Clueless Murican fag here. You guys realize this cunt might be PM in a very near future right? It's pretty clear this is is end game.
Future UK Prime Minister?
Then the war begins
No one outside of London would vote for Labour if he were running.
Mr. Britain
It is usually the cost of living price, as well as the cost of housing etc are expensive to live in capital.
Why are there so many immigrants there in London in the first place?
>voting for a paki from london
you're absolutely right, you are clueless
He will blow himself up in suicide attack before he could be elected to sultan of Britannistan.
my skills are non existent but this pic needed a shop
Good, those faggots deserve it.
They are tribalistic so they gather together, and they are all on bennies so it doesn't matter about the housing costs, although their homes are generally pretty slummy so they aren't expensive anyway.
>Then the war begins
That's what they said about Obama.
Give it time :)
Even the slummy houses in London can cost like 800k right?
I've seen some ape before complaining about a 1.5m house being too small in London with his 6 kids
Imagine studying for 10 years to be a doctor, saving up another fucking 10 for a downpayment on a nice house and having a bunch of lip-smacking animals as your neighbours with their loud little niglets
You need to do something
No, he won't, theres absolutely no chance. It would be political suicide for the Labour party and Britain is not voting in a Muslim PM.
he has a higher approval rating than Jeremy or Tony Blair and there are no other prominent Labor politicians atm
Whilst this country never ceases to shock me, I think this would be a step too far, although it depends entirely on what iteration of Labour comes out of the General Election.
The Conservative Party threw a huge bone to Labour by having Zac Goldsmith (a Rothschild spouse and multi-multi-millionaire) as their mayoral candidate. Even in London as a Labour candidate, Khan only managed to secure 56% percent of the vote.
I really can't see the country voting for him, nor the Labour party electing him leader, despite his publicity.
Gibs me a source??
I keep hearing this but I don't think it's really true.
There are plenty of white people who would like to see a Muslim PM with the ideology "maybe once there's a Muslim PM, everyone will get along."
Same thing happened in the US. Obama was primarily elected in 2008 by whites who thought he would create a post-racial America. the opposite happened
Sadiq is constantly injecting himself into international politics, and if you cant see that he has his sites on being the party leader someday then you're blind. He's somewhat young, he has decades to achieve it. and not to mention that UK will be less white in a decade
he wouldn't need 56% of votes. just more votes than the 2nd biggest party. that's the beauty of a multi-party system
Vince Mcmahon said their prime minister would be of Pakistani extraction. He saw the future and the death of the UK
No English people in London hence him being voted in
there are gorillion links if you google it, really. Supposedly even conservatives like him
>newstatesman com/politics/staggers/2017/02/sadiq-khan-likely-be-most-popular-labour-leader-yougov-finds
Unfortunately I've found that he is bafflingly popular. He's a slick operator for sure
Stop projecting American views onto the UK, this is not a reality.
Britanistan is going to loose the Demographic war,
question is will it marry it's cousin pakistan and make retarded kids
>just more votes than the 2nd biggest party
No, he'd need a Parliamentary majority.
Labour isn't FN or UKIP, they'll form a coalition easily
Hypothetically yes, however you're vastly overestimating the current power of the Labour party combined with it's geographical support.
Northern Labour strongholds will not vote for a Khan-led Labour party provided it's against somewhat respectable opposition. Whilst Khan may generate high levels of core vocal support (as does Corbyn), it's geographically concentrated. A Khan-led Labour would not win the English counties, Wales, Scotland, and would have real problems in the North.
People liking Sadiq doesn't mean he will get anywhere near leading the Labour party. There is too much dodgy shit in his past, they wouldn't let him. This is the same reason why we got Ed Miliband instead of David Miliband, David was too dodgy, too much shit in his past.
he'd definitely win Scotland. the rest depends on how full retard the tories are willing to go over internet restrictions. taking the internet away from poor people who have little other entertainment ij their lives will be a big one
I'm English and so is my whole family. I'm here for university. PM Khan could be a reality. I'm not calling it an inevitability, I'm saying that it COULD happen. You're denying that?
A Muslim would never win an election here. Maybe they can become mayor of London, but they can't become Prime Minister. People would vote against it massively.
We had mayor who is a ascendant of Korean named Masuzoe last year. We were so upset to him until we did not know about real ethnic background. Masuzoe wasted so much money of tax payers money for his luxurious life.
He spent big money on his personal interests such as buying paintings.
He also spent taxes to promote South Korea by his power to advertise visit Seoul campaign.
He spent £360,000 with his 20 advisers when he traveled to London and Paris for only one month.
Netizens found his background was Korean. It went on viral.
He ended up with being prosecuted and criticized by the whole Japanese citizens to resign, now we have got clean Japanese Tokyo mayor Koike.
>he'd definitely win Scotland
There is no way in hell a Sadiq Khan led Labour party is winning Scotland over the Scottish Nationalists. I'm sorry but that is an utterly ridiculous statement.
if it came down to him and someone like Theresa May? Scotland is very obviously leftists, their "nationalists" are pro EU shills
Anything could happen, Jeremy could behead Theresa, but it's not likely. The Labour party will not have Sadiq lead them, not with this political climate, it would be suicide.
>if it came down to him and someone like Theresa May?
But it won't though, will it? As you previously stated, it's a multi-party system, the SNP will be around for some time, and those moving away from it are likely to do so for ideological reasons and vote for a Unionist Conservative party.
He was defending this guy. It was a good choice.
If Sadiq was leader of the Labour party, the North East would go conservative for the first time in a century in some areas.
>There is no way in hell a Sadiq Khan led Labour party is winning Scotland over the Scottish Nationalists. I'm sorry but that is an utterly ridiculous statement.
