To celebrate gay pride during LGBTQ pride day, McDonald's will be offering its fries in a rainbow container in select locations.
To celebrate gay pride during LGBTQ pride day, McDonald's will be offering its fries in a rainbow container in select locations.
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No pretty patties, though?
McDonalds = Goyim Food.
real sick of this rainbow fag shit
Fuck mcniggers
Wendies or Chic fi lay is where its at
lol, another company banking on faggots and liberals. Good job.
>captcha: Britannia Bris
I'll be sure to eat at Chick-fil-A on faggot pride day.
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>what should I get from sonic?
>the chaos emeralds
maximum kek
polgbt is literally a bunch of christian fundamentalists trying to convert gays into their retarded cult
Man, there are no Wendy`s in Germany
I'm jealous.
Well I know where I'll be going.
Is next month the one where they celebrate having a nigger out front of each store to ask you for change on your way out?
Are they JWs earning their merit points?
>he only eats at disgusting cheap fast foods
Fucking burgers you are the scum of this earth get lost you and your degenerate McDiabetus
This shit is Orwellian. They put the gay pride EVERYWHERE. Fucking disgusting. They really hate Christ that much.
I mix a bowl of their chili in with the sauce when I make spaghetti
Hairy mens turds on my cock feels so good though?
You know that chili is made from hamburgers that they couldn't sell in time and had to be cooked again for food safety.
Not saying it's awful for fast food chili, but it is what it is.
Guys, McDonalds is suffering sales wise. Theybaren't selling as much as they ysed to. I've seen some places close down that have been around for decades. Stop eating there and they might actuaily suffer further and realise supporting sodomy is a bad idea.
Don't forget to get your Black-Mac coupons at McDonalds black only website.... and yes its really McDonalds website.......
Notice they don't own a
McDonalds fries are fucking delicious. I don't care what they put them in.
>implying I eat at mcdonalds in the first place
Last time I was there all I did was stand in line to use the bathroom. Although I feel bad about that even in places where's considered normal, so I think I ordered like a breakfast burrito kind of thing or something that I'd never seen on the menu as a kid.
wont be seeing this in muslim countries or cities...I wonder why?
Is it that time again already?
burgerland has plenty of alternatives
if you are still eating at McNigger you are a part of the problem
Dare we call that spooky? Or would that be racist?
That's kinda gay.
Sorry we don't have muzzies with kebab stands on every corner, Ahmed.
Daily reminder that gays like pedo's all have severe mental illness and this kind of lifestyle is pushed by liberals to insult normal everyday people who don't want to see civilization destroyed.
The only positive thing about the lbgtq movement which seems massive in scale only to rise up for the rights of less than 2% of US' population is that it functions as a divertion from real problems i.e. US inner city crime because they do not want to solve that cause then the nigger and spic population would boom.
Also it pisses muzzies off
Wendy's and Jimmy John's make a cute couple
Remember the faggot whopper?
What an odd name.
I saw Smirnoff at my local Tesco with gay rainbow flags on them too, glad I don't buy that cheap potato water.
no, we have dirty wetbacks with taco trucks.
What brands do I have to avoid now
All of them. Make your own everything from raw materials.
Wow its always something I don't buy anyway.
How unamerican of you
>Jew opposed to faggotry
Well that's a first, or maybe he's opposed to faggotry for Jews, I'm sure he'd be ok with it for non Jews.
>when wendy's hired a channer to manage their social media
why would any company that sells food want to associate eating their product with men buttfucking each other
America has become a fag nation.
>says the guy who views his pot of gold at being at the end of a rainbow
fancy a treasure hunt? :3
McDs in Palm Springs will have that, but not Palm Desert, Banning, Yucca Valley, Blythe & Hemet. The one in Indio "thinking about it", it's Liberal Democrat or LGBT communities will do it.
Lucky. It's illegal here not to buy McDonalds at least once a week.
