Eating meat and wearing animal skins for clothes is truly barbaric/savage/primitive. If we think back to the very beginning how did that even come about? (Bible states God killed the first animals to provide clothes for Adam and Eve but lets think about other answers). How did the first men think eating flesh would solve hunger pangs? Was it the subconscious memory of their mothers breasts in their mouths...milk with the taste of nipple?..was that it? Or did they observe nature and see other animals eating each other? How did they survive eating organs and raw meat? Why did they eat flesh instead of veggies and fruits and nuts? Im trying to imagine how they decided to taste flesh for the first time. It had to be the most profound change in history when living man began killing other living animals for food. Murder for survival. Do we know when that began?
Origin of Meat Eaters
>Why did they eat flesh instead of veggies and fruits and nuts?
because of a growing population, fruits / veggies / mushrooms / etc can be and are poisonous, meanwhile meat is delicious, especially when cooked, and is much easyer to store
>Do we know when that began?
i don't but out teeth changed into being less sharp over time as we started making and eating bread out the butt
we're omnivores, we were eating insects before meat
Eating meat gives you bigger brains,
Meat is caliore dense as fuck. Like a small square of meat and fat has more calrioes than 3 plates of broccoli. Pretty fucking improtant from max planetary energy market stand point
This word is for people.
Killing animals is not and never will be murder. Murder is the word we use for when Human beings kill other Human beings. We are above other animals in all respects.
>How did the first men think eating flesh would solve hunger pangs?
Gee I don't know you fucking retard, maybe he saw some other animals eating each other, and he was hungry and thought "why not?".
More likely every single stage of human evolution was enjoying animal flesh as a part of its diet, and it was a continued behavior due to calorie requirements.
what the fuck is the source of this pic
>Vegans get all high and mighty after the advent of nitrogen fertilizer making crops affordable for most
>Shits on billions of years of evolution
The basis for our instinctual behavior has roots from hundreds of thousands of years ago.
"Durr we're so barbaric now, how did that happen XD"
Get over yourself
also eventually we're going to run into alien life which is plant based, and they're going to think the vegetarians / vegans are the monsters
(in fact the plant people themselves don't need to have photosynthesis, they can be carnivores like many plants on earth are)
damn he was jacked
more on insects, even kids have an instinct to kill them and put them in their mouth
>that monkey mouth on the negress
i'd give that spick and the ginger bones if you know what i'm sayin
>bible states
why do you believe the hebrew?
Holy cunt you child-o-refugees with that sandnigger wisdom
Primates eat meat too. It's not even a distinctly human characteristic.
what is evolution?
you're a fat ape
>killing animals for food/clothes is barbaric
Yeah no,back then it was state of the art engineering that would ensure the survival of the khan
we don't necessarily need to go back to earlier times, nowadays it definitively is disgusting and subhuman to eat animals.
>(Bible states God killed the first animals to provide clothes for Adam and Eve but lets think about other answers)
I remember this trick from college. You can't actually preclude a correct counter-argument just by mentioning it before anyone else does. SAGED
Kids put dog poo in their mouths. Don't read too much into it.
Biblically, Adam's families offered sacrifices of meat. So it would have started immediately upon exiting The Garden.
If you want to go into evolutionary mythology, then things have been "eating meat" so-to-speak since one cell absorbed another for nutrients. In either case, humans, as a rule, end up malnourished on vegetarian diets.
hmm i guess
>Eating meat gives you bigger brains
That's why cats and dogs are as smart as humans? Fucking moron, go choke on a chicken wing.
I think he meant eating cooked meat, since doing so, you have suficient energy to pass the day and don't require much blood irrigation in the digest process, leading to more brain blood flux.
Just my guess.
What made you think our primate ancestors, primates in general, weren't omnivores?
>if all humans evolved from monkeys howcome there's still monkeys?
>checkmate, atheists
Is this image real ? It's so disgusting it's not even gore, it looks like a terminator
Humans are the only animal who eat boiled starch.
That's my point
Humans are the only animal who eat boiled anything you retard.
One individual didn't cook meat and share it with all the other cavemen. It was a process. Over millennia thousands of them discovered that you could put meat on fire and it would be easier to eat. As they discovered this again over millennia our physiology adapted to this new diet.
This just proves OP's point that eating meat is a primitive behavior.
This one is
You're fucking retarded man, you should start eating meat and not just tube steak faggot.
Your implying that humans didnt eat meat from the very beginning, I would bet a whole lot of money that the very first "human" to exist eat meat, in fact I bet the creatures we where before we became humans also ate meat, chimps eat meat, fuck even "vegetarian" animals will eat meat in the form of insects from time to time, just like meat eaters will some times eat things that are not meat, its not "murder", its not "evil" its not "unnatural" its literally how we are supposed to survive and exists so fuck off with your faggetry.
