Do conservative black women exist Sup Forums?
Do conservative black women exist Sup Forums?
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wow hot girl in vid op
thanks im op
I really like Josephine a lot.
I'd argue that most non-whites are conservative, even Hispanics/Blacks or ones in America that vote Democrat. It's just that conservative means something different depending on your demographic situation. They basically vote for their own ethnic interests, which is about as conservative as it gets. Ryan Falk has talked about this before.
but seriously, most women into politics are annoying. Conservative women who have no kids, no marriage prospects, or any inclination to live a tradition life are just as bad as any liberal roastie.
ex: Lauren southern
Wow, OP you are really smart.
Yes. At least one. Well, a distant family member in law (aunt) of mine is a single mom of three from two men, she grew up on welfare and her siblings ended up addicted to opiates and she later found out she was half black when she thought she was full Puerto Rican for so long that her nigglet kids don't know they are quarter black (when they look like Stephen Curry and senpai).
But she's very fiscally and mostly socially conservative. She works for the federal government in network and IT, self taught during the 90s but never went to college. Still she's anti welfare and only approves begrudgingly when one of her nieces or nephews use it but really she attacks them and eventually they get jobs and work because her harshness towards welfare lifestyle.
Her being a bastard nig nog who had to work hard to be independent from.thr state and felt and saw the negative effects of welfare has turned her into the darkest skinned female Republican ice known irl
Bang her user