When was there any doubt Snopes is fake news bought out by CNN?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fake news

Pants on fire, nigga

(They're a fact-checking site, not a news outlet)

>directly lying and saying "um it's not staging a fake protest, people ALWAYS do this when they report on protests!!


idk man, snopes is pretty legit, did you even read the link....

But nothing suggested that CNN “staged” the demonstrations to any extent greater than engaging protesters, directing their positions, and asking them questions as part of a news segment.

i mean it's not like thats what staging literally means right? lets see what wiki has to say about it

Staging is the process of selecting, designing, adapting to, or modifying the performance space for a play or film. This includes the use or absence of stagecraft elements as well as the structure of the stage and its components.

Staging is also used to mean the result of this process, in other words the spectacle that a play presents in performance, its visual detail. This can include such things as positions of actors on stage (often referred to as blocking), their gestures and movements (also called stage business), the scenic background, the props and costumes, lighting, and sound effects. Besides costume, any physical object that appears in a play has the potential to become an important dramatic symbol.

ohhhhh snopes, you dun goofed.

Im actually infuriated R N




Did you even read the Snopes article?
> But nothing suggested that CNN “staged” the demonstrations to any extent greater than engaging protesters, directing their positions, and asking them questions as part of a news segment.

>Those spreading the rumor claimed that the same person appeared in different videos wearing the same unique pink trousers, a dead giveaway that the person was a “paid protester.” However, rumor-mongers did not elaborate as to why multiple photographs of the same protester indicated perfidy rather than multi-outlet coverage of the same protest.

If you can address those maybe I'll read what you have to say.

Snopes and fact check dot org went from fact checking to arguing semantics to perform damage control or character assassination on people, depending on their political affiliation