The USA is ALL NOT GAY - by GOP congress majority & 44 state govt. Republican majorities.
My car insurance comes with free Amazon Prime McDonalds once-a-week delivery.
BTW I'm in southern CA - red part of blue state.
It's like "you can be gay, but don't be an illegal."
Palm Springs is GAY, Indio is illegal immigrant.
That's disappointing. I was expecting the fries themselves to be assorted colors. Painting a box is just lazy.
>tfw somebody in the fast food industry reads this post and a year from now you'll be choosing your mix of food color like at the M&M store
to celebrate international faggots day McDonalds will be randomly sprinkling their fries with AIDS
Only low value cucks would regularly eat there anyway.
Sup Forums snowflakes getting triggered.
McDonalds is about as good for your health as an anal prolapse so it makes sense
Well I already haven't ate there in almost 30 yrs now. No reason to start again at all after reading this. I hope the fags and all the niggers that practically live @ McNasty's kill one another.
A pink sock is like a foreskin for your ass. It's the best way to stick it to the Jews.
I have their app and they seem to have good deals, but not like I would spend money there.
Hell, went to Del Taco last night. I guess the manager thought I waited a while and gave me a free large soda. Probably waited five minutes. Gave them a good review from the receipt.
Muslims aren't supposed to drink anyways
will we get
Chic-fil-a is closed on sundays
I think #pride2017 should now be considered White pride 2017 yea?
Who gives a shit?
>low quality heart-disease inducing pride
no what? You forgot to say (no homo)
This is literally just marketing. They know fags will buy shit because muh pride. Who cares
>when your food is shit and all you have left to market to is people looking for a nice tossed salad with dingleberries.
The virtue signalling has gone into overdrive, it's like they want to promote divisiveness and tension in society.
tough being a faggot
>implying u
The "LOL NO SAFE SPACE, SNOWFLAKES" conservatives are a cancer. We need less edgy dicks like this, and more pro-gun, anti-big gov amongst us
christians are fucking retards. why do you have to be christian to be against this faggot shit?
thats a fucking whopper you dumb fuck BURGER KING. They also had a red bun what is that now indian?
Just finished lunch from there. Always a fucking mad house there at lunch. Glad to see it though.
>when you alienate more potential customers than there are faggots
Oh jeez, so that's why Vimeo had fucking rainbow colours in the logo. I have no problem with LGBT shit, but I'm sick to death of seeing the flag shit plastered left right and centre.
It's name is (((stein))) probably a satirical account to subvert and distort arguments against degeneracy.
>that wendys pepe
my sides
hey don't bash vimeo unlike JEWTUBE they let you see frank yang's wang.
so fucking sick of this shit here is my life situation rn:
>wakeup sweating in opiate withdrawal because this country sucks and im depressed
>go to bank to get some $krilla to buy my drugs
>see 2 faggots in a hammock on the digital signage behind the teller
>go to machine to withdraw money
>rainbows everywhere
>downtown toronto has these bike stations to rent bikes
>they are full of rainbows
>rainbows everywhere
>faggots pushing strollers with babies in them
>cant say nothing or I get crucified
why must sodomy come up when I go to the fucking bank
Are fags the best customers ever? All you need to do is slap a rainbow on a product and say it's in honor of some pride garbage or whatever and millions who wouldn't normally care about your product will flock to it because being gay is their entire identity.
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>Eating fast food
Best Goy
You should close your account and join a credit union anyway.
IIRC they don't actually buy this crap. I remember the Doritos one, they actually lost sales IIRC.
Ah, but you are missing the point. The juden HATE christ so much, they're willing to defy Judiasm and promote gayness everywhere in order to rot away at Christian values. (((They))) don't care about gays. (((They))) care about destroying Christian society. Even if you are an Arheist, you must see what's going on. They're trying to offend and demoralize Christians.
based wendy
When you stop being a degenerate drug addict yourself.