We will never be humiliated nor brought down
لا لن نهاب من المنون..
No, We will never fear death..
انا اليهم زاحفون
Towards them we are crawling..
بعمائم لهم الكفن..
With our turbans as their shrouds
بالخيل تصهل كالرعود..
With our horses neighing like thunder..
من فوقهم نسل الأسود..
Ridden by the sons of lions..
سكبوا الدماء حبا وجود..
Their blood was shed generously and willingly
يرجون موفور المنن..
Hoping to please The Most Generous (Allah)
>turkroach fishing for attention
How does it feel I'm bleaching your women?
Fuck Islam, Mohamed and your dogshit quran.
muhammed is a pedophile faget goat fucker.
Interesting fact:
The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) actually gargles pig semen in hell for all eternity.
Not again (((you)))
>will never be humilated
>translates scribble into english
Prove to me there is anything wrong with pedophilia.
Get your shit together roach are you trying to bore western civilization into submission ?
This Years Ramadan bombathon is completely low energy. Mohammad is the like the Jeb Bush of Blood Gods.
>White hater turkroach strikes again.
Every time i see this guy posting i laugh
you're 500 years late
>living the american dream
Ima sick hungry pitbulls on you all if i see you
Sunni vs shia.
Redpill me.
get fucked roach, fuck your dogshit religion
>We will never be humiliated
To be a fucking sandnigger is humiliating enough. You don't need our help.
Know your place, roach
they are all shit, with the shia being a little bit less shit than the sunni, but they are all shit
Don't make us send the drones.
Just being part of that fucked up antichrist religion is humiliation enough for anybody.
>less ships
>less soldiers
>less sailors
>more guns
>shitstomp the mudslimes
Get fucked.
Everyone hates you.
Do us all a favour and fuck off.
We speak English on this board roachcoach, not German.
>be Muslim
>all military conquest is defeating desert tribes people
>btfo every single time you face a real opponent
Killing Muslims is the world's past time and has been for time immemorial
haha smelly roach thinks he's great.
I've been wondering something. What is it about this animal that gets your tiny sand-nigger dick so hard?
Is it because your women are all hideous, hairy beasts that reek of BO and ass from baking under black sheets for months in-between baths?
I guess I answered my own question. Now get off the white man's internet before we send you to hell to boil in pig shit next to your false prophet for all eternity.
>Hoping to please The Most Generous (Allah)
Why does GOD need an army?
Whoop de fucking do
I bought a special can of Hit bug spray just for (You)
This is what an average erdogan supporter looks like.Following the religion of an arabic fuck.
wallahi posting in epic
>roach typing in sand runes
>ridden by the sons of lions
Just say you love black cock then, faggot. There is no need to try and be all poetic and shit.
>Towards them we are crawling...
Crawling like the roaches you are
come closer, goat fucker
>Turk getting attention
>Turk asking for Annihilation
i took a diarrhea this morning, it looked like allah. unfortunately i couldnt photo it. but here is your favourite pedophile prophet
fuck islam, i shit and piss on everything you declare holy while sharpening a stake
>Turkey trying to start shit again
>Always ends in the humiliation of the turks
Turks are not real Muslims
According to Qur'an 69:44-46, if Muhammad were a false prophet, Allah would sever his aorta. Interestingly, when Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed.
How can any sane person follow a man like Muhammad who:
(1) let young boys watch him clean his private parts (Bukhari 1:4:152)?
(2) sucked the tongue of a boy (Musnad Ahmad 16245)?
(3) dressed up in little girl's clothes and women's clothes (Bukhari 2442)?
(4) slept with or had sex with a dead female body in a coffin or grave (Kanz al Ummal 34424)?
(5) was a pedophile (Bukhari: 5:58:234, 236; 7:62:64, 65, 88)?
(6) said to consume house flies (Bukhari: Vol. 4, Bk. 54, No. 537)?
(7) commanded to drink camel urine (Bukhari: Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 79)?
