Is it worth the risk?
Do you expose your power level to your GF?
I only stick my dick in women who know Hitler was the good guy
i red-pilled my gf after i told her i voted for trump. she wanted to know why and i showed her videos, talked to her, had her read a bunch. now shes in love with lauren southern and pjw and calls liberals libtards or shitlibs. its great. i love her. she used to be hardcore liberal too.
I found my wife reading Stormfort the other night. I then introduced her to Sup Forums. She's a mental health provider.
All the time.
The dream holy shit
I haven't fucked anyone either
Jews have made it pretty hard to have a girlfriend who isnt interested in fucking you in the ass, in Canada. Country is so god damn degenerate, having white kids is nearly impossible... and then if you do have them, they just passed a new law where they will take em away if you dont let them cut their dicks and tits off.
>gay libertarian with AIDS and a neocon
Alright, good luck. When she cheats on you she'll just blame the free market. So redpilled.
If you expose your power level to your girlfriend you're doing it wrong.
You get a girlfriend by exposing your power level.
>she's in love with the alt-lite
get out of there
Having a psych that's a neo-nazi, glorious.
You have a long way to go my friend
There is no point trying to redpill a woman. Women cannot think like a man does and simply wont understand. My aim to turn my gf into a devote housewife once I give her my seed to produce offspring. She doesnt need a career. Motherhood comes first. it is a mans job to gain a skilled profession and provide for his family
Yes, but you have to introduce it very slowly, or she'll freak out and you'll get into fights all the time. Small doses only. You have to be patient
haha i knew you faggots would say something. redpilling is a step by step process, dipshits. you cant just throw someone into the truth, especially a liberal female.
post teen aryan qts please
So that dude become a woman after Sup Forums? Makes sense
this literally IS the redpill for women. the traditional gender role as a home maker.
This. You can share your views with your girl, but don't expect her to adopt them. A good woman isn't concerned with politics, and is concerned with starting a family and bringing white life into the world.
the person on the left is unironically a male
look it up
>tfw Gf is white
>tfw I made her hate Islam
>tfw she hates Arabs and pakis too
>tfw I'm brown af
>tfw no face
> A black guy
>A neckbeard
>A faggot
Can't make this shit up
If I show my full power level and she doesn't like it she cannot be called my girlfriend.
You should, but gradually and for the love of God do not attempt to make her equal to you or mimic your beliefs in the same way.
A woman is still a woman, she should remain as blue-pilled as possible so as not to ruin her natural optimism and lightheartedness.
Her obedience whether politically or regarding any other major subject needs to be solidified but again, don't drown her with politics. Simply nudge her in the right direction.
my gf is redpilled, but then again she has a dick and is not a roastie.
>mfw my gf thinks that men should lead, women shouldn't really be allowed to vote and she dislikes blacks
>mfw she's Chinese and I'm white
I hope you're kidding.
Not recognizing your child's gender identity is now grounds to have your child removed from your home, in Canada.
Thats still white genocide, you might as well have murdered her.
>gas yourself
couldn't give better advice
Like the country is brown as fuck. You cant find one of your own? You take a white woman, I dont give a fuck how much you hate muslims or whatever, if youre not white yourself. Stick to your own kind.
Where did you meet her?
>still white genocide
Yeah I convinced her everything Semitic is bad so Christian civilization falls into that which is why she doesn't want "pale kids".
>you might as well murder her
I murder that pussy everyday famalam, don't worry.
Hue come to the Maritimes buddy apparently the government thinks good ol Nova Scotia is "Lacking diversity"
>can't find one of your own
There's like 100,000 of us, so actually no. Either way it's a two street, if she didn't like me I wouldn't like her.
>be slav looking for wörk in germoney
>attending Integrationskurs für Zuwanderer
>have soc-history hours
>basically indoctrination about how nazis were the satan himself and multi culti is the only way to repay all the atrocities
>it was around the time charlie hebdo attack happened
>lunch break, joke about multi culti not being worth giving up cartoons
>qt greek laughs at my jokes
>when were leaving that day she says i should watch out what i joke about or i might not come back for the classes next day and shed miss me
>take the hint and ask her out
>mfw showing a glimpse of my power level got me a qt gf
lifes pretty good
Not only is it worth it, it's your duty
In my experience, avoiding talking about politics with women is the best way to go. They don't actually care and are always going to be left leaning. My gf voted for Hillary even after hearing me and my brother talking about the election all the fucking time.
I did recently. like really recent, the last hour.
She kept calling me Muslim because of it
hating gays and alcohol makes you a muslim according to my gf
If they're allowed to vote I think we should at least attempt to guide them in the right direction.
Have you told her about THEM yet?
I've never fully revealed my opinions but my last girlfriend knew how I felt about a few minorities.
since when are retardation and heavily biased views a power level?
I'm imagining how triggered a tumblrtard would get if she read that. You'd get banned for posting that on r/relationships.
But I agree with you.
Yes, I've managed to raise the awareness of unchrcked migration and the threat that Parjeets are to my colleagues at work. My manager at work is slightly red-pilled and he always talks to me abt politics, I'm slowly shattering his world view day by day.
Fuck only single moms who you fuck and dump until you find one who is a widow of a soldier who died in combat.
Then red pill and marry her.
