
Well, Montenegro has joined NATO, becoming the first country bombed by NATO to join NATO.
Is Montenegro the most cucked country in Balkans? Europe?
The argument for yes is they got cucked by cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

They could have prevented this.

Also when do we stop giving them free shit?

But they didn't, how does it feel?
If war ever broke out, your closest ally would side against you.

Might be Montenegro 52d chess, get on the inside and sell info to Ruskies to avoid doing actual labor to build economy.

So, the usual?
Why do you assume we would be against them?

If you keep following Vucic I suppose you'll get cucked too.

Hoping Serbia remains independent though

>t. Diaspora fag

Maybe, but I sure would like to see them lose access to social programs here.

He is just scraping together to remain in power. His party SNS is a graveyard of venerable parties. I mean Draskovics party is in his coalition.

People here dont even care. The people paying him should be aware that when shit goes down none of the things he did or promised them will be worth anything.

monteniggers are borderline retarded but i guess the get gibs.

The question is what happens when albanians go ahead and start annexing their lands.

Abania in NATO
Montenegro in NATO

I'm guessing this, they just out breed Montenegro as a whole and annex all at once.

Once they are both in the EU there will be a demographic conquest by the muslims, I agree.

Albanians outbreed anyone? What you seem to fail to understand is that Albanian birth rate is dropping aswell and they are emigrating from their own countries.

But my question is more along the lines of how do you think things will play out once the "Montenegrians" are pushed too far?

>Own countries
they only have one country.

They are emigrating to breed, they own FYROM now, chances are you are albozerg your self.

They are 15-16% in this country. We are faking the stats for a reason.

Bro, how are things in Macedonia? How long until you are split between Bulgaria and Albania?

Milogorci wont mind, its nu-Montenegro, multi-culti and all that.

The first Commie politician that was elected in a province got shot but somehow managed to survive.

There has to be a segment of the population that isn't cucked/will get uncucked. I think they will go the rout of Serbia an get fucked by the west.

>independent country does what it wants
>Servs get butthurt

I didn't ask you about commies.

They will pack up and leave if it becomes dangerous, or they will not give a shit because it isnt directly affecting them.

Serbs became tame, everyone walks all over us now. No unity, Krajina gone, no close relations between Republika Srpska and Serbia, Kosovo gone, Vojvodina acting different, Montenegro became a tranny.

Only hope is absolute nationalism.

Dunno, we are still in reforming talks. People(govt) trying to bypass universal laws about doing shit. We'll see in this upcoming two months.

>implying a country of 600,000 Serbs wanted to join NATO

You can't just promote blank nationalism. We lost some wars and are in a remmission but we have to push onwards and develop back to power. The world is burning but not paying much attention to us.

There aren't quick solutions now. We have a few branches of bussiness that are prospering and our males aren't cucked as wewterners. There is a chance but we must be smart and hard working.

It's all bribery just like in here, both parties support EU and both will end up doing the same thing just different words.

Do you have an army?

Holey shit it's Grand Theft Nation NATO version

We do have an army. But everyone is convinced to the point unbeliable that we have nothing to export on our own and that joining the EU is the only hope for salvation. Nobody wants to invest themselves.

Everyone is literally the same fucking shit-faced demoralized cunt.

Would mass investments in Ex-Yu countries reap rewards? Do people have a work ethic? If I opened a factory or something would Lazar and Slobodan try to fuck me by being lazy/calling in sick etc?

Find clients for programming work.
Find an outsourcing firm in Novi Sad or Belgrade.

This basically, our markets on IT are constantly rising.

>If I opened a factory or something would Lazar and Slobodan try to fuck me by being lazy/calling in sick etc?

are you fucking mocking them

Balkanites are the hardest working people in all of yurope, and honesty to go with their hard work ethic.

You should def invest in this region

Il see what I can work out, I have some IT friends here, don't know much about it but I have money to invest and it would be nice to help out the homeland even on a small scale.

No, genuine question, I haven't been back since I left, times change.

I didnt realize there was anyone on here aware of this.
Being hard working is one of the things most held in high regard here.

t.15 hour workdays

Fuck me.

