What should an ideal man do to improve himself? Learn languages, read classics, be physically fit what else is there?
Self improvement thread
-Put effort in to your diet
-Clean your room/house at least once a week. Don't live in a pigsty
-Do daily, simple, effective things (Groom, be hygienic, brush teeth/floss, make bed)
-Learn a skill (cooking, arts, horticulture, repair work)
-Learn to play an instrument (imagine having 5-10 years experience playing the piano when you're 30)
-Read every day. Be a philosopher.
-Wake up at the same time each day (try to get 8 hours of sleep)
-Have a morning routine
-Learn a second (or third) language (duolingo.com)
-Stretch every day to become more flexible (reddit.com
-Take good care of your skin (np.reddit.com
-If religious, attend church every week
-Contribute to the community
-Stop cursing
-Make good long term decisions (getting braces, stopping smoking/drinking/drugs, losing weight)
-Make goals with the “7 days to live” mentality and accomplish them in 7 days
"Live your life like you're being followed by a camera crew that are making a documentary about you"
Learn your heritage, english or French or native for you i guess
And learn thier traditions,be fit as in just healthy
Lit depends on world view,
Find a person you love and have a family
>Hurr racemixing
If you care what a bunch of fat virgins think, you lost
In love just follow the heart
Stand your ground and support your people in times of uncertainty I guess.
>Clean your room
Yes mummy
>stop cursing
lol nigger
And to think you have less forethought than a woman
I will curse still
Altho i curse like a sailor, its a bad habit
If you cant stop try to minimize it
fixed the skin tone, Amerilards are only 40% non-hispanic white after all
Dirty pig
Nice flag.
Y..you too
I'd say life experience makes you a real man.
so that's prolly 45+ and having travelled, been through relationships, preferably kids.
By this time you are more relaxed, can appreciate the things that are actually important, don't feel the need to pick sides and force an opinion and all you really need is a job, a few friends, a nice partner, cool kids and if lucky a nice family.
because everything else is just noise and you're too old to get distracted by endless noise.
Cursing has benefits
bad habit only if you can't control it desu
>reddit spacing
>being through relationships,preferably kids
Kek, pedo
Have children, most importantly. Unless you're non-white, if you're non-white, skip out on the children and family part.
Let's see whether these apply to me:
>-Put effort in to your diet
>-Do daily, simple, effective things (Groom, be hygienic, brush teeth/floss, make bed)
I groom during the week or when I know I'll leave my apartment, I brush teeth once a day after waking up (never have cavities, though), I don't floss because it's overrated and a jewish trick to get shekels, I don't make my bed most of the time
>-Learn a skill (cooking, arts, horticulture, repair work)
I'm unskilled, my cooking skills are limited to a number of meals I can count on one hand, repar work skills are non-existent
>-Learn to play an instrument (imagine having 5-10 years experience playing the piano when you're 30)
Can't play any instrument but I don't see why I would. It's a time waster and adds no benefit except maybe some social brownie points and getting a nerd bitch wet
>-Read every day. Be a philosopher.
I don't do that, sadly. But I'm planning to.
>-Wake up at the same time each day (try to get 8 hours of sleep)
I always go to bed way too late, therefore I wake up way too late and my rhythm gets all fucked up
>-Learn a second (or third) language (duolingo.com)
I am fluent in 3 languages and 4 dialects. Languages have always been my strength and I'm planning on learning more in the future.
>-Have a morning routine
I rarely wake up before 11.
>-Stretch every day to become more flexible
I plan on doing that but always completely forget to.
>-Take good care of your skin
Hmm..I often put lotion on my face
>-If religious, attend church every week
Not religious, used to be forced to go to church when I was little, was boring as fuck and I never understood wtf the priest was talking about because I never paid attention because I just waited for the mass to be over
>-Contribute to the community
How? I have a job, I go to college. Other than that, fuck the community. Bunch of leftist retards and a growing number of niggers and muslims anyways.
>self improvement thread
This is nu-Sup Forums buddy, we don't tolerate that unironic cringe around here lad wew.
What if your an Asian NEET who's too socially retarded to go out and too anxious to succeed?
you can always bomb mecca desu
>reddit spacing
underage triggering detected
We had self improvement threads before the Reddit invasion you faggot
Just havent had one in a while
Cursing is degenerate lads. Im still struggling with this one.
Watch some kawaii animu and read some manga
Just stay health and clean lad
fitness, also if you wanna read anything read rules for radicals. the right needs organization.
Use your time to master a skill.
>Rules for radicals
Absolute trash
...you just did reddit spacing
>-Stop cursing
I only curse online. I don't see why that's bad.
>-Make good long term decisions (getting braces, stopping smoking/drinking/drugs, losing weight)
I take care of myself physically. I don't smoke, rarely drink, no drugs, I'm muscular and more fit than the average person.
>-Make goals with the “7 days to live” mentality and accomplish them in 7 days
Sounds interesting. Will look more into that. I tried writing down goals and trying to achieve them on a daily basis. I failed. Hopefully, I can change that.
Would rate myself 3/10. Pretty degenerate. Great great room for improvement. Solid mentality, though. Even though I'm a degenerate, I made some progress compared to the past. No matter what happens, I'll never stop trying to improve myself. I think the mindset of a person is the key factor.
Be frugal and grow your wealth
neck yourself iron pill wannabe seminal fluid consumer
>learn languages
*laughs in Dutch*
>Follow your heart
Cringe. Life is not some cheap soap opera that runs at the worst time of the day. Use your brain to find a suitable wife.
? Why is that funny
>master skill
I tried to get into these udemy courses I illegally downloaded from the only remaining torrent sites to hopefully learn comp sci.
I keep avoiding it to shitpost more often. It's like... buying a book and saying "oh I bought it, therefore I have already acquired the credentials of having known the book." Then setting it aside and learning nothing.
Fucking hate myself dude.
Ironically, I'm not that into kawai animu because it feels too... self-serving? To an almost unreal degree. Mainly like the ones like Monster or Kaiba.