Are the boy scouts a dated organization?
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>liberals shit over Catholicism because of faggot priests molesting little boys
>liberals shit over the boy scouts for not allowing faggot scoutmasters take groups of boys out into the woods
Seriously. I don't want to send my boy on a 3 day camping trip with a gay man. Not that I hate gays, but why even tempt fate? Same with sending my kid on a camping trip with a woman. I just want camping. Like, why even have that a factor? A risk? No, I want a straight dude to show my kid how to whittle sticks and shit. Although I'm going to be doing that myself since I love camping and will take him all the time, but still.
Being a male and Having a son should be a prerequisite for being a scout leader.
I didn't stick with it all the way to real boy scouts, but it was pretty solid as far as stuff for dads to do with their kids.
Fortunately that was back before flaming gays were prancing around all over the place, you got called a faggot for being a faggot, and it never crossed anybody's mind as to weather or not it should be necessary to put a homo in charge of a bunch of little boys alone in the woods.
>liberals are angry that the Boy Scouts don't let gays into their organization
>but they are perfectly okay with Islamic migrant gangs grooming young children to be sex slaves because "muh diversity"
I miss the soapbox derby, now everyone just stands on soapboxes instead of racing them.
I miss the past.
Does if there's gays in boy scouts. They're a very small majority, and most gays I we really meet don't even like the outdoors
and believing in God.
Scouting is a private organization and can do whatever the fuck it wants.
My scout troop was great. It was small and rural, but we were a homogeneous group and we all worked hard and had fun. Backpacking, shooting sports, community outreach, God, etc. Almost all of us got our Eagle too. I know for sure I want my son to be a scout.
>mfw I didn't become an Eagle Scout.
Ah well, live and learn. At least now I'm far more motivated now than in the past.
Also, they discriminate against Atheists? I never noticed it.
Welcome to liberal doublethink.
Where it's possible to support faggot rights and call anyone who criticises Islam for throwing faggots off of rooftops racist simultaneously
thankfully sodomites die from dieases alot lol
>tfw left Boy Scouts because my troop sucked ass and there weren't any good ones nearby
>tfw never got my Eagle
>tfw I dreamed about being an Eagle Scout since I joined the Cubs
I don't recall much of any God stuff, but then I grew up around a substantial Jewish population and people pretty much kept religious stuff to people they knew from church or whatever. I could definitely see it being big in the Jesusland parts of the country.
Scouts have strict rules preventing pedos. Scouts may not camp overnight w out a parent/guardian. Leaders take training on how to spot and prevent any such activity. Also, for u dags out there, Scouts really don't give a shit about ur fagness. Kids don't know and parents don't care. This is all just media bullshit to stoke angst and clicks.
No you faggot, if they don't want to accept gays or atheists that's their choice, stop being intolerant of other people's choices
fixed it for ya
It is so painfully obvious this person doesn't know a single scout or spend a single day being a scout.
I was in scouts. At least in my area, right before I became an Eagle Scout, we got a ton of retards and autistic kids which we essentially had to babysit. As kids became more idiotic over-time, the structure of the scouting groups have turned into a summer camp for autistic kids.
When I joined back in 2000, it was fairly old-school in the sense that we had very little overhead and none of the adults had to go through 'training' to make sure they we're not pedos. I had a a lot of fun before shit went down hill around 2010... which is when we started getting gay kids and retards dropped off because their dad or mom didn't want to to take care of them. I haven't been in touch with anyone since, and I'm fairly certain our troop still exists. I honest don't blame the adults for ruining things, I do blame the fucking morons at the head of the scouting organization, the big corporate fucks for allowing gays in though. I mean... we were already letting them in, and it was OK, but when politics got involved I could tell it was getting to be not as fun as it was. I think this was becuase of the increased background checks, saftey tests, parental and guidance exams, and all the other exams and tests that the leaders of the troops started to have to take. It just sucked all the fun out of everything when SJW morals got involved. No longer could we just go out into the woods with friends and camp there, instead we were forced to go to large and 'super-safe' buildings and SJW approved campgrounds. I hope I'm conveying this correctly to readers.
Fuck SJW bullshit, stay the fuck out of my hobbies.
Parents don't need to be on the campouts at all
They allow atheists and now allow gays.