That would be as ridiculous as Orange County, CA turning blue in a Trump election. Stop doubting yourselves and start accusing and investigating.
Based Nippon. Never change
To the people saying it won't happen, all you have to do is look across the water a literal cock gobbling shitskin is running Ireland and I bet 5 years ago they'd have laughed if you told them what would happen. Don't sleep walk into it bros
I have no idea about the voting record of Orange County but I highly doubt it is comparable to a Scotland with a Scottish Nationalist party representing it.
Varadkar wasn't elected in a General Election.
>mfw he gets elected
>mfw he says to get people used to the terrorism mass immigration causes, he will also cause state-sponsored terrorism on the populace as its apparently just a side-effect of living in a big city
>Sharia law is implemented as to not offend Muslim overlords
>Whites flee to Scandinavia (Denmark and Norway) to mobilize an army to take back our land.
>Start by liberating Sweden, then move on to other nations such as Belgium, Holland. Entice eastern european countries to join us in a modern crusade, Islam is public enemy nr 1 and all supporters (This includes leftists) will be executed or interned. Retake the nuclear arsenal, nuke all muslim countries
And that is how the west will retake civilization
>sub 100 iq white boi response
Why is shitposting the default response when you are presented evidence that there is more going on under the surface?
If they reelect him after his part and parcel comments there's no hope left for the UK.
It's likely he will be re-elected.
Im not sure
The UK is faaaar less islamophobic and racist than the US yet they elected a black man TWICE.
The UK could definitely elect a muslim. Sadiq Khan sounds like a mong though so I doubt it will be him but I defo expect a non white to soon be PM.
Look at Ireland, they have a half indian. Portugal too.
A charismatic leader, no matter their race or religion, could 100% win.
He'd have got in anyway Ireland has gone from full on conservative Christian to one of the most retarded leftist states in the world in less than 20 years they are basically Sweden 2.0 without the money
Have you seen Khan's twitter? It is disgusting to see from Japanese myself point of view.
He is expanding his belief which is Islam is love and peace, but he is destroying British culture at the same time. British people must legislate to put clear regulation which anyone from Anglo origin can not to become or partake in politic in the UK.
I really want let this paki guy drug out from London.
I love how no one noticed that someone printed "Virgin" on his T-Shirt.
It's one of the least offensive thing i could call him.
>The UK is faaaar less islamophobic and racist than the US yet they elected a black man TWICE.
The US is also 54% white, the UK is 87% white. There's no way a Muslim could get elected here because you think there's more racist people in the US than here. What's that based on by the way?
Varadkar is not a leftist, nor is Fine Gael a left-wing party. He will be voted out at the next election. He wouldn't have won an election if it were held today.
Bloody hell.
oh, how i would love for this to happen
unfortunately circlebro, any move to legislate something like that would be career suicide for any politician
we are in a paradox of being cucked and fucked at the same time
He'll be murdered before that'll happen.
>British people must legislate to put clear regulation which anyone from Anglo origin can not to become or partake in politic in the UK.
"No foreigner ("no person born out of the Kingdoms of England Scotland or Ireland or the Dominions thereunto belonging"), even if naturalised or made a denizen (unless born of English parents), can be a Privy Councillor or a member of either House of Parliament, or hold "any Office or Place of Trust, either Civill or Military, or to have any Grant of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments from the Crown, to himself or to any other or others in Trust for him."
- Act of Settlement 1701
you are right, no skills what so ever
wew that's one hairy motherfucker
Is it gay that I love old japs and they're cars?
isn't this like twenty bucks in pokemon money?
T-thats racist, we are all Britons
I hope so. The uk is hopeless, it needs to collapse if it wants any chance of surviving.
That's why you need more Jo cox.
Politicians here are a bunch of fucks who always yelled out " I am going to die myself to be a politician" when they are campaigning, but shit none of them actually do once they got in an extravagant.
Real brabe ones should let them know how would his be when they did nothing or betray to its citizens.
Otherwise this shit never ends. Only genuine patriots will run your country. This chaos never will happen.
This is bait, not even americans are this stupid
My English is not good to read hope you understood what I am trying to say.
anyone else notice this?
Japan truly is the last bastion of nationalism and real patriotism. Nips kill themselves for failing.
If only our politicians actually gave a shit about the people they're elected or appointed to govern. Given that there is no repercussion beyond harsh words and disapproval polls we're not getting out the hole anytime soon.
And? Obama got the most votes in history (and percentage proportion). Obama won Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida etc.. with white people. The same whites that voted Obama propelled Trump to victory.
Its not about who you are. Its your message that counts. We live in a post racist world, where racism is sanctioned and fined.
Sadiq Khan is a bellend but someone like Raheem Kassam is hard right, even though he's brown.
>larping this hard
2/10 made me reply
how is this going?
i guess the competition is between them and paris.
>Prime Minister
Oh, sweetie, that's not where this is headed.
nice bait
Ayatollah. You got the idea.
He's not popular
Braindead zombies relaying the MSM narrative =/= actual popularity
Does it help you guys sleep at night knowing there's a breakaway civilization exploring deep space right now, and we're just the useless chattel left behind to rot on a dying planet?
8 years ago if I told you a black man would lead the USA, you would laugh at me. Yet it happened.
Sadiq Khan is young. 10-15 years time I guarantee he will become labour leader. Look at how he attacked trump. He knows how to get attention and make a stand. You must have a cock in your eyes if you dont think he isnt eyeing up the labour leadership
>Future UK Prime Minister?
Nope. I think that Trump calling him out will be a part of something bigger in future.
Well, we voted Obama inand put an end to racism so if we vote a muslim in as British PM, muslims all over the World will rejoice and hail the UK for its tolerance and respect. What can possibly go wrong?
What war? Brits themself want this. They want to submit to allah.
>Emir of London