Low Carb is a Jewish invention:
Invented by William Banting. Jewish: avotaynu.com
Popularized by Atkins. Jewish: anb.org
And the gurus like Taubes, David Kirsch and Lustig are also all Jewish. What gives?
Just wanted you to know.
Low Carb is a Jewish invention:
Invented by William Banting. Jewish: avotaynu.com
Popularized by Atkins. Jewish: anb.org
And the gurus like Taubes, David Kirsch and Lustig are also all Jewish. What gives?
Just wanted you to know.
The atkins diet will lead to an early death
>pic related
This series of statues is fuking epic
My dad lost 70lbs doing Atkins.
Sorry man the science is there. It works. It's good for you. Not everything is a Jewish plot (but a lot is).
You first fat fuck
low-carb alone wouldn't be the problem, it's unnecessary but not too harmful. the real problem is animal protein and animal fat.
plant-based low-carb isn't as deadly as low-carb with animal products. to the contrary - although you could have the benefits with other plant-based diets, too.
Yes yes meat is so bad for you even though humans have literally been eating it since before the dawn of time.
Modern physics is also a Jewish invention. Jews are smart. They invent and discover things because they are smart. Some of those inventions are good. Some of those discoveries are true. Evaluate the arguments on their merits.
low carb actually works though, they probably practiced it in secret while plants at the FDA put breads and starches as the base for the food pyramid.
It doesn't take a special fad diet to lose weight you dumb fuck.
When I think about fitness and diet advice, pol is certainly the first place I'd turn to for correct information
most of the time not much. also that doesn't say much anyway. eating something less than ideal is preferable to starving.
Diet related threads always make me dispair because it seems anything and everything I eat is wrong and bad.
I personally can't stand males who go on about their diet and say "waaah i cant eat that, the carbs" "i'll have the sweet potato fries please"
fucking cakeboys
I mean, who would know better than a crowd of hateful autists?!
>majority of doctors are jews
>somehow all these medical procedures and diets are named after jews
We really need to get more whites into medical school.
It was always a rare item, pretty much until the past 60 years. Most dishes like stews and stir fries were invented to spread out a limited amount of animal protein. Original it was scarce because hunters of all species tend to succeed about 1/20 times, whereas berry pickers and root grubbers succeed 1/1 times once they find a spot. Later, meat was a luxury, especially rare meat, because cattle and goats could provide milk throughout the year instead of meat once, and sheep were 100x more profitable producing wool than mutton. Likewise chicken and eggs, you'd eat an animal that wasn't producing well or if you knew it wouldn't survive the winter.
In the industrial era, meat was extremely expensive, pretty much until the 1950s, and so was still not really 20-50% of every meal 3x a day like it is today.
Perhaps coincidentally, the world's first obesity epidemic began a few decades after the world's red meat supply first began overflowing
Neither Banting or Atkins were Jews.
Cults have been known to starve their members of carbs, Apparently Carbs are connected to healthy brain function. If you don't get enough, you go into a zombie like mental state.
Too late the sand niggers already took over. If you're a white man you have a chance of ever becoming a doctor in America. Fucking Jews and asians will not allow it.
Then why are you getting more Blacks in?
have fun with your tits while I stay cut because of keto
>it was a rare item
>humans hunted multiple animals to extinction
It was a diet staple always has been always will be.
And everyone knows the obesity index started because nutritionists and doctors said fat is what makes you fat. The result was high carb low fat diets that gave everyone diabetes.
>hunters of all species tend to succeed about 1/20 times,
read daniel boone's book, fag
>My dad lost 70lbs doing Atkins and It's good for you
kek you will lose remaining part of your dad if he will not eat fruits/legumes
the whole BBing world is created by (((them)))
train for strength and survival
only low/no carb guy i really listen to is peter attia. also, high protein diets like atkins are moronic.
>diets low in the sugary jew are jewish
I don't know what's real anymore
Doctors said fats make you fat and they started mass producing Low Fat foods which replaced most of the fat with sugar to compensate for flavor.
You can lose weight with any diet
Calories in Calories out is the only thing that matters. A guy lost weight on a Mcdonalds only diet for fucks sake.
>businessinsider com/how-to-lose-weight-eating-only-mcdonalds-2015-10
If you believe that any one of these statements is true without context:
>carbs are bad
>fats are bad
>sugars are bad
You don't deserve the internet and should cease posting immediately
>Calories in Calories out is the only thing that matters
duh no shit, its always funny when everyone claims this diet that, that diet this.
In the end its only a matter of in vs out, like every technical process.
