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Grab them by the pussy
It's one of those events that happen and no one will cover it past day 2 because it's literally nothing.
You're fucking retarded if you think is going to be bad for Trump. The House of Cards is about to collapse on the scumbags in the Obama administration
Do you think he'll change the statement that he gave under oath a few months ago Pancho?
Oh no, it's rachel maddow all over again...
Oh fuck. Two days left before I can eat another nothingburger.
Well, going in jail for years to please a dozen of landwhale #resistants for 24 hours, who wouldn't.
This again, Comey will say essentially nothing and will drag it on as much as he can
Oh no that sucks
I like how the shitshills stopped bumping after this 50 second long video was posted. Noting it down.
Don't you have some crack bricks to be selling to keep the water running pablo?
>I do not recall
>I have no recollection
>On the advise of my counsel, I invoke my 5th Amendment right
as someone who has to listen to corporate media on a regular basis, I can assure you they will try to make a big happening out of it no matter how little happens.
Well of course, the shills only exist to rile up the board with their lies. Any time their shit is disproven they run the fuck away.
I think you mean
>Two days before Comey testifies (grand stands)
>Three days before Comey submits corrected version of his testimony
>Four days before Comey submits a revised version of his corrected testimony
>Five days before Comey redacts statements in the revised version of his testimony
>Six days before Comey reverts to the original version of his testimony, stating he was under duress and behind loads of red tape in his new position of Unemployed bureaucrat
>Seven days before Comey inadvertently purjures himself and is charged
That was a great testimony from the future
He gets "sick" and dies of a "cold"
It's gotta be a lot of hard work keeping yourself so stupid.
Can't wait to watch Trump unleash a tweet storm after Comey shits on him.
>President of the United States visits Saudi Arabia after bashing them for sponsoring terrorism
>Bows before them and holds a photoshoot
It's like you morons don't even know what hypocrisy is.
*mild nausea intensifies*
Fun thing is they will mute the actual talking as they happen and only replay pre-planned scripted Democratic Zingers, while 'editing' in pauses and old faces made when Republicans say something.
If Comey is the type of man I think he is he will so blow up the prepared scripted DemoRat show. And send them in Election Night meltdowns. All while giving Republicans nothing for wasting his time. He then can just retire & open his own spy shop for hire.
Mana cost should be 2BRUW imo
What type of guy? He's an opportunist, even Trump fired him for dicking around alarming everyone, Clinton would have probably done the same if not day 1, sometime later. Comey will grandstand and just make himself look the honest hard working man that just tried to work for America, and my guess is that he has to refute Trump accusations of: a)handling the Clinton investigation improperly and b)not stating publicly what was actually going on with the Russia-Trump investigation. How he does this, or of he's going to bring something new is something that we have to wait for.
>*mild nausea intensifies*
By dropping some more smoking nothingburgers, That was why the
Deep State Agents Mueller and Comey pre-cleared some topics which are safe, but may look damaging as smoke bombs.
Do you folks actually believe this is bad for Trump?
I took a memo of my conversation with OP
OP said" I LITERALLY CAN NOT STOP SUCKING COCKS" over and over again
Then he sucked a cock
Depends on if Comey has been bribed or threatened by dems to say what they want.
Isnt it curious that he is testifying the same day as the British general elections?
I'm calling it, Britain/GCHQ hacked our voting machines and blamed it on uncle Vlad.
And the wall token.