(8) admitted to having a devil (Muslim: Ch.14, Bk. 39, No. 6759)?
(9) confessed to being demon possessed (Ishaq: 106)?
(10) told false revelations (Tabari VI: 107, 110; Ishaq: 166)?
(11) encouraged adherents to lie and break oaths (Ishaq: 365; Tabari VII: 94; cf. Ishaq: 519; Bukhari: Vol. 7, Bk. 67, No. 427)?
(12) or sex with animals (Abu Dawud 38:4450)?
Documentary: Sword and the Crescent
>Along with detailing new groundbreaking research on the uninspired origins of Koran stories and the corruption of early Koran manuscripts, this film also covers: offensive warfare, Muhammad's immorality and ruthlessness, errors of the Koran, Muhammad and the Bible, absurd Islamic teachings, and Muhammad's demon possession.
>sons of lions
Fucking furries
You know there were times when beheadings was our national sport.
>fascist Movements
I Wish.
itt buttblasted infidels who should serve their turk masters in our harems
Im not sure, m8. There's always a diamond in a pile of shit
For as much as we talk about it, most everybody in the west goes about their lives totally uncaring and unaffected by muslim bullshit. Meanwhile entire muslim countries have fallen.
You sure you want us to take notice of you? All the liberals tell us not to genocide islam because its entirely possible.
Says the Armenian rape baby.
>No, we will never fear death
Kek you could have had me fooled when I was watching you little Saracen faggots bleed out and piss your pants crying for me to help you after I dumped half a mag into you on multiple occasions during the war.
You can ride your horses at our tanks and machineguns it worked so well for Poland in WW2! We will do our best to send you to Allah.
>Gets BTFO'd straight for 400 years
Lmao, kys.
Why don't you call Allah and make him kill me right here right now??
Protip: you can't, Allah is gay
If i ever see Allah i'm gonna
>Slap his bitch ass face
>Spit on his face
>Punch his teeth out
0:22 to see vibrant Turkish tradition
>We will never be humiliated nor brought down
Revelation 19:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Victory belongs to Christ.
You mess with the west, you mess with the best
>We will never be humiliated nor brought down
Without the West's money for oil and tech 80% of you are going to starve.
You are already at the bottom goatfucker.
Why is it always the Turks that come up with most gay suggestions?
>one post by this id
your skrit is showing, larpy
yeah sure :^)
send us another jet btw we will test something
Lusting after innocent kids who are not sexually developed yet is not wrong at all... nah...
I've got a message for you too
Heh, funny you. Didn't Erdodog fall on his knees before Putin and begged for apologies? The next jet will make sure that turkey will turn into glass.
Is there even one firearm manufactured in a Muslim nation?
We will sever your heads you fucking demons
>be Muslim
>can't even beat a navy that's only 25 years old
You abuse our hospitality and friendliness to kill innocents and laugh at us. Your fate is already sealed, roach.
maybe he is generous but you suck and he will have to be very generous with you
why dont follow the 2 simple laws of jesus man come on. don't be so radical. maybe in heaven and you dont see the 72 virgins you change your mind
How much for a kebab?
>we will never be humiliated nor brought down
Fuck off roach.
I've seen 'em fuck tailpipes of cars, donkeys, camels, anything they can get their dick in.
Muslims are going to find out the hard way that God does not indeed need an army.
Or a spaceship.
On the day of your judgement you will be humiliated and brought down by God Almighty.
You will follow Muhammad into the place of suffering where you will burn for eternity.
All who die without the cross will bear the full burden of their sins.
Yes, yesssss.
It's all grace man, all grace.
Ughh.. I see none of the sons inherited their fathers good looks. Bibi was a cutey when he was young
Fucking Galicians
I don't believe it's like that. Muhammad was just a man, if he repent... But maybe he is too proud, look at his followers. Maybe they will all follow him until the very end...
of course you won't be humiliated by us, you humiliate yourself all the fucking time you subhuman sandnigger monkey.
why are you people such fucking drama queens, we are normal trying to live our lives and you fucks take history to fucking far hurr my crusades, go fuck raccoons or some shit you cunt.
