I'm announcing my complete and utter withdrawal from posting and browsing the Sup Forums board known as Sup Forums. The quality of discussion has lowered significantly and I just cannot stand it anymore. Every day there are threads that have been posted before at least 5 time throughout the day. I.E: Weed is bad for you/Why does Sup Forums not like weed?/AMA threads ( thanks reddit )/ LGBT threads/ threads about God/ etc. Everyday numerous threads that have the same topic will be posted near simultaneously and every day people will reply to them. Not only this but most of the threads that are like this happen to be obvious bait threads but redditors who have invaded this board reply to them like a moth to a flame.
And worst of all, the generals plague this boarded. They are filled to the brim with redditors constantly bumping their shit generals that doesn't allow good quality discussion in other threads to be seen. Every thread now has at least 5 people posting some shitty lame pun or reply that nobody but redditors find funny. Redditors have invaded this board and completely destroyed its culture. I'll miss Sup Forums but, hopefully one day something like this can pop up again and be a place for us to hang out and discuss things without 5,000 neckbeard redditors shitting things up.
RIP Sup Forums
yeah Sup Forums has become aids but that doesn't mean you have to blogpost about leaving faggot
just leave
Do you think original polacks have mostly left?
No. You never leave Sup Forums. Just watch it unfold.
>I miss old B
see u tomorrow
Nah. They always come back. This place is a heroine that ends up making you feel worse.
shut up idiot retard no one cares you disposable unit of taxpayer measurement
the op is still true. The only passable browsing times are European hours and even then it still seems like half the week it's filled with fags.
been here since 2005, you are just too stupid to ignore shills so the board appears ruined for you. you were never a real pol user. i thought you wanted to leave yet you are still attention whoring here lol. fucking faggots
Imagine my shock
I'm 06 here and it's true. The best way to browse is to not add fuel to the fire and report if needed, hide and ignore/do not post in shit threads. If you don't have this mindset and skill, you most likely haven't been here long and are going to contribute to that shit.
The whole site is normalized as fuck compared to old days and nothing is going to bring old days back due to how this site works.
This is probably pasta but yes, correct.
I'll stay to slaughter the reddit when their bloated pig god is finally slayed, then I'm out.
See you tomorrow faggot
one special star gone, loads left. CET is the best time for coming here.
Oh no don't leave Sup Forums! Don't do it OP we'll never make up the loss!
ky OP
mfw australian time is best time.
see you tomorrow nigger
i mean, he's not wrong. but at this point i've realized that rather than leaving it's easier to just ignore shill and sage threads
Im with it. But where do we go? Its not like i can just start having a life
The filter is a beautiful thing.
>I'm announcing my complete and utter withdrawal from posting and browsing the Sup Forums board known as Sup Forums
Toxic hypermasculinity derives its significance directly from the conceptual penis and applies itself to supporting neocapitalist materialism, which is a fundamental driver of climate change, especially in the rampant use of carbon-emitting fossil fuel technologies and careless domination of virgin natural environments. We need not delve deeply into criticisms of dialectic objectivism, or their relationships with masculine tropes like the conceptual penis to make effective criticism of (exclusionary) dialectic objectivism. All perspectives matter.