Honestly, the UK government should just flat out ignore the Brexit vote and stay in the European Union

Honestly, the UK government should just flat out ignore the Brexit vote and stay in the European Union.

Its not like we'll have an "armed uprising" anyway because we don't have any guns in the first place.

The 52% who voted for Brexit were all a bunch of uneducated chavs and NEETs who can't think for themselves anyway who always autistically screech "HURRRR STOP IMMIGRATION HURRR" after channelling the garbage they read in the Daily Mail or Express. So it makes absolutely no sense just to appease this self destructive bunch of lunatics to make life worse for everyone.

So what exactly is Theresa May afraid of? Why is she still pushing for a hard Brexit narrative even when it would be completely catastrophic for us economically speaking? All the EU would have to do is put up sanctions against UK exports and we'd be irrevocably fucked as the EU is our main trading partner.

Lets try to have a mature discussion here, so please keep the memes to a minimum.

>Lets try to have a mature discussion here, so please keep the memes to a minimum.

May's stance is that the public voted for Brexit then they get Brexit, otherwise it makes a mockery of democracy.
She does have a point there, and it's the reason Cameron stepped down.
If it doesn't work it isn't her fault the public voted for it, and if it does work she'll to down in history as the Brexit captain. Win win

Dumb frogposter.
Oh, flag says it all.

>The 52% who voted for Brexit were all a bunch of uneducated chavs and NEETs who can't think for themselves anyway who always autistically screech "HURRRR STOP IMMIGRATION HURRR"
>Lets try to have a mature discussion here.

It is true though. All the areas which were most dependent on EU welfare funding voted for Brexit.

> ignore the Brexit vote
> not knowing the English are a nation of rioters and always have been

You know how I know you're some cuck suck fuck German student posting on his holidays?

What does the economy matter when you are being raped daily by Muslims you pathetic excuse for a Brit

You sound like a retard desu

>We should just do what the government says because we have no real way of stopping them

This post makes me sad.

>Lets have a mature conversation
>acts immature
>Its true though!

Since we're beyond maturity, stop being a faggot and respect the will of the voter you mong

Man, what kind of a message does it send.
>Yes goyim you can vote. After all we are a democracy you can decide.
>Oy Very goyim, what are you thinking? We can't leave the EU, we need their shekels and even more refugees. You obviously don't know what's best for you, let us help you do what's best for you

Maybe they wanted to stop being dependant on EU gibs and start a brand-new hard working life in post-brexit country?

Check-mate, stalinist.

Maybe they have a sense of pride and don't want welfare from unelected officials who aren't British but make decisions for them anyhow.

But hey I'm just an American, I wouldn't know anything about pride.

>Lets try to have a mature discussion here, so please keep the memes to a minimum.
> all a bunch of uneducated chavs and NEETs
>who can't think for themselves anyway
>autistically screech "HURRRR STOP IMMIGRATION HURRR"
>garbage they read in the Daily Mail or Express
>this self destructive bunch of lunatics

You committed an entire paragraph to memeing your opposition and then ask us not to use memes? Unironically kys.

>I know the majority voted this way
>but can't we just say fuck them?
This is the inherent risk with democracy sweetie. 50.1% outweighing the will of 49.9%. You lost, now put on your big girl pants and move on.

>> not knowing the English are a nation of rioters and always have been

Most of the rioters are chav scum anyway. They'll riot for a few days, steal shit from shops, and then they'll just forget about what they're rioting for and go back to life as usual. The Riot police are more than capable of handling them and if they try to act funny, they'll just be thrown in jail where they belong.

No, because the """will of the people""" ALWAYS tends to situations like pic related. Now I know that Sup Forums would absolutely love that scenario to happen, but after tens of million lives dead in a nuclear holocaust and Britain turned to ash and ruins, you degenerates won't even be alive to see the outcome of your master plan.

The money we get from the eu is the money we paid towards it anyway

youre the reason our country is cucked.
>oy gevalt, remembah to ignore demawcracy goys
>eberyone who is a right wingah is awbviously a chav

>tens of million lives dead in a nuclear holocaus

Remind me again who the fuck are you, Mr. "I live in a palace so fuck the poor's decisions", to tell who's vote matters more or less and why shouldn't the govenment listen to the results of a referendum they held?

Brexit will go down in history a a great awakening - it is taking place all over west - but the home of the MagnaCarta it makes the most sense it is in the blood of the British and the Americans to mistrust politicians - a lot of people fell asleep lullled and swayed by propoganda and social marxist deceit - The Lion is beginning to wake up GOOD! Hard Brexit all the way Britain doesn't owe Europe anything they owe Britain!

>but after tens of million lives dead in a nuclear holocaust and Britain turned to ash and ruins

It's the people's choice and you are not more importent than anyone else to even dare to say "HURRRRR, I DISLIKE THE MAJORITY VOTE, LET'S REPEAL IT BECAUSE I WANT TO!!!!! #RESISTDARACIST"

>there's just one reason for brexit

>Brexit will go down in history a a great awakening

No it won't. Stop deluding yourself with fantasies and wishful thinking. If a hard Brexit route is chosen, Brexit would lead to the breakup of the United Kingdom with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland declaring independence from England.

I'm sure some of our enemies would love to have a divided United Kingdom.

You already let your enemies into your country and they are murdering you en masse every other week and then you're told it's "part of living in a city". How much worse could it get?

>Britain turned to ash and ruins
Idk about the nuclear holocaust, but I'd take a gamble to see that one happen!



i may be a retard but how is that scale relevant "Percentage of region's GDP exported to the EU" what does that have to do with being economically dependent on EU?

if UK wouldn't be a part of the EU they couldn't sell?

>UKIP voters

>ignore the Brexit vote
>refuse democracy when you personally don't agree
2000 years of civilization to get back to apes. Jesus fuck you are such a fucking back of shit.

My wife and her son are from the U.K. I'm so happy I could get them out of there before the racists could tank the country because they refuse to be equal to superior people of color.

Unless you've spoken to all 17 million that voted leave you've no idea their reasons for that decision.

Rightly or wrongly we don't restrict voting to those who meet a certain criteria. It didn't go your way this time work harder to make it go your way next time or fuck off.

It is your dream that is fast changing my friend - the union is stronger than you think. If May proves herself a tough leader on the side of the British people, the union has nothing to fear.

>If May proves herself a tough leader on the side of the British people, the union has nothing to fear.

Wait...what was that? Did you say something? Didn't quite get what you were trying to imply.

An armed uprise can't beat bombs, tanks and nukes. NRA shill don't seem to understand this


>were all "uneducated"

Stopped right there faggot. Way to steal the US liberal meme word with a baseless adjective. Just because you gargle cocks all day doesn't make you any more intelligent than the guy voting to save your worthless "white" ass.