, I can't believe I didn't learn this until now
> When your flag is a literal cuck
To think I knew about the Welsh flag but not this masterpiece
there was a time that the dutch used to be the biggest baddest dudes in europe
then they gave up and let themselves be partitioned by the eternal anglo
they haven't done anything notable since.
To keep you from gobbling the Netherlands
Who? Image search comes back with "bra".
Calm down Ahmed, Di Rupo will give you more welfare soon with corruption money.
10/10 would date!
Technically yes, but Brussels is a sharia no-go zone now.
No but we were always the subject of french jokes so there are a lot of stereotypes.
People are stupid when it comes to votes, true but isn't it the same almost everywhere in this stupid europe
Flemish weren't represented in the politics of UK of the Netherlands (pre-1830), it was northerners managing everything
>6 posts by this ID
nice butthurt you kike shill
You must be grateful that we gave your peasent grandparents education, and built the infrastructure in the North
I feel you.
Yes, Wallonia consistently votes in communist parties and their primary source of income is the money Flandres is forced to send them.
Why don't you fuck off back to france and give us our rightful dutch clay
>walloons > flemish
*breathes in*
Go back to your little cave you Walloon nigger. Learn to speak a real language.
>but isn't it the same almost everywhere in this stupid europe
Sort of, but with the notable exception that walloons are litterally niggers in every way. They may appear white, but that too is being fixed by their eternally communist rulers.
Well, tovarisch, to be more precise, they were totally worthless until 1960's when we decided to give these scum autonomy
It was the biggest mistake we ever made
Make Flanders and Wallonia Great Again
I'm pretty sure this is a LARP'ing Flemish antifa. Walloons can't speak English.
They still are the biggest dudes, tallest country in the world IIRC, outside of some parts of Serbia/Croatia I guess.
Is wanting to join the Netherlands considered an actual non-meme opinion by a respectable number of people in Flanders?
This, most Dutch people would love to join with Flanders, give Wallonia to the French.
Also, id vote for president Philippe Geubels in a heartbeat for maximum bantz!
>You must be grateful that we gave your peasent grandparents education
And look what we did with it.
Now look at what you niggers are doing with our euros per year.
Yeah, stop being such a lazy commie nigger and do something.
>Walloons can't speak English
Why dont you fuckers split up already
No. We hate the Dutch just as much as we hate the French.
Typical fl*ming living with stereotypes,
It's funny though how most of you are trying to show off english skills in order to impress some burger in englishmen
You have literally no identity nor self-respect
All your so called nationalism is hate seed towards us, which was sown by your Jewish masters
>Retarded ((Flanders)) vs morrocan/pedo/neet Wallonie
Pick one. Je suis allé a que à Charleroi ou Anderlecht c'est plein de cassos assistés et de muzz. Je pense que tu devrais avoir plus honte d'eux que des flamands
I would fuck OP's pic into her pussay
dat moment when even the cucked french despise the walloon niggers more than we do...
Sure Ahmed. While we were busy building huge cities in the middle ages, and generally enjoying being the richest region in all of Europe, you were nothing but shit farmers in tiny villages.
we know who the shitskins are, however Jewish-controlled fl*mish "nationalists" trying to backstab is no less annoying
1000 years later you're still nothing but shit farmers in tiny villages by the way.
>"Learn to speak a real language."
>a dutch
>muh joooos
This nigger is even to retarniggered to understand that even pol wouldn't back a communist shithole filled with litteral niggers against a White, right wing, hard-working Flanders.
Wew lad...
you are probably the same type of person who believes that Flemish renaissance is somehow connected to ethnic fl*mish peasants :^)
Now, if you hate the dutch, the french and the germans... who do you exactly not hate?
do you even fucking like something?
There is nothing funnier than Frenchcucks desperately clinging to French like it's a world language.
Proptip for you, Ahmed: In a few years you will either be forced to learn English, or German. And since you cucks voted for Macron who said French culture doesn't exist, my guess is it will be German. Bundesland Francia, just another part of Greater Germany.
Danes i suppose
>White, right wing, hard-working Flanders.
We're a proud people. Flandres is Flandres, all of you can literally go fuck off.
>that walloons are litterally niggers in every way
Walloons are very different from province to province though
> Charleroi
Well, you've chosen one of the worst cities in europe.
Any morrocan bros in this thread?
Kill yourself you disgusting morrocan swine
I'm fine with moving the capital to Flanders. Would do it immediately if they'll join us just for that.
Nan je suis d'origine congolaise....
>Proptip for you, Ahmed
>implying the french will speak anything other than arabic within 20 years.
Stop bragging and gibe Rijsel.
Go suck a pigdick, you disgusting piece of shit.
kys, sandnigger
Seriously guys, how bad is it now in Belgium? All of the Belgians I met were complete degenerates. The girls were outright whores and the guys were always drunk and extremely gay.
The walloons had a way cooler Waffen SS Division than the flemish.
You are exactly typical fl*ming, whom I was describing at the beggining
Ignorant, brainwashed peasant which genuinely believes that he feeds whole Belgium :-)
Get rid of your muslims first you stupid faggot.
Convert to Islam and all your troubles will be fixed inshallah.
Belgians are complete degenerates without any redeeming qualities.
This country will go to shit and nothing could ever prevent that.
I guess you just get drunk tourists.
Also Morrocan?
Yes, Moroccan masterrace!
Oh fuck off. The Baloons and the Neds are the same fucking thing. Your different culture is bullshit for segregation. If you have 6 mil people, why the fuck go down to 3 mil.
You're just making things worse for each other.
>but we were always the subject of french jokes
Nobody in France makes joke about you anymore, besides old people. We don't care.
>There is nothing funnier than Frenchcucks desperately clinging to French like it's a world language.
But it is
I met a group of 20 teenagers (around my age) from Antwerp and they were on some next level wild shit. One of them even tried to mouth rape me. And the girls were the worst, they would always ingage in conversation with the niggers that worked with me.
They just all want to be replaced by sandniggers.
Belgium isn't a real country, Wallonians aren't a real people. Disappear.
>You are exactly typical fl*ming
>still thinks anyone cares what a communist nigger thinks about anyone...
wew lad
Bxl aussi !?!
i really dont know about Antwerp
it seems to be a belgian thing in general
You work at a bar or somthing?
>Bxl aussi !?!
when is the next bombing guys... asking for a friend
During summer I work in a restaurant in the tourist part of a big city. Helps paying for college. I get anglos, krauts,burgers and spaniards but none are as bad as the belgians, germans and the dutch.
Antwerp is the capital of multiculti;
Capital of Jews in Europe;
And..surprisingly capital of Flanders
I never believed the belgian cuck meme until I saw it in person. Your younger generation has no future.
>The Baloons and the Neds are the same fucking thing.
how is the (((asian))) childrapefest going Nigel?
Incarcerated any more racist dads who couldn't understand that getting their 8 year old daughter raped by 40 pakis in all her juicey holes, every day, for a hit of heroine, is actually a good thing?
The funniest thing that all Flemish noblemen and any decent person in general spoke French
>Antwerp is the capital of multiculti;
>Capital of Jews in Europe;
>And..surprisingly capital of Flanders
not even knowing the capital of Flanders is Brussels ... holy shit, the nigger meme isn't even a meme. You commie niggers really are stupid niggers...
you wont be safe anywhere, filthy kuffar
i have nu clue where you base this on