Had a Fag and a Nigger in my Scout Troop. No one cared about either of them because they liked learning to be strong free thinking men who could if need be survive in the woods alone on their own wits and strength. They both grew up to be productive members of society and oddly enough both just last year lost a lot of "enlightened" "friends" for being "Straight-acting" and "Uncle Toms coon dancing for Massa" simply because they voted Pro-conservative and are both Anti-Islam. Amazingly none of the people they where in Scouts with "unfriended" them for having slightly different opinions on certain things once in a while.
Officially I think you're supposed to believe in a higher power to be in scouts, but there was an atheist in my troop and no one gave him any guff about it.
I was in Scouts in the mid 90's. It was pretty fun. Lots of camping, skill-building, sports, and community service.
This. They are a retarded pack of animals who need to be put down. They shit on everything good and pure about the West because they have utterly failed at life and so cannot stand anything beautiful and healthy. They are like fucking orcs at this stage.
They always did. It used to work because no one brought up either in Scouting because it didn't have anything to do with Scouting.
I was in the Scouts du Québec for a number of years. Was a lot of fun. You feel like a fucking baller comfortably sleeping through -30 Celsius weather in a quinzee.
What retarded oath is that,
On my honour I promise to do my best, to do my duty, to my god and my queen, to help other people and live by the scouts law.
I was in an amazing scout troop when I was a kid. By 15 I had everything done to be an eagle scout except the project. The troop I was in was filled with normal kids that were all friends and just loved camping and doing adventure outdoors stuff. My family then moved to a different state that year and the new troop was super lame. The scoutmasters were lame. The kids were functionally retarded. Everything about it sucked. It wasn't fun for me anymore so I left. Which sucks since I was so close to getting eagle.
>gay kids and retards dropped off because their dad or mom didn't want to to take care of them.
That is pretty baller. It was really watered down near me. We did the usual entertainment stuff like the pinewood derby and learning to tie knots (wow a skill I still use to this day), but I think the most baller thing I did in the woods was when one kid lent me his pocket knife and showed me how to sharpen a stick with it.
Boy Scouts is great.
>Getting the scout oath this wrong.
"On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty, to God and my country, to obey the Scout Law.
To help other people at all times.
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."
It's not that hard, guys.
In a lot of places it functions as an organized play date. Parents collaborate to drop their kids off together somewhere on a schedule to get them out of the house and hopefully doing something more constructive than video games.
Physically stronk etc etc what is this burger shite.
>Retard summer camp.
I know that feel, man. As time went on the amount of functioning scouts decreased and the number of autists increased. I mean when I first joined I was a little hyperactive and a bit of a nuisance, but I don't think it was ever to the level of the current scouts.
>I still know it by heart
I couldn't do the other one to save my life, though. Me, my little bro, and my dad had these bitching coins that had both of them on them.
I didn't live in the greatest of areas as kid. It wasn't super poor, but it had it's share of what I'd call white trash. Just one year suddenly, we got an influx of kids whose parents saw scouts as a form of glorified babysitting, and these kids didn't want to be in scouts and only made it difficult for everyone involved. These kids clearly had a lot of mental issues that scouts certainly wasn't going to fix. In fact, I recently head that a few of them were busted in a meth lab bust, and another overdosed on heroine. School dropouts.
It's a century old, give or take. Think of how America was back when it was created.
A scout is:
& Reverent
Op kill yourself
Better than the UK I guess
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to Almighty Allah, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and England,
To help other people,
And to obey the Scout Law.
Most of the group slept in cloth tents with wood stoves where you make a big, flat pile of snow, put hay on top of it and then a plastic tarp to keep yourself elevated off the ground. I've seen it go up to 18 Celsius inside those tents before. Only 3 of us decided to go for ultralight camping (Clothes, shovels, tarp, cooking implements and sleeping bags), but we were also the most experienced guys in the group. The rest needed to use sleds to carry their equipment into the woods whereas we only needed our backpacks.
A scout leader I used to volunteer for is trans.
It's really gay and goofy. The badges bit is a massive joke and it should be completely structured into a more clearly militaristic organization that acts like the civilian conservation Corp, working on roads or during excruciating marches through the woods or war drills. It should then feed into JROTC programs after sixteen
>and my queen
Haha cucks
I went through scouts and never witnessed religion.
Are you saying your scout groups DIDN'T walk 10k in 30 Celsius weather before setting up your tents?
One time, we said "Fuck it" and decided to bike 40k to our camp site instead of driving there.
There is literally an agnostic medal
That's the 2012 version.
Now it's:
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to Almighty Allah, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the Caliphate,
To help Islam, and its followers
And to obey the Quranic Law.