We Texians have a message for you Mohammedans
After all getting fucked by your dad never did you any harm hey!
>literally posting in Arabic
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "None of you should walk, wearing one shoe only; he should either put on both shoes or put on no shoes whatsoever."
Sahih Bukhari 7:72:746
I remember when your pathetic president did this.
Erdogan cries on Facetime, Turkroach BTFO
And we have a reply:
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.
Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
>has to write in Arabic or English
literally a cuck
We europeans have a message for you roaches.
some of you guys are alright, dont come to europe tomorrow
Stop using boats, they're not halal as pic related. Use horses instead to cross the sea/ocean. Show us your strenght.
He cpи нa чyжoй бopдe ecли нe знaeшь нихyя: ни языкa, ни oбычaeв. Пиздyй нaзaд в cвoй кypятник, тaм в "Пoлитикe" ceйчac вeчep, зaлyпкy Пyтинa пo гpaфикy пoлиpyют. Кaк paз ycпeвaeшь нa "мoлoчкy". Дaвaй-дaвaй.
Rejoice dear Sup Forumsacks, even if mudlimes do not lose their cultural war for the West, they'll lose big time.
Hear me out, even if the disgusting culture of islam does not fail in taking the West, they'll just get fucked by their own dick in the result of their own inbreeding and stone age view on shit.
So for you mudslimes (if you identify with islam, not necessarily if you were born into it), good luck keeping yourself from killing each other en mass like the apes you are (like you always did all thru out your history), and all you eurotrash sons of muslim migrants who think islam is so good cuz is part of your cultural background but at the same time you got used to drink and fuck slutty girls and enjoy music and a relative degree of freedom, if the ideology of your pedophile warlord piece of shit prophet that you love so much takes hold you can kiss all that shit goodbye cuz sharia police will be on your case like a fly on a turd.
And if you think islam will mean peace if all the ppl are mudslimes, just look at the history of every piece of shit muslim country after they become muslim (and specially look at Saudi Arabia), and look at how racist among yourselves you are.
Either way, you're fucked like goats in a mudslime country, enjoy your jihad while the only true god Kek decides if you win or if Western values win, cuz either way you are irremediably fucked. Shadilay.
And if Western values do not win, when you see yourself living in the the piece of shit living conditions of a islamic country and you think that perhaps that is a bad idea, remember this:
Apostasy motherfucker, you're there forever...
>still fighting a war on horseback in 2017
>>We will never be humiliated nor brought down
Proven in both WW, must feel good to be British/French colonies
>>No, We will never fear death..
You are just too stupid to be afraid
>>With our horses neighing like thunder.
Was funny when the Ottoman cavarly was charging the tanks
>>Ridden by the sons of lions..
Your scientists keep confusing lions goats and women, somehow you end up roaring like goats and fucking them
>>Their blood was shed generously and willingly
You mean your wives and children?
>>Hoping to please The Most Generous
that gave you plenty of goats and sheeps, an lots of sand.
I always assume posts like these are from Christian or Atheist LARPers to get attention but just in case it isn't:
You never fear death, until your pathetic terrorist attacks fail then you plead like little bitches, you subjugate yourselves and play the victim like fucking women
Your men are absolutely pathetic losers who can't even stay in their own countries and depend on handouts from the white man
You smell like absolute shit. Seriously I know that's a stereotype but you legitimately smell like shit all the time. The concept of washing and grooming is completely lost, hence why you cunts still have baboon-esque body hair and unibrows
Your women are so fucking ugly you literally put them in trash bags. They are literal trash.
You fast for a month because some warlord peadophile told you to 1600 years ago.
Your languages (Urdu, Arabic, etc) sound like you're gagging on dick.
And worst of all, your cultures all have a distinct lack of respect for the value of human life. Although I suppose you'd actually have to be human to have that empathy. God damn I'm triggered.