It's Sweden's national day and we're celebrating the end of danish tyranny. Say something nice about Sweden.
Sweden's national day
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It's a nice country, shame what you're letting happen to it.
kys cuck
Good luck.
Don't you have a bull to prep?
>dat neg
swedanistanfrica nice kuntry m9s
I wish my great grandparents never moved to the US.
We love you, Sweden!
Me neither. At least in Sweden I'd be with my people. Can't really escape what's coming though, no matter where you are.
No its called fishing for votes.
It's time to execute operation scorched-earth
Christian II should've done what he did in Stockholm to your entire nation
DOn't you remember how you used to oppress finland back in days or are you a fucking hypocrite? end of danish tyranny my ass...
>Say something nice about Sweden
Its shit.
Too bad they'll likely be celebrating Syrian heritage day instead of this soon.
Good luck with the fasting, Svens.
Except the mudshits doing the raping, it has been a good year for politics.
I love my country and will gladly fight for my last breath to make Sweden into Sweden again.
this is what independence looks like.
cucked beyond repair
Beautiful lands, terrible people.
i wish my grandparents DID move to the US, like their siblings did fuggg
first poo in loo best poo in loo
Too late crawling back. I know you celebrate your national day ironic because you wished that you were part of Denmark.
M-mitt f-fosterland.
>those headstones still standing
My immersion is broken. 2/10
we need Niinistö
Is that real?
Shit is an understatement
They make good snus
We need more people to wake up and join NMR
Hell Seger!
At least you don't have the guilt of knowing that your ancestors had a part in destroying Germany. When Greater Germania rises and annexes the upper midwestern states, we will be able to move freely.
Unfortunately. People are pushing this "I'm proud of Sweden because of diversity, tolerance and openness". It's shitlib civic "nationalism".
How "diverse" are the smaller cities/towns in Sweden? Is it only Stockholm, Malmö and such or has the rot spread far and wide?
It's has spread pretty much everywhere.
The smaller cities aren't as faggoty, there aren't pride flags and people celebrating non-swedish traditions openly
In small villages further up in the north basically nobody is like that
An example to other nations of the dangers of Islamic immigration.
Hard to say. They're trying to spread them out, but as soon as they get the opportunity they leave for the bigger citys.
Sometimes I find it difficult to comprehend just how extreme it is across the bridge, watching those two debates on feminism and refugees it was crazy how extreme your representatives were.
Shit's bad here but I hope we will at least not reach your level.
If we fail this coming election boys... pic related will be doomed forever.
the culturally enriched zones within close proximity to larger urban areas are no go zones, there is no civilization there, the law has been driven out and replaced by sharia. They can't build new police stations either because no construction company wants to risk the lifes of their workers, even though it's a comfy, well paying state-contract. These populations roam the richer parts of the cities too but not so much, travel center is filled with these insects for example but also areas of private homes for crimes such as home invasion, muggings, stabbings, attackrapes, etc
All "countys" in swedistan has been forced to take rapefugees, there are riots in the most tiny shithole towns, like in Trollhättan for exampel, or Gällivare which is located basically at the north pole, there you can now find african tribes fighting with machetes and raping kids. And just imagine how helpless the state is in these areas, police don't even engage in our capital, much less these rural places, basically monkeys burning tires, chimpin'
There is no going back without major, major action
something good for sweden
Lugna ner dig lite nu Danskjävel.
Is it Ramm'aVan?
What a shitty thing to celebrate, looks like they just threw something together in the last minute
this image is incorrect, there is nothing dialectic about sweden except fear of conflict i.e. being a weak pussy, nobody cares about politics or anything about us as a group, 87% don't want national borders for fucks sake... literal insanity
I don't think anyone other than Germany has the potentional to reach our level of fuckery
Atleast here we have a good freedom of speech unlike in Germany where critizism against jews is banned
They threw in "top scientist" Arnstad, jesus christ what a retard. He isn't even a real historian he has taken a few courses, my younger brother had him as a classmate last year.
