Are designated shitting streets real or it's just a meme?
Are designated shitting streets real or it's just a meme?
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just the 'designated' bit
.... its real you fucking retard. Indians even evolved brown skin for better camouflage against tigers.
Yes like your commie blocks with bydlo.
It's for real. They poop in the street/on the beach/in the fields in India.
They're just a meme. Indians shit eveywhere.
My friend studied in India.
They told him you can piss anywhere... But if you need to shit please go around the corner
Does anyone remove shit from the streets after this?
The cows, that's why they're sacred
>Are designated shitting streets real or it's just a meme?
I am ashamed to admit it but its true. You do have to realize India is a big country and quite a lot of people live in shanty town type walled structures without proper sewer drain connections. So what you essentially get is a lot of shitskins going to the railyway tracks to shit near the tracks, I think they usually do it near the train tracks because there are water pumps present, but I really don't know as I am one of the many educated indians who live in decent housing and can afford loos. Still you have to understand We use bidet type things in middle class India, no toilet paper. I have used both and I prefer the moist toilet paper and the bidets. Its much cleaner than poo encrusted westerners and the underwears don't have shitstains.
San Fransisco has designated shitting streets too ever since Silicon Valley Jews brought in a million Indian slaves.
have you ever shit in the shower?
Thanks for the honesty br0
It's so damn real they commissioned an educational video game about using the loo. Literally "Toilet trek".
I prefer the hand shower
it is real actually
just knowing that there's an entire country, one as big as India (1.3bn people), who literally drop their trousers and shit in the middle of the street, it gives me so much confidence, it's like I'm instantly superior to almost 20% of the population of Earth by default. Feels amazing man, to have that kind of prestige knowing you aren't a lowly street shitter living like a subhuman mammal. Feels fucking great.
>But if you need to shit please go around the corner
And the people from around the corner come to shit in your street?
I have pissed in the shower but never shit.
Well, thanks brazil bro :)
Yes even the hand shower also works well, but it requires some aiming skills.