>not naturally omnivores
>Implying primitive = bad
it started from the first cell realizing that photosynthesis was for faggots and it could just eat others instead
What the fuck is wrong with half this thread.
Apes eat meat, we evolved from Apes. We grew stronger and more intelligent because we ate meat. We never "started", we never stopped. Every animal that had ever eaten meat is more stronger and/or intelligent. This goes all the way back to single celled organisms.
What happened to him ? I've seen this before but still can't figure out how someone can look like this and still be alive
Exactly, thank you.
>Apes eat meat, we evolved from Apes. We grew stronger and more intelligent because we ate meat.
Apes are much stronger than men.
this. even chimps eat meat.
Next on CNN: Is breathing primitive behaviour?
Meat is desired by the body of many animals because it's pre-processed meaning that the animal has to put in less effort to digest it efficiently. Plants are actually quite hard for the body to digest and take a lot of energy to go from green to flesh.
Carnivore meat tastes comparatively bad because the process of turning herbivore flesh into carnivore flesh isn't perfect and at the same time carnivores spend much of their life in an exhausted low energy state due to the physical requirements for eating meat (regularly hunting and killing other animals).
Humans can do both allowing us to get the goodness of meat while at the same time sating our hunger with plant life if we go too long without meat. Somewhat ironically we need to switch it up a bit because our digestive system requires the exercise given by both types of food to stay healthy thus avoiding the risk of shitting yourself when you get older.
Google OUCHI Nuclear Accident
Actually eating plants is primitive since plants require no brain power to eat thats why carnivores are always smarter than herbivores though some exceptions like elephants exist still flesh eaters are superior.
I think the deal breaker here is boiled meat.
He was Reifag.
To save you the trouble. Dude and an associate were hit by a radiation burst. Instantly chromosome fucked them to the point where their bodies could no longer properly produce new cells. Over the course of months they were kept in hospital beds as their bodies slowly came apart and melted, with it being said that one dude begged to die before he "thankfully" lost the ability to speak his pleas.
They were used as a medical experiment.
Bacteria consumed other bacteria and we evolved from simple celled organisms. It started in the beginning
Turns out humans can actually survive quite a lot as long as their vital organs somewhat still look like what they did when you were healthy. It's mostly the lack of repair that kills people in that kind of state.
.... now I want a steak
>Why did they eat flesh instead of veggies and fruits and nuts?
Fellow veganbro reporting in. I hear you
One buzzword wasnt enough for you?
Depends on what will be spewing out this weekend.
>Citing the bible as an argument
Take your pills before going to the internet faggot
>even chimps eat meat
>even chimps
Chimps will enact acts of rage-fueled cannibalism and have blood orgies. They're khornate as hell.
Omnivores generally speaking are a lot smarter than herbies.
Just as someone who've been in a survival situation here.
I'm not and never have flirted with the idea of being a "vegan" or "vegetarian", but in terms of slaughtering / harvesting animal flesh, I'd say something close to 90% of us here are basically vegetarians when it comes to picking / gathering our food.
I was out in-woods in no-where Utah. My truck had broken down and it was the middle of January. Biggest snow storm the state had in a long time. I think it was 2010?
My dad had basically just downed me because his disgusting new wife didn't want him helping with any of my university expenses.
I had no phone, and even if I did who was I going to call? So I just kind of sat there in the snow. I managed to get my truck to some sort of semi-abandoned rest stop, and just sort of took off into the woods from there.
I had been living off snow water for like two weeks. Very hungry, started eating bark, acorns, fungus and shit, nibbling on anything I could find. Some of it made me puke pretty bad.
I started digging for roots, because they were really the only thing that was easy to chew and kind of could keep down. In my digging I started finding small hibernating creatures.
When you are hungry, and cold, and you pick up a little bunny hibernating.
You feel the heat in your hand, you feel how soft it is, pressing on its stomach and organs, its fur, it becomes pretty clear to get warm, you need to cut it open.
Once you cut it open, and you're starving, it smells sweet, salty, and just everything you could want. You almost can't not just start jamming that shit in your face.
So, yeah, just imagine your ancestors in the snow, dig up some rabbits when scavenging, and they feel the softest, warmest fruit ever.
Finland vs Russia Sauna championship
you vegans are retarded and actually compare killing a human to an animal as the same thing, our brains are wired to avoid killing our own species and will give us diseases if we eat other humans, meat is important for human nutrition
This shit right here is why I always keep food, water, and matches in my car. Fuck that I love rabbits too much
>When you ruin the meat.
Vegans don't think it's the same level.
We think that if you can avoid contributing to the ((((ISIS levels of torture)))) inflicted on animals, then you should.
We lost the need for such excess strength when we began building civilizations.