This poo knows how to flush the loo
"En kvinna i 70-årsåldern åtalas vid Mora tingsrätt för hets mot folkgrupp.
Enligt åtalet ska kvinnan ha uttalat sitt nedsättande om flyktingar med syftning på hudfärg och nationellt ursprung i ett inlägg på Facebook.
I inlägget ska kvinnan ha uttalat sig nedsättande och påstått att människor av utländsk härkomst "eldar upp bilar och kissar och bajsar på gatorna"."
"En 16-årig pojke har dömts till dagsböter efter att ha lagt upp ett rasistiskt inlägg på Facebook.
Inlägget, som skulle vara ett skämt, antydde att somalier drar till sig flugor."
>muh king of the north
you northern commie faggots all vote left, glad you're getting enriched now too
If he is not a real historian how does he get away with claiming to be one, wouldn't there be some sort of outrage? I've also heard your PM has him as some sort of special advisor?
Direkt källa, tror inte på något Media skriver
Denmark running a train on Scandinavia was the best thing to ever happen to it
>There used to be entwives (literally "ent-women"), but they started to move farther away from the Ents because they liked to plant and control things, so they moved away to the region that would later become the Brown Lands across the Great River Anduin. This area was destroyed by Sauron, and the entwives disappeared. The ents looked for them, but have never found them.
God damn it. That's not helping.
>>It's Sweden's national day and we're celebrating the end of danish tyranny. Say something nice about Sweden
ur welcome to rejoin
most people don't question media here, they simply believe what they're told
yeah, because he has värdegrund and has some former political and lecturing training.
The clip where he says "we dont have a problem with immigrants, we have a problem with nazis" is looked at in sweden and laughed at
O ye of little faith.
Thank you for typing that out. That is so sad. I don't know how you resist the urge to kill them. I feel that killing another man puts a black mark on your soul and you are dammned for eternity. If this wasn't the case and I lived in one the areas of Sweden you just described, I would probably be killing the males every night.
Swedish genes gave me blue-yellow central heterochromia and high cheekbones
Haha it's fun when foreigners think half-Finns or Sami are Swedes just because they have blonde hair.
That's comforting that it is laughed at. I remember watching it and I was wondering what the nazis had to do with the discussion up until that point. I mean they did have the solution to our problem but it came out of left field.
How the northern villagers don't just round up the migrants and execute them all in the dead of night, I'll never know. There's no law in Sweden, just anti-white anarcho-tranny
Denmark shoulda won faggoy
I was referring to the ones in Sweden
I just can't, sorry. They should have stuck with the Danes. At least they have common sense
If you're a member of the swedish church, remember to also vote. It is an institution to liberate, even if it's a tough one.
You should have stuck with the Limeys, at least they have common sense.
we help each other out all the time- ignorant fuck
you're bout to be invaded by russia
join NATO now
yeah, it is pretty much a shitshow with all the people who wouldn't laugh.
I can't believe they would vote for that tub of butter Stefan Löfven
haha you utter cuck. happy ramadan abdullah
>blue-yellow central heterochromia
So that is what it's called.
Lycka till med framtiden bröder
How come a Muslim country could be controlled under the dumb dans.
Found a video of Russian forces encircling a Swede.
We actually had a secret alliance with Sweden throughout the Cold War that was exposed in the 90's
we will take sweden back from the Cucks
Thanks Tyler
We are basically a part of NATO already, behind
the scenes.
We constantly join exercises, you're here training on amphibious warfare and swedish forest warfare(or whatever you call it). You even rented a huge area far up in northern Sweden where you train and shit.
You will join the exercise in Gotland later this year with over 1000 men aswell.
We are basically more active than some other members, so yeah. We are pretty much a part of NATO.. without paying.. cough.
Ta det lungt nu Kristian