Why do blacks and arabs loiter everywhere? You never see white people just standing around

Why do blacks and arabs loiter everywhere? You never see white people just standing around.

What do they even do? I would be so bored.

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no jobs and their only hobbies are shit music and twitter memes they can read from their phones

It's not like the have a job to go to, faggot.

You sit around in front of a computer right now, on Sup Forums, during working hours in the US.

What's your excuse ?

>inb4 I do night shifts.

>18 year old uni student
kiss my ass mountain jew

It actually looks like he is working. $5 says if you went up to him right now and ask for a dime bag he will deliver.

How much is a dime bag nowadays?

>uni student
>not working
How daddy and mommy go ? Daddy boy.

Its not hard to work and go to school

R selected races are less intelligent and more social / sociable. This is why they would be prefer to be out on the streets socializing with random people rather than doing self-fulfilling hobbies. They aren't interested in K selected hobbies such as playing music, painting or reading philosophy. They are unemployed / unemployable for the same reasons.

It's the same reason why women are more sociable than men are.

$10, that's why they call it a dime bag.

>How daddy and mommy go ? Daddy boy.

R/k selection theory went out of date decades ago after new research and is not taken seriously by anyone other than autists on the internet

It's called socializing you fucking neet. The reason you don't see whites doing it is because they own the buildings and get to hang out in there instead of on the streets.

I noticed this in the US. At least latinos actually work, blacks just stand around on weekday mornings.


>t.Tyrone the porch monkey

They don't do shit. The negro will always revert back to his African ways. Africans just sit around waiting for the next care package from the west.

Theyre selling drugs you fucking idiot.

The difference is Arabs loiter in front of shit they own


$15 for a nickel bag per Jay and Silent Bob

Steal and sell shit, have sex(or rape), and dodge the cops all day with no responsibility what-so-ever like a typical degenerate.
Like a modern day barbarian with no pride.

>You never see white people just standing around.
We are at work

To be fair I've never seen Arabs loiter in the US. They're all business owners. I've only seen that in Europe.

Oh, I get it. Because he criticised what you said, that makes him a "kike shill". Right. You're such a fucking moron.

How can you work and go to uni simultaneously?

How do you want to learn all that shit when you have still go to work after the lectures?

Only someone who is in gender studies or some bullshit have enough time to work but they dont work.

People work part time senpai. In the US even the college will employ you either serving food or in the library.

with you, normie

it's a little more you speed