Why does Sup Forums have an irrational fear of trans people exactly?
Why does Sup Forums have an irrational fear of trans people exactly?
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not fear. Disgust.
They disproportionately rape children.
So I don't feel fear. I feel hate growing to wrath.
It´s not irrational at all, this is why we cannot understand eachother. This type of thing, when promoted and pushed, especially to children, ruins society in far greater ways than it would seem.
See: Cultural Marxism.
grotesqueries tend to induce panic in the heads of the sane
But Sup Forums just thinks they're fuckd up in the head
There is no fear, rather disgust at media to try to mainstream a mental illness as perfectly normal. No one cares if you're gay or not, but believing you're another gender and having the medical community go along with your delusions offering surgery and hormones is wrong, especially when it's done to children.
Soldiers of progressivism
For the same reason you have an irrational fear of zoophiles.
Transgender people have a mental illness, rather than treating it we indulge them in acts of self mutilation.
There's nothing wrong with dressing up like a woman for a bit of bum fun, but to actually think you are a member of the opposite sex is a personality disorder.