The only thing diet can help you is to reduce your intake without going hungry
high carb diets are what the healthiest people on earth eat (blue zones) and the reason they are NOT fat
more than one thing in the universe can be bad. sugar being bad in large amounts doesn't make fat in large amounts good
Read the sources.
Also, it's surprising how many Jew apologists are on here now. Sup Forums has fallen, I guess.
I've lost about 20lbs the last week from not eating carbs
so it still works even if a jew invention
>stop eating refined sugar
>get slim by doing literally fucking nothing but eating like a decent human being
are 1st world cucks really this dense?
>low carb is a jewish invention
>go on keto
>eat as much shit as I want and still lose weight
>lose the annoying layer of belly fat in a month
>cholesterol is better on the diet than when I was off it
>now slim and off the diet, easy to maintain slim by keeping under calorie requirement
Thanks Jews for inventing something that works perfectly I guess.
You, read:
Vegan is the way to go if you need an extreme fix to most health problems. The problem with vegan is, it actually fucking works; which invalidates the entirety of the typical diet in the USA.
Entire industries in this country would crash and burn if everyone suddenly went vegan.
Most of that is water lost due to stress response. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just clarifying that you did not lose 20 lbs of fat in a single week.
It's not about what's bad, but what leads to obesity the quickest way, which is sugar. Fat usually doesn't, unless combined together with carbs.
The quickest, most reliable and safest way to lose fat is a keto diet. OP probably is a degenerate lazy fat fuck who couldn't last a week on it and started throwing jewery at everything he's incapable of upholding.
atkins =/= keto
This. It's not about proteins, but fats.
>The problem with vegan is, it actually fucking works
Most likely, i've lost a ton either way.
Everyone's body chemestry is different. Find the diet and fitness plan that works best for you.
>high carb
OH turns into glucose and then into glycogen. What is our fat made from? Fat on the other hand is simply flushed from our body, if we eat too much of it.
Also, overeating is the mayor cause of obesity.
>Vegan is the way to go if you need an extreme fix to most health problems.
Veganism in general causes nothing but health problems in the long term, unless you're prepared to be absolutely autistic about what you consume for the rest of your life.
The problem is I thought these things BEFORE the internet.
>OH turns into glucose and then into glycogen. What is our fat made from? Fat on the other hand is simply flushed from our body, if we eat too much of it.
American education.
De novo lipogenesis, m8.
Changing the "bad" to "what leads to obesity" doesn't change anything. It's still just as stupid to claim such things out of context. Everything is contextual in nutritional science.
Sugar causing obesity the quickest way is a fundamentally meaningless sentence.
That's excusable.
Have you ever been hunting in your life you fat subhuman NEET?
Even with modern day guns you are not guaranteed a kill every time, for deer hunters WITH MODERN DAY RIFLES the success rate is 50-60%. With spears can imagine how hard it was?
>science is a Jewish con
The state of trumpweenie posting in 2017
LMAO, KYS worthless degenerate
Calories are the perfect measure for the intake.
What is a calorie? It is the energy necessary to raise the temperature of 1 celsius of a certain quantity of water...now how does this apply to the complexity of food intake? Personally I lost 30 kg by cutting carbs, and DIET COKE.
I am very suspicious towards artificial sugar, I believe it does make you fat.
On the other hand, those who hunted with spears were also more in tune with the surrounding nature. They were vastly better at reading the forest or any other environment than the modern day hunter.
>le epic all things that jews invent are automagically bad
Did you read the culture of the critique OP? The dangers of the jews aren't related to the shit that they discover.
>t. CICO guy who has lost weight eating snickers
I lost 35 lbs. I did low carb, high fat and protein diet on top of cardio and a pretty low deficit. I lost 25 in like 2 months and began a increasing my calorie intake a bit and lost the last 10 lbs in the remainer. Got lazy and just maintained with out counting and gained back 5 lbs. Tbh idk what to believe but I did have lots of energy that I hadn't had before due to changing my diet of bread,oil, and soda so...
>Veganism in general causes nothing but health problems in the long term
According to every study ever done vegans have a lower mortality rate than meat eaters.
>eating a soy based diet
Enjoy your bitch tits
>ever study done
this is false
source. A vegan studying dietetics
Well no shit, because those who they refer to as meat eaters are people who just eat a generalized diet. Vegans on the other hand are more health conscious, or otherwise they wouldn't ended up experimenting with veganism in the first place. Even a slight effort towards being healthy increases your life expectancy in the long term, but this in itself does not mean that there is something particularly virtuous and healthy about veganism or other restrictive diet.
