Amazon Prime to Announce Low Cost Version for EBT Customers


Nice quads.
Why are niggers even using amazon does it sell chicken and new ports yet?

if you can afford things (nigger shit) off of Amazon you shouldnt have an EBT catd

The future is here

What's there to aim for then? Poor niggers getting Iphones, 70-inch TVs, Habitat Houses, and now the convenience of online shopping THAT THEY SHOULDNT BE DOING ANYWAY

fuck this world,.


I am on food stamps and disability and I'm white. I don't see why this is a bad thing, it's not like Amazon is only used for buying flat screen tvs.

Not bait if it's quads confirmed.
This is actually fucked. I remember back in the day when I worked at a grocery store and getting pissed seeing EBT spent on redbull and lobster....

That's hilariously malicious.