Would you fucking retarded slavs stop joining NATO and the EU?!?!

They are Jews. They want to kill and enslave you!

The beutiful bit is you don't have to invest anything.
Find someone in need of IT work. Negotiate a price and just take your cut.
If you speak Serbian that is a huge plus.

Both parties are funded by EU and are PRO-EU and NATO so no matter who we chose we go there. People are convinced that EU is the only choice to go because investments come from countries within the EU.
This is true.
You can invest in agriculture aswell due to climate in here.

"joining" NATO is one thing

but who fucks whom in the end well we'll just have to see how the wheel spins. :3

Pricam Srpski, ali ne 100%, i previse sam se naucio na englesku gramatiku

>tfw when diaspora fag

What do we do when the westerners are conquered?

It seems like

The Serbian immigrants I've known have worked hard *and* been smart. Some other nationalities work hard but are dumb as bricks.

That is all you need. Peiple in the IT industry here are almost all fluent enough in English. The bit of Serbian you know would give you charisma points.

If you do eventually get to this position don't go for an international owned company. Look around LinkedIn and find some independent firm.
More of a profit margin and less corporate bullshit.

we arent serbs, we are a different culture idiot. really makes you think how we were the first country that fought and gained independence from the t*rks. we have been seperate entities since the middle ages stupid leaf

Probably nothing honestly said.
Shitskins won't come here either due to no free gibs.



>implying actual montenegrins had a choice
This is the work of (((their government)))

i have an idea for project, finished first platform but i can't think anyone who could invest in that...

found the milogorac

Sure man, you are not Serbs, you are genetically different and have had your own culture seperate form the Serbs. You are nothing alike, Mile Djukanovic told us so.

>bombed by NATO

Seriously, what's wrong with leafs?

Probably had to do something with Russia looking at every chance it can get to undermine national interest anywhere in the western hemisphere but in particular the balkans. Especially Montenegro where they just had 14 Russians trying to run a coup. Fuck Russia, and fuck your buzzword insults.

>businessinsider com/14-people-2-russians-charged-with-attempted-coup-in-montenegro-2017-4

they must be handing out some fine ass drugs over there

really am tempted to go and find out what kind of spiked cool aid the jews make them drink over there

Can't you guys fucking crash the EU already with the gibs?

There are wesstern europeans willing to invest in almost anything as it is no longer profitable for them to keep their money in banks.

You have to find some bussiness savy and connected economist from Serbia and give him a cut to be your manager.

>You have to find some bussiness savy and connected economist from Serbia and give him a cut to be your manager.
but where? i'm from south tho

dont count on this kike/communist occupied shithole

if anything our kike and communist mobsters love the cookie crumbs theyre getting.

Kommuna wróciła 2.0 :3

Banks are hell now, doesnt even keep up with inflation. All about investments, stocks/property.
People are heavily into early investments now too, everyones looking for the next big thing.

Start networking. Go to bussiness events.
It won't happen overnight.

What kind of investment are you looking for user, ballpark.

> Montenegro
> ""country""
Montenegro is not a country, it's a criminal enterprise. The whole ""country"" is smaller than the city district I live in.

yeah but i need some leading hand throughout that, i was never before on such events and never had some friends who attend them

well it's about a social network-like platform, so i guess i need investment in marketing, server(s), domain and eventually i must hire someone for design job and to create android/iOS app for that platform. the first version of website is already finished and it sits on local here, i have already bought some VPS server and a domain tho

Your city district should secede from Russia.

>This and this...And this

People we call Montenegrin are actually Serbs.
And also, it looks like Disneyland for Russian tourists.
It's full of fucking Russians...
Even the fucking roads signs are in Russians...

Present-day Montenegro is pretty pathetic desu

For their national anthem, they took a 19th century Montenegrin patriotic song, but removed the part where back then they explicitely called themselves "Serbian people" (cpпcкoм poдy) and now pretend that they are a different ethnic group from Serbs.

You don't need a leading hand. You are a wolf not a sheep.
Use your actions to guide you. Get connected to thhe peoe in the north in the industry. Send them a chat via linkedin or something. Be proactive and rely on yourself primarily.
You will have a hundred misses but keep going.