That's really cool. I was too much of a nerd loser to stick around long enough for something like that to even be an option. But at least I did take liking to camping enough to take on mild backpacking for a while later in life.
There's no question in my mind that these kinds of activities are insufficiently promoted in modern society. I mean, if you were to go one of the beautiful national parks in the US, you would see so many foreigners your head would spin. And there are virtually no niggers, so why wouldn't more Americans take advantage of these treasures unless they're all too busy out in the hinterlands?
Hell, a huge portion of the population doesn't even know how to swim.
I became an eagle scout, it was a great experience. I grew a lot as a person from that, I think.
And no, my Scoutmaster wasn't a faggot.
>Boy Scouts are evil sexist racists homophobes!
>Girl Scouts are endearing, empowering, and brilliant!
I want someone to invent a wine press where people stomp on Jews instead of grapes until they become Jewce.
They are. They've become cuckolded in this new generation of Scoutsmanship and now allow trannies, homos, and girls.
Same bruv. My troop was fine, bunch of preps though. Built a community garden, my person managing it was the Scoutmaster's wife, she worked at one of those places to help low income families. Anyway, we built it, was top tier.
Absolutely NOBODY in my troop helped me, despite me helping everybody during their projects, those fucking cunts. Apparently, the SPL and Scoutmaster hadnt told them I had a project, and when to meet. Not even 1 fucking day did they show up.
I had my friends from school and my old troop from years ago help.
So we finish garden, what happens? The person managing me, the wife, says she wont approve it. Says because non-Scouts helped in the project, doesn't count. When I say bullshit, they were all scouts once, she says it was because I was didnt have the proper paperwork. I show her the paperwork, she says it's because I was rude.
So I didnt get my Eagle, her center got the garden.
Still, at least some good came out of it, right? Community garden? FUCK NO.
Instead, the community garden became basically ONLY for the people working at that Center For Concern. There was an old lady next door that had gave us water while building the garden and while starting it - they wouldnt even let her have a single squash.
Even worse, they had nobody with any gardening experience, so it quickly fell into disarray.
And that's the story of how the most impressive Eagle project of Troop 4009 from Anniston Alabama turned into a disgrace.
Granted, it was only 4 tons of soil we had to move. We had 1 truck, took multiple trips. We only had help for just 1 day. The rest was entirely my brother and I.
You know how fucking hard it is to find railroad ties? We were using them to keep the soil in. Apparently goddamn hard. Same with rebar. We paid for that shit OUT. OF. POCKET.
I hear through the grapevine that some bitch is practically Scoutmaster now. Disgusting. Women should have zero interaction with the Boy Scouts.
Hey, gay eagle scout here. I love Donald and nationalism as much as the next guy so yeah. I have been a member of scouting for my hole entire life and legitimately think that yes maybe not scoutmasters but maybe assistants and helpers. Despite the fact that I have been an instructor since my first class rank, I can't go and make the fresh scouts love scouting anymore because of my homosexuality. Hell I decided not to have an eagle ceremony because I was a homosexual and thought since I joined before they allowed faggots I should not have become a member. I had to take my reward and leave.
How does swearing an oath to do my duty to the queen of Australia make me a cuck
>thinking they used to allow atheists
being this retarded
I hadn't even considered that, but that is scary. One of the better things my parents did for me was put me through swimming lessons at an early age.
It's not something I think about much ever until I find myself having fun being battered around by big waves at the beach or something and then notice how many people are just afraid of the water.
Do they let girls in burger scouts yet?
Then just do it yourself as you said.
>any parent entrusting the safety and security of their children to what is, essentially, a complete stranger
I couldn't imagine this, I've never met an Aussie who couldn't swim...
Wasn't the entire point of boy scouts working with other people and being proud of achieving something? Yeah, of course you can teach your son how to tie knots and start a fire, but sending him out of his safety net to learn things and achieve badges and shit seems to be the idea.
they are out dated when they cucked them self to faggots, trannys, and other, glad i enjoy it when it was good.... all straight white males, even the pussies in my troop got roughed up into being semi decent.. was lead by a christian navy seal that did not take shit... boys could be boys fireworks fighting, football, fires and knifes..... its not like this anymore and i wont even buy popcorn from them fags .. p.s eagle scout here
We're talking about people who never met one of their parents and the other one is too busy watching Oprah and "gettin' her hair did" to teach them a god damn thing of value.
Fuck, I remember spending entire summers at the public pool. We were waiting at the door when it opened, swamp the entire day and they let us stay past closing. We'd eat a big supper and then sleep like rocks until the next day where we did the same thing. We basically had the whole pool to ourselves most days.