>eating mammal sexual hormones
enjoy tits and cancer
You simply hang out in the wrong circles. There are plenty of people just in the internet who have had to give up veganism after a fair try.
Look up studies on mortality rate of meat eaters vs vegans. Vegans have lower all cause mortality than meat eaters in every study ever done on the topic.
Down 20 lb this morning (not counting initial waterweight loss) on week 6 of keto. Thanks Jews!
no, he lost 70lbs because he was at a caloric deficit.
> Changing the "bad" to "what leads to obesity" doesn't change anything
The fuck is it, some semantics bullshit again, what do you mean?
>It's still just as stupid to claim such things out of context
What context? That lipolysis primarly depends on the excess of simple sacharides in the blood? Because that's where the fat primarly comes from.
> Sugar causing obesity the quickest way is a fundamentally meaningless sentence
It's a fact, because we're programmed to store as much energy as possible for harder times and the quickest and easiest way to obtain this energy is from carbs. Sugar is the cheapest and sweetest pure source of energy, which leads to its overabundance and overeating, which in return forces our bodies to convert it to glicogen and, when the stores are full, bodyfat.
100% raw vegan diet or get the fuck out. Water is the only beverage allowed. No caffeine, refined sugar or flour - ever. You must lift/work out seven days a week.
You are all fat, greasy and disgusting.
>meat eaters vs vegans
Does those studies use clinical data or are based in food recall questionaries?
And what about the triglyceride then?
Made from hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms by most.
Also this is not part of any educational system, except of the sports collage I guess.
>You must lift/work out seven days a week
>what is overtraining
>what is compensation/overcompensation/rest
vegan genocide when? so sick of you obscurantist clueless retarded fucks
But like the other guy said, they don't account for people who didn't actively try to be health conscious and avoid things like buying cheap, simple carb heavy things, food items.
sugar is addictive
sugar is high-calorie density
sugar is not satiating
of course it is the quickest way to obesity
>what is trapping
Let's remind us of the great wisdom WHO passed on us:
>only elites should eat meat it's harmful for the rest of us
Vegans are literally retarded NWO stooges.
you removed two variables at the same time. you're a fucking unscientific retard. what if i said i lost 20lbs by cutting my daily food intake by half while also eliminating all forms of communication with nonwhites? does that mean you'll lose weight if you stop talking to niggers? i lost 20 lbs didnt i? so if you stop talking to jews and spics you'll lose weight
Read the study linked in this video They controlled for weight, caloric intake, exercise, and even vegetable consumption.
The only other factor that wasn't equal was meat intake.
It's partly about semantics, but mostly just a simple truth based on the fact that a statement like "x is bad y is good" "x leads to obesity" is too vague statement to be either wrong or true when it comes to nutrition.
You can't make an argument without providing a full context in which you perceive this argument to be true. The only use for such statements is intellectual circle jerk. They literally can not be used for anything else.
For example, white sugar can be both metabolically beneficial and destructive depending on the context its used in.
Tons of smaller game dude.but you do have a point, shit's hard
Doesn't change the fact that grains are a relatively recent addition to our diet.
I can't go full keto or I'm exhausted and feel like dying after 2 or 3 days, but I limit my carbs or just one food item per day or so
The jew boogeyman is so fucking stupid
You idiots are just as bad as the Russian conspiracy-tards
Yes they do read the study. They controlled for diet, caloric intake, exercise, and even vegetable consumption.
fructose - every bit of it goes to fat, always, with exception of post workout
being fit is not a goal, it's a lifestyle - you don't eat shit all the time, you watch your weight and excercise moderately for half an hour every other day...
it's that fucking simple
low carb works tremendously if you're actually fat, but it plateaus pretty quickly, and in the end it's almost all about the calories you put in.
exercise too, it's good for your caloric output and heart.
Back to plebbit and facebook, asshole
why would anyone wanna live longer (srs)
Kill yourself newfag
Back to le donald where you belong
Sugar is also metabolically stimulating, and therefore indirectly beneficla for the production of neurosteroids. As long as you get enough nutrients, some additional sugar can be beneficial. But because increased sugar intake increases requirement for various minerals and vitamins, sugar causes problems when eating a nutritionally deficient diet.
This is why context matters.
>of course it is the quickest way to obesity
Still a meaningless statement.
Says the actual newfag. Kys
why havent you killed yourself yet?
>They controlled for weight, caloric intake, exercise, and even vegetable consumption.
That's not enough.