When did cyrillic become russian?

will do, but at first i need to make contact with local people here who own businesses, due to the nature of the platform. after that i'll think of the future actions i'll need to take, like promotion for example

I don't think we are inherently smart or anything.
But we have almoat all known and survived hard times.
When we see the opportunity to prosper with our woek we just push on.
But there are a lot of sayinhs here that can be summarized as don't act like the smartest peraon around.
People tend to keep to their strong sides and not act out when they don't know something.

Brother, it seems to me you already know the way forward. Be determined and take the reward.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope we cross paths in prosperity.

i hope i do, and i will
thank you, i wish you all the best too :)

Best of luck mate keep at it.

thanks mate, i hope you'll achieve your goals here too

Shills are leading our country

Great thread btw. I like how it didn't devolve into the usual balkan thread but in a Make Balkan Great Again.

my only dream is to see my home prosper, I don't want hard times down there, hope we get in touch one day.

desu you're rate amongst diaspora who actually wants to do something here. most of them seem to go elsewhere and never return in the terms of helping this country, but on the other side they're the most nationalistic fucks you'll ever met to the point they're quite annoying to everyone, including us.

so kudos to you!

*you're rare

Most of them came here when they were too young to remember home, spoiled by their parents who came into small wealth by working 2-3 jobs while parading that they are ultra-serbs. All left as soon as the first signs of war appeared. I see it here so often

Its disgusting.
Most go back to showcase themselves like "they made it" but come here and work full time to pay off debt they cant afford to live in a house thats bigger than the other Serb..

its disgusting.

>nobody posts the gif or webm

sad truth

fucking gastarbajteri rednecks

> my ancestors were once leaders of monteniggeria

> now i am watching my ancestral homeland getting cucked

I'm sorry my ancestors. I failed you. :^(

Most do genuinely want what they think is best for Serbia, problem is the disconnect. They don't understand Serbs modern day plight, their new problems.

Don't get me wrong, there is good people here, just the ones that are the loudest are the ones you hear.

Montenegro? More like Montenigger, kek

yeah i thought so, the most retarded ones are always the loudest and they pretty much spoil our image here and in the outside world. but as much as they do that we don't actually care about what others think about us (it's like a part of our mentality), but we do care about them and we want from them to come here and help this country instead of bitching about how their country is the best in the world miles away. they need to start to reason

What faculty are you at ?

bio sam na PMFu in Nisu ali sad pauziram ima godinu dana

Completely agree with you, diaspora should be doing a lot more for the homeland. And I'll try to be involved too. On your end, all Serbs back in Balkans need to start getting along too, Krajisnici, Srpski Bosanci, Crno Gorci and Srbijanci all view one another the same here, and get along great. Any time I talk to someone from home online they seem to have some issue with the other groups. I do truly believe absolute unification of Serbs is necessary moving forward.

Not only back there, but in a diaspora sense. We over here need to be shilling our governments and shit, just like the rest do.

The Serbs I've known here in the US are like that, very *effective* in whatever they choose, from heavy metal guitar to computer engineering, but not trying to be better than everyone else, they just do what matters to them.

>trying to be better than everyone else
is such a problem for some other people, including very incompetent people, that the quality of the Serbs really stands out.

Just speaking as an ordinary American guy who has observed all this.

Dafuq is this fuckery?We are just Serbs.These other niggers are irrelevant for us to make up a name for Mainland Serbs.
>Crno Gorci
Lel no,fuck off kike.

>Krajisnici, Srpski Bosanci, Crno Gorci and Srbijanci all view one another the same here, and get along great.
i know that diaspora tend to be more friendly towards each others, even when it's between serbs and croats for example

>I do truly believe absolute unification of Serbs is necessary moving forward.
yes, but i'm not so optimistic about the future though, this region is destabilizing more and more due to our retarded and corrupt politicians, which is sad...

>accusing other for kikery while literally doing (((divide et impera))) tactics
i guess you're the one who needs to fuck off from here

Case and point, fuck your self you stupid fuck. You're the type that sold out Krajina in the first place, hope your family line dies out.

Just try to improve your surroundings, we all should.