How do we fix women like this?
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manlet uprising
I don't see anything wrong with this though.
>implying removing manlets from the gene pool is a bad thing
Doesn't this post go against the other threads? We have threads talking about how we should ban muslims, gays and who ever just so we can feel safe. Yet you give her shit for wanting to feel safe?
No different than a guy wanting a non fat girl
>no fat chicks, no ugly chicks, big tits only, must have innie vagina
Found the roastie
>We have threads talking about how we should ban muslims, gays and who ever just so we can feel safe.
>So we can feel safe.
Why concern yourself with fixing them what about you? Women have it great now days focus on yourself it's not our job to fix women
>Less than 6' manlet detected
Sorry shortstuff, your waifu will always eye me thinking of being spooned without getting clawed in the back of her knees by your feet.
one can argue that being fat is a choice while being short is genetics
...then again ask any hamplanet and im sure they will say fat is all in genetics
Still tall men fall for the short qt meme. Not realising their offspring will be midgets.
Makes me glad I'm not 6ft
there's nothing to "fix"
why should women date under 6ft manlets?
we don'tt want manlet genes to spread and ruin the genepool
Fatness can be fixed with gym, uglyness can be fixed with clothes and money so that is not a problem and i am fine with small tits and beefvagina. So tell me why a manlet like me cant get a girlfriend even tho i have no stereotypes
Being black is genetics also. Should we just go and get blacked too.
>user doesn't know you can get taller by stretching your knee caps
Then stop dating short women.
>liek omg how can you be racist or judge people for their belief or gender? ur such a bigot
>also guys under 6'1" aren't even real people lol no shorties ;^)
kill all womanlets, it's a well known fact that a man will grow to be at least as tall as his mother. short women make short men. women under five foot seven inches should be gassed for the greater good
I know this whore, the above 6ft thing is so she has an excuse to date niggers
Ignore then.
The cuck indulging her vanity is actually worse than she is. Don't teach them bad habits.
>mfw I'm just 5'6 and my gf eyes taller guys.
How do we fix butthurt manlets? This is not Sup Forums, btw.
>tallest people in the world are whites in Netherlands and Balkans
Nice try, keep dreaming about blacked
it´is always funny that girls can say stuff like that
like i don't date fat guys if a guy say that he will be called misogynist and sexists
Are we having a dry spell ey Deirdre
Not like most women internally think this and would actually follow this if they all had the chance.
If you're under 5'7 you're second tier. I being on that list, and I understand the fact. Get used to it kiddos.
Not always the case, my moms like 4 something and my dads like 5'11, and I am 6"1 or something inbetween.
It's true, my grandfather was 6'4" and my grandmother was about 5'2", a couple of my uncles are manlets.
My dad is 6'1" and I'm 6'2" and wasn't raised in a post war austerity large catholic family, so the effects are yet to be resolved.
>tfw short qts flirt with me and all I see is a manlet son
>respect to the manlets out there doing it tough, like OP don't take shit from women - especially if they're fat.
Manlets - fear not. We will soon ascend to the halls of Valhalla and re-subjugate the entire female race in the anti-Chad purges.
kill the tall, that's the answer
>getting manlets angry
>a fucking roastie
really hard decision
Guarantee she's under 5'3 and she's trying to make up for that insecurity by being with a man over 6ft.
Your mom got LANKED and your dad's a cuck
your torso is probably tiny
I'm 6'2" so this doesn't really bother me, but I feel for you short bros out there. I've seen how cruel girls can be first hand since my good friend is a manlet. Great dude, really funny, but he's always getting turned down because of his height.
I'll give you guys the same advice I give him, try to find a girl that's 5'1" or shorter. They're out there. As long as you're taller than the girl you want, you shouldn't have any problems. Honestly, would you even want a woman that thinks like OP's pic related when she has that kind of mentality? I would hope not.
Its rather an arbitrary distinction though. Plenty of 6 foot+ losers who contribute nothing to society apart from bar fights and sperm.
Then there's plenty of dudes under 6 feet who become doctors, lawyers, and other top tier providers.
I guess if we were still living in the Dark Ages, the whole 6 foot fetish would make sense. But in this day and age it really doesn't.
Thanks for intensifying my feels trip.
you won't be spared on the day of the saw you lanklet bastard
As a 5'9 male, I don't see anything wrong with this.
Only the alpha should have the right to breed.
Fight/flight depends on whether we consider ourselves "Equal", which is why the most egalitarian societies are the most conflicted and war-like.
I don't try to be alpha; I'm not very alpha; I might have redeeming qualities just because I've been with girls, but that doesn't mean I'm an alpha. People are happier when they let themselves become what society tells them to be. If you're a beta, you should give up hope trying to be alpha; just let it be an inevitability, and your life will get 100x better. Trust me.
>Fight/flight depends on whether we consider ourselves "Equal", which is why the most egalitarian societies are the most conflicted and war-like.
lmao what war are you talking about
if there was actual gang warfare and violent competition for mates you lanklets would all get destroyed
the problem should kind of fix itself,
if everyone wants 6+ ft guys, a good number of girls will end up single, so they either adapt or start adopting lots of cats
But why is height the final indicator of Alpha/Beta status?
An MMA fighter your height is going to absolutely shred some 6'2, man-bun wearing hipster douche who happens to have been born tall.
