If you have less than 7" cock or is smaller than 6', you don't deserve to procreate.
If you have less than 7" cock or is smaller than 6', you don't deserve to procreate
>talking about whites
White girls love Asian guuys
If the guy in the pic is trying to procreate he's got a really bad aim.
This is pol go to /b if you wanna be a faggot.
All girls want a big baltic cock.
9 inch masterrace reporting in. We will outbreed the niggers with our big dicks.
my penis is 1.9 inches(5 cm)
dudes care more about wiener sizes than girls lol
stfu you nigger minded monkey
Besides, having a big dick prevents you from fucking many small qts
Are you gonna eugenize mankind based on dicksize just so a few cunts can get more pleasure?
Its a highway to jewish hell
What if you are 7' and have a 6" dick?
what you're looking at here is the subconscious of a "latin american" that's been listening to marxists his entire life and is brown.
what the story with this cuck-asian?
I was sad when I was a teenager because I had a 5" dick and thought it was done growing and then somewhere between 18 and 21 I got a couple more inches.
Yes, fucking niggers pieces of shit
Why did we let you out of slavery again? Oh yeah the jews.
6 and a half here. Am I cool to talk?
Thats fairly decent for an insect.
white bois need not apply
bigger the dick smaller the brain, fuck what women want, they are getting what they want and society in the west if collapsing.
6.5 reporting in. Im only 5'9" too so its looks yuge.
ALREADY the insecure little faggot bitch boys with HILARIOUSLY small penises have shown up to run damage control.
If you want to implement rules for procreation make them about IQ not about dick size. Op it seems you are a brainlet.
If you aren't atleast a millionaire you don't deserve to procreate.
This looks like it might be CP
>tfw 8''
c'mon trips
You'll have two inches in the cold, and you don't have to be very big in circ to rip your girl
Also, there will be no end to it, eventually you will have woman impaling themselves to death in 14 inches dick because they are too dumb to cater to their own interests
Perhaps only blacks and athletes should procreate. What could go wrong?
Mine is only 7 inches. I should just kill myself now.
Inb4 delete, but since while I'm here: woman only care about money, power and status. If you think some chick is gonna fuck you bc you have a big dick you're a fucking idiot and probably a virgin.
go back to b
It´s evolution, look it up.
im 6'0 but my dick is like 5.75" but fat almost like a soda can, girls always comment how thick my dick is, some tiny girl i fucked a few weeks ago couldnt even fit in her mouth properly. is that acceptable for procreation or nah?
You haven't lived till a girl tells you it went in to far
I'm 5'11 and i have 7 inches and I don't give two shits about Women.
This. Bitches go crizzazay for it.
why? Does it serve any purpose beyond hedonistic excess? Of all the criteria for eugenics I have read this is by far the worst.
cmon f
I always suspected that I was never truly alive
Feels ambliviant man
>only 4 inches
That's fine, I wasn't planing on having kids anyway because I have Autism and don't want to pass it onto a son/daughter.
well which is it? less than 7 or less than 6?
better than 1.9 inches like mine
Don't worry. I won't.
Why not?
tfw so virgin you´ve never seen a titlet or tits laying down before
Anything but K.
Sweet. I wish my life would be like that.
Nah women do love big cocks but not everyone and not the same "bigness". Known girls who would be unable to fuck their own BF due to overly big cock. Known girls who would say "omfg, it´s so big" about common 16cm long dicks, based more on girth size, shaving and horniness than reality. If women ONLY bred with chad 9"er then you´d not exist my dicklet friend. Unless micropenis - go bravely onwards!
Fuck it, roll.
Hey Schlomo. Nice divide and conquer thread you got here. Seen a few of them today.
How do you explain women fucking poor niggers?
Nice have a (you)
6.5 reporting in. R8 my dick.
This is true but you fail to see the reason for all the penis threads. Partly it´s distraction, slide and divide and conquer ofc. But at it´s core we have been doing this since caveman Sup Forums times. It is male fraternizing and bonding, by bullying and shittalking.
I sincerely hope nobody here could ever get divided over their dick sizes.
everything under 8 inch is small.
>Average roach size = 4 cm
>Penis size = 5 cm
>"fairly decent"
Wait what
leafs are not meant to have nice things
Too skinny, sorry leaf.
did you exercise and shit in that time?
>tfw actually 7"
feels good man
also I tell women my dick is only 5.5" so they stop believe guys who's dick is actually 5.5"
The mods are busy making 100% sure that no pics relating to Momiji or "awoo" get posted.
Big white cock reporting in. Betraying my race and marrying a thick cuban mamasita.
lets go
We are all gonna make it. Unless we hit the magic 30.
most likely a russian QT who want's to get out of aids and alcoholic ridden russia and will marry any guy that comes along that will provide that.
rolling out
I never understood this.
If you grab your erect dick with only your thumb and pointing finger all the way down at the base of it, ofcourse it's gonna look big. If i do it mine looks way bigger than that one
pls be C
Devilish, and I'm stealing this.
Come on, 7
Nice, just squeaked in.
>posts naked on Sup Forums
>goes not think he's gay
So evil
That's pretty normal for a turkish man.
gimme that phat bitch
I got it from guys over 6' saying they are 5'10"
If I don't get 4 I think I will kill myself
How about if your IQ is below 130, you don't deserve to procreate. The world really doesn't need more dull, sex obsessed mud people, Paco.
I have rarely ever known this to be true. Granted, the hottest Indian woman I have ever seen is dating a Chinese guy I know... but I have probably only ever seen an Asian guy dating a white woman once and it didn't work out for a few reasons and you can guess them all quite easily.
You sir are denbt free
>tfw larger than 7"
rollin 4 a qt A or G
Not bad, bitches love veins.
6 get
And somehow they were able to rape you, it really activated my cashews.