What the fuck is Eagle Scout
Fucking autocorrect.
Sounds awesome, pools and beaches are always packed here.
Fuck that woman, SM and SPL
When my grandparents sold off a bunch of the farm, they wanted to make part of it a gift to my parents and they decided on installing a nice pool in the back yard.
I couldn't begin to count how many hours I spent in there. It's a great form of physical activity if your kid isn't in to sports or whatever, and the centerpiece of throwing block parties.
The kid who got diddled so hard that he became a diddler himself for starting to like it so he now attends boyscouts as a young aspiring pedo.
>the highest rank in scouting in the usa
One of the highest awards in Scouting.
Though really OA Vigil is the highest.
It's the highest Boy Scout rank. There's more to Scouting then just campfires and tents.
Huh makes sense
Top rank in Boy Scouts
Nah mate, Scoutmaster was cool. He was a good Scoutmaster. I've got nothing against him. Perhaps it just slipped his mind, or some delegation got mixed up. I don't think he has any beef with me.
His wife's a cunt though.
Eagle Scout here.
The idea that scouts discriminate is largely based on extreme cherrypicking of examples. My troop had a kid we all knew was transitioning, a gay leader, and a pair of lesbian scout moms.
It was never a problem. The only time it ever came up was when we would talk about how when we were camping, it didn't matter who you were or what society said about you. You were a person and you should be treated fairly because a bear will eat you no matter what your sexual orientation is. Boy Scouts was about learning skills and learning how to follow the Scout Law:
Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. That was all that mattered and you can be all of those things regardless of who you fall in love with. Our priest knew the composition of our troop and didn't care because what mattered was our charity work and volunteering.
Our gay leader taught us how to make grenades out of matchsticks and tennis balls and let us shoot crossbows on his private ranch where we went once a year. One of our lesbian moms was a hardcore survivalist in her twenties and would show us things like how to make shelters in trees and build a fire without matches. But the most important thing was that scouts was a place that emphasized being a decent human being. I surrounded myself with other people striving to be decent human beings, and that had a lasting impact on my character. And camping is fucking awesome. I wish I still had time to go out and camp once a month.
People who say scouts are outdated should go on a campout with their local troop and experience what is is we actually do. We don't just sit around bashing gays and non-Christians. We learn knots, go on hikes, build fires, tell stories, and after the adults go to bed all the teenagers sit around the fire and lie about how much sex they get all the time. It's just a normal group of people who love camping striving to be better.
kind funny current or former eagles make up Sup Forums... top kek
>Boy Scouts allow fags and trannies
>liberals still shit on them
>Mormons leave
There's no appeasing liberals, never give an inch. They'll just demand more and more "progress" while never forgetting what evil terrible things you did in the past
Highest Award in Australia is Baden Powell award, achieved in rovers
Highest in ventures is "queen scout"
Highest in scouting is gold cord.
I assume Eagle Scout is on par with the queen scout and is achieved before your 18th birthday
Ay I lost my virginity at NYLT.
.... Yes. If they identify as male. Scouts has gone a long way down.
Boy scouts is based despite the retarded gays can join rule I remember we always made fun of fags(adam and eve not adam and steve!) and when we had to put our signs up we would do it but then slowly move our hands until we were foing the hitler salute. It teaches tou practical outdoor skills and gives you a taste of the wonders of high testosterone outdoor adventure
Its a private fucking organization!
If you want a Communist/Gay/Crippled/African troup, dedicated to giving free abortions to lesbian Jews - start your own damn club!
You freaks alredy own everything in the public sector.
Scouting is a mixed bag, my troop was run my ex-miliary insane people with wilderness survival fetishes and my leader was a closet-fascist, so I was lucky.
Most are just a bunch of sissies, virgins, and queers.
It's been a long time, gold cord?
Also, I'd forgotten the heroism medal. But I dont think we should count that, not everybody can be a hero, the situation needs to present itself.
Healthy mind healthy body
Story time
Hell my son made a patrol with his buddies they called it "the border" so whenever someone called them they would adddress them as the border patrol
only in London.
Nope the Boy Scouts are pretty good. Girl Scouts on the other hand don't make as much sense if the Boy Scouts were gone.
I was a Boy scout when i was a young kid and I liked it.
But they've fallen now that they accept gays and trannies.
time to look for alternatives.
I hear Trail Life USA was created back in 2013 specifically in reaction to the Boyscouts policy change.