>Hillary was born evil
Is this a meme? She was literally Trump levels conservative in her support of the VERY racist Goldwater campaign in school. How is she not loved here?
>Hillary was born evil
Is this a meme? She was literally Trump levels conservative in her support of the VERY racist Goldwater campaign in school. How is she not loved here?
Young hillary was a cute.
Too bad the devil got a hold onto her soul
So youre saying every liberal is a demon?
Trump was liberal once, like how Hillary was conservative
I think Hillary is unironically a racist and literal White supremacist, look up the "super-predators" video if you haven't seen it yet. It's just that the Jews killed her fighting spirit.
>How is she not loved here?
She's been dryhumping corporations and neoliberal interests for years, is actively working to have an ill informed public pop in america, and dream of "a world without borders".
thats not what he said, y'ignint jimmun habsbeen
Science rules.
>She's been dryhumping corporations and neoliberal interests for years, is actively working to have an ill informed public pop in america, and dream of "a world without borders".
Why did you describe Trump with a "She" instead of a "He"?
Fuck Drumpf
and FUCK white PEOPLE
>describing all of politics in two flavors liberal and conservative like it's a box of Nerds candy
extremely transparent LARPing as a poorly educated moderate. Hillary for whatever retarded reason became the poster child for globalist neoliberalism more or less only because her husband was so good at it.
Fuck off Drumpf
Fuckin' horrible
Oh for fucks sake have some decency
Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay.
Jesus, rico
Would love to fuck Hillary in that age, I don't care if I look like a pedo. But I would rip that fuckin sweet pussy
t. Pedo Pedorosa
Yep, if it is for that pussy yes I can assure you that with proud.
That pussy just seems too good.
Just imagining her innocent face gagging at my cock makes me diamonds
>those trips
She's not here or anywhere else because she and her pervo husband are so filthy and blatant in their (let's call it what it is cause the shoe fits) just plain evil behavior, scams and schemes.
Except for saps like you. I've always wondered: do you people actually buy into this shit or are you as evil as they (the Clintons) are and you're just serving the agenda? It's really hard to tell.
ps How in the hell could she have been a "conservative" in her beliefs and still idolize Saul Alinsky? THINK. Try.
I don't care bruv I just want to fucker when she was like pic related.
Kinda does look like she just chained the doors shut and then set an orphanage on fire.
>the VERY racist Goldwater campaign
You believe EVERYTHING the young smirks force feed you, don't you? Goldwater co-founded the Arizona chapter of the Naacp, and didn't support the civil rights act because it over stepped on a lot of states rights, besides he was arguing (and proving) that cities that were practicing segregation were actually harming themselves economically, and were worse off than the cities that were desegregating on their own.
Dems said that there was NO decent reason to not vote for the civil rights act. After spending DECADES refusing to vote for Republican led anti-lynching laws.
>VERY racist Goldwater campaign
Goldwater was just a libertarian, he actually fought for civil rights as a senator.
Fuck off, Drumpf
>voted for a literal conman
>calls others saps
Yeah totally, fuck the facts amirite? Everyone KNOWS Republicans are racists, we don't need no stinking facts getting in the way....
t. Donald J. Drumpf
How is the God Emperor a con-man, idiot?
Her father, its a vicious cycle but i feel no sympathy for her instead only spite for continuing it
>she wuz
she wuz also an Everest ascending, glass ceiling shattering, highest qualified in universe, Purple Heart war veteran Marine officer.
This thread is bull, do some research on the rodham family..Hillary's dad basically took over Capones businesses when he died
There isn't a single picture of her with a real smile, that's a sign that something's wrong.
I feel like an idiot, i always thought Capone was an urban legend
you can fight for civil rights while being racists, its what we call progressives here
>Supported Republican once
>Went hard leftist next campaign
>Should be Sup Forums role model
>There is evil and good
You have been watching too much of those your fantasy movies haven't you?
>he doesnt like LOTR
Hm. There is something to this.
Evil corrupts. Hillary wanted true power, and you don't wield true power, it wields you. She lost her morals, she lost her empathy, she lost all meaning and became consumed by the desire for more power. She burned away her soul and replaced it with avarice.
What we all want here is not death and destruction, but a meaningful, utopic society where good people can take it easy and work hard when they have to and create good lives for themselves and their loved ones. We don't like it when anyone -- even if they're one of us -- sacrifices goodness in the name of power.
She's lied. She's killed. She's stolen. She's maneuvered her way to the top, and all for what? Her people are in danger. Families are rotting apart. Times are bad, and it was hugely due to what she and her vile lecherous husband did between the 80s and now.
She's a snake and she serves the lord of evil. She became a pawn for the hand of Satan to bring us to faggotry in the streets, sexual confusion, celebration of nigger ghetto rapists and rape accusations for the upstanding whites who build society, she sold out our futures to Pajeet and Jose, and in exchange she still got beat by a spoiled princeling with a severe ego problem.
What is there to even respect about her? She spent her life on grabbing power, cut all our throats to do it, and still failed.
What am I looking at here?
Bumping because im stupid
it's a photograph.
She's always been a racist and pretty conservative. Just look at the way she speaks, dresses and behaves... There's is nothing about her that shows she's left leaning at all.
She goes around the world building sweatshops in 3rd world countries. Her husband is a rapist. She stole millions from the Haitians... In the leaked emails she talks about Latinos with obvious contempt. She's a lefty democrat because she probably thought it was the easiest way to win.
No, like most secretly redpilled successful women, she realised that it was more profitable and advantageous for her career to join the Liberal elite than follow her principles. Most redpilled successful people are willing to sell out for shekels. It's why no powerful white person in the elite ever calls out the Jew or openly question the (((narrative))) despite knowing the truth and danger whites are currently in. They'd much rather become globalists than patriots.
True. I've read how according to the leaks she is against gay marriage in private for example.
kys shill
She's is she has nowadays?
hillary owned slaves
>She's is she has nowadays?
Netherlands: Not even once.
>when you have the opportunity to raise loli hitler but instead you screw it
Look into her eyes.
She was conniving even back then.
>loli Hitler
Daily reminder that became an anime
You sound like someone who was given a bullet list of his campaign and then believed every word of it.
And lets not forget that as soon as the Dems passed the Civil Rights Act that all the racists went to the Republican party and began pursuing the Southern Strategy (which the heads of the RNC have been apologizing for for a good while now).
The past is irrelevant now.
Once you start dabbling in child trafficking and pay for play to help further globalist agendas, there's no going back.
Textbook sociopath. And the fact that she's been getting away with it all for years just makes her even more repulsive.
I'm watching Leftists freak out over this on Twitter. So good.
Post reactions. Did this just come out or something?
The book is from the 90's, but it looks as though it just became available as an Ebook.
'Emotional Illiterates'
> repeating the Great Switch and Southern Strategy fictions
read the party platforms and discover that there was no switch, republican platforms remained constant through the years while democrats platforms waffled and fluctuated wildly
'How did the media miss/ignore this the entire election?'
Nobody is this dumb, are they?
Babby's first redpill digestion in real time.
Holy fucking yum
She can reform my sexual education anytime
Does this really have to be explained?
H2O confirmed the liquid jew.
Are we just going to pretend these dont exist?
>Hillary was born a boy.
A lot of politicians and rich people are incognito white supremacists and/or neocons.
Not everyone is a racist you know
It seems like everyone is these days. At least on this forum.
It's the Luciferian way to be born reversed and find your true self.
Tell me more, Mr. Satanist
Trump ran a successful campaign and the GOP have been running operation anti-Hillary for decades