Is there anything more cucked than being a feminized beardlet?

Is there anything more cucked than being a feminized beardlet?

Honestly, if you can't grow a beard, most women will take it as a sign that your balls never dropped.

Even a fake beard is better than wispy chin-hairs or nothing at all.


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if you have wispy shit with gaps in it, it's even worse than being clean shaven

Bear and long hair the most redpilled

It's hard now. Beards were once masculine in the modern era, but now so many nu-males have adopted them that they look more feminine.


>can't grow a beard

What about the fucking Kenyan beard study? People are 20% more likely to know what bearded men had for dinner the previous night. When the doc asked if I wanted my kid shaved, I didn't hesitate.

If you have a manly face (high test) then you don't need a beard.

Beards are for sandniggers and chinless faggots with boy faces to cover up the fact they look like children.

>tfw Mountain Slav genetics
>Started shaving at 11
>Have to use electric razor because disposables cost too much
>Skip a day and I'm ahead of people by like a week.

Eh, beards are part of the nu-male look because they cover up shitty chins and babyface.

So they're somewhat paradoxically feminine now.