Reminder that the bloodthirsty asshole Yahweh, wanted a blood sacrifice rather than Cain's wholesome abundant harvest of plants. Abel was the first murderer. He got what was coming to him. But, Yahweh's followers continue their destructive bullshit to this day.
no, our brains are wired to avoid killing our own and eating them because disease transfers easily between dead and living humans. your brain doesnt just conjure up some disease because you ate human flesh
If he's a fat ape then why are there still fat apes in the zoo?
I actually stopped eating red meat entirely after I read an article relating to something about modern humans actually lacking the ability to properly process it due to the genes for properly digesting and processing the proteins were lost during a malaria epidemic where people with the markers were especially vulnerable and targeted by the plague. So you can eat red meat, but it's like putting impure fuel in an engine not designed to handle it.
>I read an article relating to something about modern humans actually lacking the ability to properly process
Clearly you're a vegetarian if meat makes you smarter.
>cats and dogs have the same brain power as humans
>OP does not understand evolution
We evolved from a species that was already eating meat. That species evolved from an earlier meat eater and so forth.
At no point in human history were there people that were only eating plants, berries, nuts, etc. that one day switched to meat. It's instinctual for us.
>Trace amounts can be found in humans, even though the gene to encode for production of Neu5Gc was eliminated long ago. These trace amounts come from consumption of animals in human diet. Mainly, the sources are red meats such as lamb, pork, and beef.
The article you linked basically says you SHOULD be eating red meats, you faggot. They're the only source of that acid.
veganism is a degenerate religion.
clean your room
>muh evolution
Microevolution exists, not macro.
t. faggot hipster
eating meat had crucial role in developing human brain, and hunting was one of the biggest factors for our initial development
>macroevolution doesn't exist
literal Sup Forumstard
>The article you linked basically says you SHOULD be eating red meats, you faggot. They're the only source of that acid.
"Even though Neu5Gc is not known to be produced by any mechanism in the human body (due to lack of genes), our bodies do interact with trillions of microorganisms that are capable of complex biological reactions. Neu5Gc is reported to be found in concentration in human cancers, as well as in fecal samples, suggesting that humans ingest Neu5Gc as part of their diets. Uptake is thought to be by macropinocytosis, and the sialic acid can be transferred to the cytosol by a sialin transporter. It is possible that the immune system then recognizes the molecule as foreign, and that the binding of anti-Neu5Gc antibodies may then cause chronic inflammation. This assumption has yet to be concretely proven, however.[4] Further studies have shown that humans have Neu5Gc-specific antibodies, often at high levels.[3] Feeding Neu5Gc knockout mice Neu5Gc-rich diets along with anti-Neu5Gc antibodies (attempting to mimic a human system) causes systemic inflammation in the mice, and they are five times as likely to develop hepatocarcinomas."
>Or did they observe nature and see other animals eating each other?
>Why did they eat flesh instead of veggies and fruits and nuts
Because you need a lot of energy that common plants would not give to you.
"Humans" have been meat eaters even before we managed to get into the homo sapiens stage
God, the real God, not the psycho from the bible, created an orderly existence. You don't need to believe in muh creationism or a 6000 year old world to believe that whatever created us knew what it was doing.
So where in that paragraph does it say
>genes for properly digesting and processing the proteins were lost
you fucking autist
true but even if you some how do it safely you can form a human version of mad cows disease called Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in your genes and you can pass it on to your kids if you eat human flesh for years
I understand the meat industry and how terrible it can be, that is why I'm against factory farming and cruel ways to slaughter animals, you can be a vegan but it will catch up with eventually
>being this retard
Burger education
Actually kill yourself.
The fact that eating them causes systemic inflammation and liver tumors, jackass.
He was put in a medically induced coma finally, but god damn. There was no reason to keep him alive and study him. "Radiation fucks you up" yeah no shit.
>macroevolution doesn't exist
Every fuckin time
The mice naturally produce it, idiot. And the levels that they fed in the study are WAY higher than they occur naturally in the mice, which is WAY higher than the levels present in most human meat eaters.
How do you shitpost this much when you can't read the fucking Wikipedia entry, much less the linked sources? I seriously don't understand.
cats and dogs are comparitively a lot smarter than say, a rabbit or a goat
You all are the idiots who want to believe that we are related to monkeys and apes and shit. How the hell does that jive with your muh noble Aryan ubermensch shit if you're basically nothing more special than an accidental genetic mutation of apes? Jesus fucking christ.
>You all are the idiots who want to believe that we are related to monkeys and apes and shit.
They're similar to us in so many ways, how is it not fucking obvious?
>How the hell does that jive with your muh noble Aryan ubermensch shit
Because I'm not a fucking Nazi larper? Not everyone on here is a muh jooz muh niggers shitposter.
How'd it turn out? Someone come get you or what?
Monkey at the bottom , human at the top .