Whites and Asians must stick together when the race war comes. Everything about mixed race white asian kids are the true master race all the best qualities in one simple package.
Just be warned that other races have taken notice and Blacks, Latinos, Arabs, Indians and everyone else has taken notice and wants their own asian partner now too so if you are white or asian be sure to stick with others.
Friendly Reminder Asians and White must stick together
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everyone needs to see this
Ok fug they look cute >_<
But yea I agree, asians and whites are family lol :-D
Every white woman should bear the child of an Asian man so we can steal from them their maths skills
Likewise it is the duty of every white man to invade Jewess wombs with our caucasian sperm
We all have a role to play
You mean WHITE Asians right?
I just want a gf :(
>I just want a gf :(
why do you want one?
Don't knock brown or yellow asians.
>white + brown/yellow asian
>normal white mixed race asian kid
You have ketchup. It's good.
You have BBQ sauce. It's good,
You mix them. You have shit.
No we dont, the japanease and south koreans can stay but not the rest.
fuck off wop
but ketchup and mayo mix and taste delicious!
Actually BBQ Sauce with a hint of Tomato tastes amazing.
White European + White Asian is the only tolerable Racemix.
Read: Tolerable.
Fuck off hapa scum.
>Central Asia the master race
Is that why it's a shithole that Russia looks like a paradise in comparison to?
I'll ally with Japanese but that's it. Mixing is forbidden
Good point user, amwf is the way of the future.
The countries might not be but the people are. Russians should all just take them as their husband and wife.
Remember pearl harbor, vietnam, ww2?
Yeah no thanks gook kike
Asians are all cyborgs anyway
don't pretend that every white guy over there didn't fuck as many of them as they could.
Yeah but thats different
When I think of an Asian making making love to a white girl it makes me think of a Lizard/ Gecko crawling on her and licking her. Basically I think Asian men are weird lizards trying to fuck the white girl.
I dunno that's just what comes to mind.
lol no. As an Asian I can assure all the anima- I mean people of color that we prefer you over the round eye colonist swine that ruined our nation and propped up the sub-human jap rape monkey bastards
No. Asians in Asia.
Do you remember those days grandpa? no? how old are you now? wow that's old. The world has changed a lot since those days, you senile old codger.
Us minorities gotta stick together. If whites go full 14/88 again it will be problems for all of us because they'll come after us next. We already get compared to insects by Nazis. It won't take much to make these savages nuke us.
Most asians are fucking beta nu males
Good job nuking japland doe. You should've dropped moar tbf
Age 24 stupid impotent bong
Go raise migrant children from your daugters womb
>litteraly nuked japan
>started a war in vietnam and killed rice-farmers
I mean there are other good reasons not to go for this but W E W you burgers really hold a grudge
True, higher races must stick together. Our behavior towards Asians has been niggerish to say the least and I have no problem towards AMWF the same as WMAF.
not happening, neo nazi larpers are living in lala land the same as sjws
Asians are out for themselves as much as jews. They're much better, especially japs, but they're still no 'allies.' Go look at the psycho asian subreddits like hapas or easternsunrising to see what they actually think.
Asians already hate niggers and spics. When the fighting starts, they will be on their roofs shooting coons with us
Why are there fucking shills pushing gook chink race mixing breads so badly today?
There were 3 other threads about whites and chinks mixing and this is what we should strive for.
It's nothing more than another /leftypol/ or plebbit le_dahanald civicuck raid.
If you faggots want to get an " Asian " girl then fucking go with a Sami girl or a Finni-Ugric girl which are found in finland or go with a tatar girl which are found in Baltic or even poland.
Don't mix with eastern gook chinks and create shit-tier mongrels.
No race-mixing is tolerable you alt-lite faggot.
Asian women are BASED. Sorry white women, but you come second to them. Maybe third because there are a lot of BASED Latinas out there, too. Race-mixing being bad is just a meme. As long as you and your ethnic qt wife agree politically then there's nothing wrong with it.
Fuck off back to your shithole nations then if you don't want us to purge you parasites.
The anger is rising and any nonwhite living in our nations will get what's coming to them.
t. Shill kike
Back to plebbit.
>Speaks bad about latinos
>Is Italian
Become mongrel asiatic subhumans while we rule over you just as we planned in the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.
Create Mongrel Hapas and lose your Aryan Blood and your history.
Become race-traitors and flush your genes down the toilet.
* rubs hands *
> thinking that Mediterraneans are shit-tier Mestizo South American Mongrels because both speak a Latin Language.
Doesnt change the fact that Italians are still latinos by definition, no matter how hard you dont want to beleive it
WOW, she is beautiful, i love her big blue eues
But they are not the same race you cunt.
Are Portuguese the same as mongrel brazilian niggers because both of them speak Portuguese?
No they are not.
You logic is stupid like your shitskin nation.
Hapas are abominations, we can't let Asians destroy the white race. Notice how much they pout number us. Yes plenty are nice people. I adore the hong kongers, but they need their own countries like we need ours.
>ese the same as mongrel brazilian niggers because both of them speak Portuguese?
>No they are not.
>You logic is stup
South america = mixed mediterraneans with local natives (mestizos)
Southern europe = Mediterraneans
in argentina and uruguay and even Much of the populace of brazil mongrel interbreeding with the native population doesnt even happen and they are still as european as someone born in spain, portugal, france, etc, these people are called criollos, please educate yourself you loud stupid burger Lol
to hear that from an italian, i'm very dissappointed
>Coming from Argentina
awww how cute
I, for one, believe that we should also ally with the indians.
>Moves back to Asia
>USA bombs Asia
Not falling for it
Slavic pussy was made for Chink dick. The chinks treat them better and have more money and better hygiene.
Opinions on Half filipino/jungle asian girls?
Definitely a good idea but we should let the amount of whites increase, the worst thing is race mixing too much and end up with nothing but asians and mixed
t. Elliot