The Validity of White Identity

I stumbled upon a leftist youtuber today, and he/she/it makes some interesting points that question the validity of arguments often seen here in regards to their scientific value.

Have you seen them before? Have you reached a conclusion as to why you decided to retain your beliefs?

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like a kike.

Yeah, but I was more interested in what you though of its arguments rather than its ethnicity. My main issue with them is the attempt to divorce politics from morals and ethics whenever it is comfortable for them, and then use them as an argument whenever it suits their narrative.

Nobody "deserves" a nation based on their ethnicity, this is all just feelings.
You are evil and build fences between yourselves and poor starving children!

He's moderately funny.
What exactly is the point? Whites are not a pure subspecies. This article suggests suggests that Europeans are the product of three prehistoric populations:

Well THAT combined with culture is white identity. Especially the patriarchal indo-European bloodline combined with European/Western culture is important. e

In short, a Caucasian race exists. They can be identified as a genetic cluster and live roughly in Europe, North Africa and the Mid East. Indo-Europeans/Aryans are a patriarchal blood line that can also be genetically identified in the Y-DNA haplogroups. The last one is Western culture, which is an abstract concept.

His argument is that European/white culture will survive even if it is displaced. He ignores that culture and race are tied together. He hinges most of this on black Americans, who are a genetically pure race being a mix of various African peoples with minor European and Native American mixed in. There is almost no Native American culture left in America nor is there Yoruba culture here, which is one of the largest genetic backgrounds found in Native Americans. Further, he pretends that the changing demographics of America haven't negatively impacted white American and that the country hasn't dramatically changed in 60-70 years.

He also acts like change needs to be dramatic or pronounced as well as the goals of so called alt-right moves being to freeze culture, which is not the case.

Overall, he uses typical Jewish arguments which are European culture is bad or not worth preserving but look at how great black culture is (for an example).

That article was quite interesting, thank you for sharing it. And yes, I find him amusing as well. There is something about his overt queerness that makes him comical.

It seemed to me as if he implied that since change is inevitable, we might as well do nothing about it. When we live beacon of democracy and peace that has no historical precedence and might never happen again if we lose it, I do not see why we shouldnt attempt to resist change and preserve it for as long as we can. It seemed as if he based it all on cultural relativism.

Yawn, another untermensch begging for attention to soothe his mental illness. Sage, move on, and delete.

It completely ignores the rate and frequency of inventions/discoveries made by Caucasian whites (particularly British and German) compared to that of other races.

the black man never once domesticated an animal or used the stirrup until the white man showed him how.

It is based on cultural relativism, to a point. All identity is based on non-important factors, expect for being Jewish which is based on factors beyond the control of anyone. Read this book. He lays it out.

Also, it ignored the fact that whites have a shallower angle from the flat of the face to the end of the forehead, which results in a 15% or so increase in grey matter. If anyone has the info graphs it would be much appreciated.

This guy irritates the fuck out of me. He's straight, and not trans at all. Before doing this, he was making nihilist and anarchist uploads because he's got a fucking PhD in Philosophy (no jokes). He's smart as fuck yet he panders to all this leftist shit while he doesn't believe any of it. Anything for his fucking pateron shekels. Sad and pathetic.

Maybe he just got brainwashed by the ideas with time. He pretty much does exactly what he accused the alt-right of doing - taking scientific concepts and imbuing them with ideological messages they did not originally contain.

I have a question since you know this stuff it seems.

If news are anti white and want mixing of cultures etc, won't sharia law style beliefs rule over all? Look at europe.

Isn't this the Jews natural enemy?

It's like killing a cat using a snake as the weapon while being a mongoose.

Yes. But know that I do not agree with the political conclusions that 'whites' have nothing to fight for. As I said, we have a culture AND we have a patriarchy that can be genetically identified. Kind of like Abraham/Isaac/Jacob are a symbol for the Jewish patriarchy, we also have a patriarchy. We just never came up with an ethnocentric myth. Moreover, we should be aware of the Darwinist reality. There is always a new group of men that wishes to replace the indigenous men and breed with the indigenous woman.This is what we see happening in Europe. That is definitely something worth fighting against.

like I'm going to fucking give that faggot views. if you are taking advice from a man in a dress you should re-evaluate your existence as a man.

Jews do like cultures where being a Jew makes them stand out. Muslims are more inline with the Jewish way of thinking than Christians are and typically are treated better in Muslim nations than Christian ones. Christianity, as practiced in Europe by Europeans, has greatly harmed Jews.