>She kept calling me Muslim because of it
>hating gays and alcohol makes you a muslim according to my gf
At least, she doesn't like muslims
Newfag detected
How to get Israeli art-student gf to expose one's power-level to?
slowly, step by step. Women will always be more liberal (usually). I guarantee she already has one red pilled view (for my gf it is right to bear arms for some reason) but slowly she had turned from believing in "institutional racism" to someone who may be genuinely racist towards black people at times.
>art student
shes probably beyond saving
just pump her while you can and dump her as soon as she starts dieing her hair in bright colors
She shares a lot of my views, but I make myself no illusions: she is not redpilled. If we were ever to break up, she would just revert to the thoughts she feels are most accepted by her peers.
Mine used to be apolitical but after listening to some of the same podcasts as me for about a year she watches InfoWars everyday now. She zoomed past redpilled and turns me onto news that I haven't heard about instead of the other way around. We have discussions about what should be done about googles, skypes, Anti-Fa, leftists and globalists all the time now.
On a side note her hardwing liberal democrat mother can't stand me now but that's a fine tradeoff.
She doesn't, she just knows that I do
That's degenerate my dude
>lauren southern
>just googled her
>born 1995, just as me
>has own wiki page, shows and shit
>feel bad
welp time to get back to my mechanics studies
Yes, my girlfriend knows what I stand for and she doesn't like it but she loves me to much to leave me but mainly because she thinks i'd get hurt.
People who are not proud of, able to rationally explain, defend or share their ideals are cowards and faggots betraying these same ideals by not spreading them.
sort of. she knows about the influence and disproportionate representation in certain sectors of society but i dont think shes put it together yet. ill give her time.
No, there are skeletons that shouldn't be let out of the closet. Maybe on your deathbed yell out something(IT WAS THE SLAVS) but until then what someone doesn't know can't hurt them
Shes softer tho. She agrees with what i say; but doesnt like the word Nigger etc. weird.
>dating a girl who doesn't love you for your power level
I don't know how any of you could date or marry a woman who you couldn't share your power level with. Women are followers. If she doesn't succumb to your ways you're obviously a faggot. You may disagree but you know I'm right.
I don't understand how could anyone in a long-term relationship successfully hide his political views from his significant other.
If you expose your ideas prematurely you risk causing serious damage to your future and social circles. I have plans in my future as a politician and come from a decent background to be able to do it, I'd rather not risk it by going completely 1488 before I get the chance to gain a following.
My gf revealed her power level to me way before I did.
TFW dating a girl who idolizes Eva Braun.
My gf isn't a politically obsessed cunt.
i'm pretty sure your just a coward.
The image "before Sup Forums" is actually a guy so it makes sense he becomes a Nazi trap.
>trying to study autism to help career
>husband comes out as autist
>oh shit.
The one on the left is a guy so basically what you're saying is Sup Forums turns people into tranny nazis
Sounds about right
Nah man. I have exposed my power level to people before even have a small group of people who agree with me, but I'm not going crazy with it
Yes, I can tell my wife anything and she just believes me. So I redpilled her on some things, but not on pedorings/satanism...I don't want to disturb her unnecessarily.
>be blue pilled
>find patriotic azn cutie who only speaks english and goes shooting
>end up being wm-af couple
>find trump
>take red pill
>have massive panic attack for week
>tell azn cutie
>she doesnt even know what jews are thinks hitler is funny
>red pill her as i go
>she thinks it funny, agrees with me
>find out racemixing is degenerate
>sweating bullets for a year about this
>havnt told her
>mobile posting
What do i?
That's not redpilled, that's altright-pilled. You turned her into a cancerous t_d civic nationalist.
>implying eva braun is not jewish and told hitler to invade USSR to ensure his loss
redpill yourself faggot, look at that face.
I don't expose my power level to my girl but I make jokes and drop subtle hints/suggestions that point her in the right direction. For the most part she agrees with me.
Chinese women are what Sup Forums is looking for.
They can be ruthless, they love making fun of black people, stay attractive for an extra decade or two, and they don't understand how to survive in this country without you.
you can be a lot more abusive towards them than western women too because they come from a society where they were never valued that much
I like independent women whose excited to go see new things, but Sup Forums is full of people who didn't spend enough time with their mothers
This one is good.
25, married, several children, rural. Wife started out as normal FIN-socialist. Now hates niggers, arabs and other subhumans. Dislikes discussing the JQ, but regards NS as a legit and possibly positive Life stance\ideology.
Oldest daughter once saw a nigger and casually asked why the monkey man was walking on two legs.
Fairly happy with current situation.
I'm in the process of redpilling my gf. You gotta do it slow and plant a seed. Tell her that white people need to address the black on black crime. Make her admit that all the real issues exist any way possible and she'll come to the right conclusion.
Wow sounds like your family would love a much more interesting life without you in it
How so?
She's trying to reverse psychology you into finding fags acceptable.
Expose ? How much of a manlet are you
I don't have a gf user.
If that's how you conceptualize things then you're probably already fucked.
Try talking about your values like normal people, aspie.
Tough one, dude. Gonna have to kill her.
its a stage
We both browse Sup Forums but she's brown. It's a conflicted sort of feel.
racemixing is degenerate
>Is it worth the risk?
Is it worth the risk of spending the rest of your life with someone you have to hide your true self from? Fuck that, no matter how good looking she is I want to be open about my beliefs with my woman and I want her to be open with hers. If they are so opposite we can't tolerate each other, we probably aren't destined to be good together. Granted, my beliefs are not as extreme as many of you, but be a man and be yourself. If she leaves, find one who won't.