When was there any doubt Snopes is fake news bought out by CNN?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fake news

Pants on fire, nigga

(They're a fact-checking site, not a news outlet)

>directly lying and saying "um it's not staging a fake protest, people ALWAYS do this when they report on protests!!


idk man, snopes is pretty legit, did you even read the link....

But nothing suggested that CNN “staged” the demonstrations to any extent greater than engaging protesters, directing their positions, and asking them questions as part of a news segment.

i mean it's not like thats what staging literally means right? lets see what wiki has to say about it

Staging is the process of selecting, designing, adapting to, or modifying the performance space for a play or film. This includes the use or absence of stagecraft elements as well as the structure of the stage and its components.

Staging is also used to mean the result of this process, in other words the spectacle that a play presents in performance, its visual detail. This can include such things as positions of actors on stage (often referred to as blocking), their gestures and movements (also called stage business), the scenic background, the props and costumes, lighting, and sound effects. Besides costume, any physical object that appears in a play has the potential to become an important dramatic symbol.

ohhhhh snopes, you dun goofed.

Im actually infuriated R N




Did you even read the Snopes article?
> But nothing suggested that CNN “staged” the demonstrations to any extent greater than engaging protesters, directing their positions, and asking them questions as part of a news segment.

>Those spreading the rumor claimed that the same person appeared in different videos wearing the same unique pink trousers, a dead giveaway that the person was a “paid protester.” However, rumor-mongers did not elaborate as to why multiple photographs of the same protester indicated perfidy rather than multi-outlet coverage of the same protest.

If you can address those maybe I'll read what you have to say.

Snopes and fact check dot org went from fact checking to arguing semantics to perform damage control or character assassination on people, depending on their political affiliation

Also, the protestors are scene getting off a bus as the scene is being set up. With no other press in the area covering "such an important protest."

Snopes u dun goofed

you should prob read his post before you start sperging out

The video of the staging literally shows people getting off a fucking bus as they get into position

At least pizzagate was an entertaining conspiracy theory. This is just stupid and uninteresting.

>this is not considered staging

>people getting off a fucking bus as they get into position
Absolutely normal in a protest. But you wouldn't know it because you've never been in one.

What matters here is how many muslims showed up to protest the islamic violence.

It wasn't staged. Get the fuck over it and stop looking into it. Don't you have anything better to do with your lives?

>The video of the staging literally shows people getting off a fucking bus as they get into position

Which video? Timestamp?

I mean, it's obviously staged but I didn't notice that happening in the video I watched?

>snopes is pretty legit

Fuckin idiot

ok now read the whole post

------------> Joke


I forgot it's summer now

>it's false because there's a possibility it's not true

fucking Snopes come on now

How is something with footage proof a "theory" in any way?

>But you wouldn't know it because you've never been in one.
I HAVE been in protests.

News coverage is never that controlled of them

They are being handed signs and are crossing a barrier and being directed by them. Fun little project for your brainwashed mind. Look up the protests after charlie hebdo attack and compare them to the protests for the cartoon itself.

It was literally just a photoshoot but they sold it as a "protest". And apparently its true just because it was organized beforehand

Why would I read anything after that? Now go suck snope dick on reddit or die. I don't care.


You read half of a sentence before dropping your spaghetti.

Please refrain from posting.

Take this L

how embarrassing


All the recent "terror attacks" were hoaxes. The media have been broadcasting training drills as real events for decades.

Snopes has a narrative and is ran by liberals to spread disinformation and support liberal narratives.

There have been articles the last few months where they played mental gymnastics to debunk a Republican's quote, only to delete the articles when they're prooven wrong.

Durring the debates last year they went after dozens of Trump quotes while ignoring everything HRC said.

I don't understand how they ignore the fact they blow out their own narrative.

It's like they don't expect anyone to actually read what they write.

>What matters here is how many muslims showed up to protest the islamic violence.
About 0.000000001%.
In a staged protest.

Haha funny meme dude kek !!

Man, somewhere on the internet is a clip of Alex Jones talking about this picture from a couple of years ago and its funny as fuck.

well, the UK DOES have a right to assemble and protest

as if the right never took/ bused in protesters/ activists and then the media took a couple off to the side to interview

are live streamers on periscope also staging the news?

Pol needs to not throw stones in glass houses here

complain all you want abut CNN not covering right wing protests or other protests, but to say they staged this is a stretch

why dont you all become citizen journalists your selves armed with cameras and challenge the MSM, but that would mean leaving your house

I guess the flag raising at Iwo Jima wasn't staged by this same standard.

Snopes tends to stage straw men.
(Establishes that each part of claim and article is possible though complicated and proceeds to label claim as "false".)

>totally the majority #religionofpeace!!!

CNN's defense was basically "People have said this was staged. It was not staged. They were allowed by police to go to a staging area where we directed them to line up a certain way, and then we filmed it. It is completely false to claim it was staged."