> I stumbled upon a leftist youtuber today
hmmmm, sure. You are disingenuous slime.

These are shit arguments and if they are not making arguments then why are they even trying to involve themselves in a discussion?

They try to hide behind their dress up games and flashy rhetorical style. Not much different from ISIS, SJWs, Niggas.

Typical kike argument. I've heard it before from my kike English professor.
"Haha change is inevitable you cant stop it"
>try to stop it
The kike can eat shit. We will not give up.

I just posted on the first video pointing this out. Xee makes the claim that there's no empirical claims being made so nothing to debunk.

Except that moral values aren't empirical, in fact we've struggled for thousands of years with the is/ought problem. But what we can say for sure is that we value different things to nations who say, throw gay people off roof tops or gang rape little girls.

This is a kind of post modern thinking that I've learned from JBP to look out for, where value systems are kind of deconstructed so that nothing has meaning and that no value system is inherently better than any other.

Wow, what a well thought out and profound argument! Sup Forums is really at the cutting edge of political thought, no wonder you guys are LEGION XD XD

>PhD in Philosophy
>He's smart
>(no jokes)

> Further, he pretends that the changing demographics of America haven't negatively impacted white American and that the country hasn't dramatically changed in 60-70 years.
Dissagree with the genetics = culture part but here you are spot on in picking up what this is about. Passifying. They are scared that white males (they are targetting this site figuring that is the demographic, that is what this thread is about btw) will go out and cause problems so they are targeting such places with thier sycophantic methods.
You might notice Richard Spencer can also opperate like that.
> Thanks for sharing thanks for caring guys. Nice session, look at those shoes those are nice.
small talk that is about relating over superflous things.
You are talking about the rhetoric and the flash not the content. It is how all scam artists operate.

Right but "alt-right" actually does the opposite, it takes scientific evidence and manufactures a "ideology" around that.
Not that the alt-right actually HAS an ideology to begin with.

His video 'Debating the Alt Right' or whatever it's called is fucking retarded.

>be me
>have a philosophy major
>smug faggot with a YouTube channel
>non-binary or something
>make video attacking Alt Right Nazis
>did I say I'm a philosophy major yet?
>identify as woman when I make that video
>dress up as a male for some of the imaginary roles in the video that I use o make strawman arguments
>tfw I'm a man who identifies as a woman who's dressing up as a man
>oh did I remind you I have a philosophy major?

t. Jew

>He ignores that culture and race are tied together

Proof? We are an ethnocentric people, but culture is effectively rendered as graverobbing because there is no nature that proscribes a definitive societal grouping over nurture insomuch as we examine the intensive differences between a world prior to the Rise of Protestants and the world that came after in the British colonies thereafter.

Africans often disregard African-Americans as lazy or not actually Africans because they had completely different cultural backgrounds. Where the former was raised around people who looked exactly like him or her with few divergences, African Americans were raised with racial dichotomies that are either taught or self-experienced.

Yoruba culture was effected more by plague and extinguished like most Native American tribes through colonization. It would be the same as if aliens with spacefaring technology changed our global atmosphere (perhaps unconsciously if we are to make this parallel more accurate) to an untenable degree, causing mass genocide, and then colonized or did war with whoever was left.

>negatively impacted white American

Insofar as? Capitalism and democracy expanded to other nations. You cannot open pandora's box and expect to simply close it off again, isolating oneself from global competition.
Metropolitan areas in particular must be examined as their own entities in comparison to more predominant white counties, cities, etc.

>typical jewish arguments

Jewish as a meme or as a hivemind collective? The latter undermines the whole argument.

take the ultimate red pill

Annoying attention whore
i hate fags like this,pseudo intellectualism at its finest

Apart from a few fringe groups, white identity hasn't really been "a thing," as lefties like to say, before. However, if you keep saying "WHITE MALES" for long enough there's a danger that white men might eventually look at each other and go "oh we're friends now and we're against everyone else? OK then lol bye brown people" and that leads to the fracturing of society and a great civil war that kills all of us.

It may already be too late.
Why didn't you listen?

>Where the former was raised around people who looked exactly like him or her with few divergences
Right here. Culture is created by families and people in extended families (tribes, towns, villages, and so on).

>Capitalism and democracy expanded to other nations.
If this is the crux of your argument for benefit then there is not further reason to discuss this.

>Jewish meme
Jews, like all groups, operate on an us vs. them pattern. Jews have a very strong idea of who is 'us' and who is 'them'.