>Sup Forums thinks "the white race" (which in itself is a stupid concept) is going extinct
It's obviously not true, but even if it were, why is that a bad thing? Race mixing leads to offspring with better genetics than both parents.
The ultimate evolution in the human race is when all races become one through interbreeding
Sup Forums thinks "the white race" (which in itself is a stupid concept) is going extinct
this place is just full of edgelords
Why do you think race mixing makes genetics stronger?
Please tell me more.
>b-but diversity is our strength!
Go away Jew
>Race mixing leads to offspring with better genetics than both parents
That's like saying if you mix gold with silver you get a more valuable metal. Please show yourself to the gallows for DotR.
Older genes take priority over newer genes.
For example white skin is younger than black skin. Since black is much older in an unbiased evolutionary setting where genes are picked only for the sake of survival.
Which is why mixed couples kids look like niglets.
So for example violent and dumb are more likely to survive than smart and kind. So the offspring will be dumber and more violent.
Making mankind go backwards in evolution.
>Race mixing leads to offspring with better genetics than both parents.
It's literally the exact opposite. It creates new weaknesses. Europeans have nothing to gain from other peoples. It only regresses the offspring and if everyone is mixed, human advancement is done. Maintaining what we already have would be impossible, too. Let other races eliminate themselves if they want to, in their own countries. Whites need to be preserved because they are objectively the best and the most important to the world.
>Race mixing leads to offspring with better genetics than both parents.
The problem with this line of thinking is that we can peer deeply into our genetic code now and some people might come away with the idea that certain groups are "Neanderthal deficient".
I don't see why we can't have a world where mixed people are accepted (but not artificially exalted), while simultaneously supporting distinct peoples' rights to maintain their uniqueness (as long as it doesn't infringe on that of others).
Thinking it should be all one way ("everyone has to be made play-doh brown!"), or all the other way ("everyone needs to be kept separated, by violence if necessary!") is frankly intellectually lazy because both endgames are completely untenable. Neither are going to happen.
Genetic diversity leads to healthier offspring. Literally how genetics work. Ask anyone who has worked in breeding animals. It's why you're so fucking retarded, because your dad married his cousin.
Inbreeding creates new weaknesses and deficiencies. The genes are strengthened through diversity.
Read a fucking book you inbred fuck.
t. layman
Europe has plenty of genetic diversity with none of the non-white downsides.
>Race mixing leads to offspring with better genetics than both parents.
there is no reason race mix other than to increase IQ, so asians and kikes give you the best chance. there is no reason for a white man to breed with any other race--it would be a downgrade
and by having multiple seperate genetic traits IS DIVERSITY. Blobbing all peoples together will literally lower the diversity of the genetics, and create a hegemony for viruses and genetic flaws to thrive in, instead of being bred out.
How do people not see this?
>It's a good thing to lack in-group self preservation
>All races are doing just as well as others and mixing would have no draw backs
You need to take into account that maybe one global CULTURE is a better solution to one global RACE. The world is too big, and people do not migrate if they do not have a need to. People are too spaced out for their to be one race, and large mixed areas like the North America are historic and economic flukes. The globe has no reason to become a melting pot and you will find more resistance to that concept out side of white nations. It's laughable to think only white people act like this. Much in the same way the Romans were more advanced than the British, and with invasion brought improvements, the more backwards parts of earth would benefit from adopting ideas and concepts from more successful nations. The concepts of inalienable rights back by democracy, mixed with capitalism, and mix between christian virtues and the rationality of science produced the greatest nations on earth. I think all races can be equal I just think the have to destroy their primitive cultures to do it.
>It's obviously not true
You can't argue statistics. European sovereignty is dying.
>but even if it were, why is that a bad thing?
The struggle of existence is a billions year old process. To fight your genetic identity's demise is absolutely righteous.
Most humans are worthless. They are the by product of an environment that satisfied the rudimentary struggles of life. Some humans are more evolved than others, nor in terms of time, but in terms of capacity. To 'blend' them would mean to lose many of those traits that were forged in severe strife. You would in fact see a decline in evolutionary process.
>Race mixing leads to offspring with better genetics than both parents.
You mean mixing with people who still believe Djinns are inside a nuclear reactor?
That's like race mixing with people who at the time of 15th century didn't even invent the wheel yet...
Actually, no.
also: your bullshit diversity will kill the white diversity of the different euro-races itself
what hair types does europe have?
Brown, Castania, Red, Blone, Oxygen-blonde
What Iris-types does euope have?
Blue, Brown, Green, and variations inbetween.
now what do mediterrean and degenerate countries have?
Skin: Brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown/Black
This is what happens to us with interbreeding.
killing uniqueness of our race.
speak after me, race-traitor shill:
Every Color has its place, an Ethnic home for every Race!
Now fuck off!
There is a difference in breeding two animals with desirable traits and just fucking mating with whoever you like you fucking mixed race nigger. Stop trying to make yourself feel better by trying to argue with retarded people and shills on the internet.
gtfo kalergi
Do you know nothing about dogs? Mutts are healthier than purebloods, purebloods are fucked, full of health problems.
It applies to humans too, sickle.cell.is a black disease, but white/black.mixed children.rarely get it, they also have better musculature, and are.generally more aesthetically pleasing than if.the child was full white or.full black.
The end point is race mixing until there is only one race, with the best parts of each race, and no drawbacks
>Steven Jewniverse pic
Shill. Sage goes in all boxes.
> thinks diversity means different kinds of white people
Do you think a diverse fruit salad would be.different kinds of apples?
"Pure bloods" were achieved through inbreeding, hybrid vigor is only a thing when you have a group that is extremely inbred
Mixed children may be less likely to have sickle cell anemia but they will also have a lower IQ, you are sacrificing the health of the superior race for the improvement of the lesser race
Sod off