It always comes down to the size of fight in the dog, not the dog in the fight.
Girls that eternally chase chad don't reproduce anyways
There were manlet police officers and manlet paramedics helping out after the London terrorist attacks #manlets
>breeding for height instead of iq
the one in this pic is a single mother
Why do you guys call us lanklets when that assumed that we're thin twigs that happen to be tall?
I'm 196 pounds, far from "lanky".
> Fix this shit
We don't. It's too late for the West, user.
Join us here in the back seats of the stadium watching on for the amusement.
>manlets upset that some women prefer tall guys
manlet hall of cost soon lankbros
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but fatasses can only be fixed by eating less food. Which is fucking unlikely.
MANLETS BTFO ONCE AGAIN, how does it feel that I can take any MANLETS girl with ease because I'm 6'3" with a long cock?
lol fatass didn't mention bodyfat percentage wew
>chad definding us manlets
t-thanks you
>But why is height the final indicator of Alpha/Beta status
It's not. Nobody calls Putin a Beta and he's 5'6. Height is taken way out of context when in reality, the difference is absolutely negligible, see pic related. Don is 6'2, Nigel is 5'8.
infidels like this is why we planned the manchester bombing. get rid of future ariana grandes at the source . allahu akbar. allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.allahu akbar.
tfw dick is longer in inches than the number of extra inches of height of my entire body
>tfw 5'7"x9"
>tfw nobody fucking believes me as to why I have this freakishly disproportionate dick
>tfw only short girls go after me and it hurts them to go all in
>tfw I'd give anything to shave 2 inches off my dick and add to my height
I'm 5'6 and I'm over 6.
Nobody believes me either.
Clearly RPing, Manlets do not have any girls for you to take.
Settle down Chad. That says more about the stupidity of women than anything else.
I know that feel, it's like they think I'm compensating for my height when I really hate it
I like how you inadvertently proved that the only way a manlet can escape beta status is to lead a global nuclear power and poison your enemies. And even at that, I don't usually see him with women.
>people under 6 feet are inherently beta
>all the most influential people in human history were not taller then 5'10
So which is it?
Because they can't handle the ferocity his 10 inch, uncircumsized cocks!
you do know they have surgery that can make you taller?
Looks like he called her on her bullshit and shamed her properly for her behavior. Do more of that.
>w-w-well i don't see Nigel with women
The Man is married to a German women no less and has children, not to mention working all of the hours God sends at the EU parliament from Brussels back to the UK, all of the way back again.
It's all relative, most of them were actually tall for their population and time period.
gas the tall
during napoleon's youth he was an incel, outclassed by all the 6 foot tall turbochads around him
do you know how he beat them? he outsmarted them all because they were dumb and complacent from all the SEX they were having
so a chode?
You can't.
As a manlet at 5'11, I have to say she's right. Manlets shouldn't be with girls of average height.
How do we fix manlets??
Alexander the Great was 5ft and was considered "very short" even by Ancient Macedon standards.
Manlets gonna manlet
There are worse standards that she could set for herself. And it's a little hard to be mad at someone for saying their only standard is men over 6'ft since they are probably talking about Chads. Still, I hate the sentiment that a lot of women have that you are worthless in all regards if you fall short of 6 ft by even an inch. Especially since a lot of them will bitch about men having standards that women can help.
>things roasties actually believe: the post
Then again, your knowledge of men is probably limited to your experiences of letting them use you. As long as your have decent hips, aren't obese, and keep yourself clean (2/3 things you can help) most men won't care about anything else.
>we should ban muslims, gays and who ever just so we can be safe
>Yet you give her shit for wanting to feel safe?
Yes, feeling safe isn't the same as being safe
is your hieght all you have to offer? How fucking retarded are you?
I'm the literally barrel bottom of humanity
>hair everywhere, a sasquatch
>13 cm dick
>progressively balding
>small hands
>hobbit like feet
>heavy glasses
and I don't give a fuck about girls
Manlets should be forced to take estrogen and be trained to be sexual sissy slaves
of course the leaf is a supreme cuck
Remove their voting rights.
you realize short women would still insure that short men are in the gene pool right
if anything tall men should date tall women and everyone else should die
Oh, yeah, I won't look like a chode paying thousands of dollars and undertaking intensive surgery so I can gain an inch of height and mack on bitches like OP's pic.
Guessing you're atleast smart or funny then? Nature normally finds a balance with shit.
That's right goys, if you're not over 6 feet (i.e. over 75% of the male Western population) you have to chance at reproducing so why try or fight for change? Just keep working and watching pornography! Not a demoralization psyop btw.
Must suck seeing all the 10/10 Italian chads banging every roastie in sight.
>that dude
kek he's clearly a """""""5ft10in"""""""" manlet who's super salty which is why he went straight to the "oh yea well ur a slut i didnt want u anyway" line
I should protect that qutie from beta numale manlets like you.
t. 6'4''
Holy fuck so many manlets, this is what you look like
I'm studying to become and engineer...
I'm beyond salvation
at first, yes, then I realized they only seek money, then I realized I'm gonna make them and all the little girls right now will be 18 years olds by the time I will achieve my objective, and I will be the boss
>one of the keebler elves is married to stacy keibler