Syphillis in UK at record levels because of Homosexuals

>Cases of syphilis have reached their highest level since 1949, new figures have shown.

>In 2016, there were 5,920 diagnoses of syphilis - an increase of 12% from the previous year and almost double the 3,001 recorded in 2012.

>Public Health England (PHE) said the cases were mostly associated with transmission in gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men.

>In 2016, there were 420,000 diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in England, down 4% on 2015, the PHE said.

>The impact of STIs remains greatest in heterosexuals aged 15 to 24, black ethnic minorities and gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.

What a fucking surprise. Mentally ill and diseased deranged individuals. Pic related for relevance during the London attack.

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Don't fuck men and trash women, that's it.

Sex is overrated anyway.

>Sex is overrated anyway.

this, cuddles is far better than nasty fluid sex

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We need a second orlando

not because of homosex
because of unprotected sex
heterosex spreads penis blisters too

Yeah liberals love science until science uncovers things like this

Yeah, but heterosexuals are not as promiscuos as faggots.

that's why we call it Franzosenkrankheit. le french illness.