Welcome to TrumpiLeaks. This site provides the most high-powered encryption technology to enable courageous whistleblowers to privately communicate with me and my team. Patriotic Americans in government, law enforcement or the private sector with knowledge of the crimes, lies and general misconduct committed by Donald J. Trump and his associates are encouraged to blow the whistle in the name of protecting the United States of America from tyranny.
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Michael Moore starts TrumpiLeaks
this sounds easy to exploit
>lol lets troll him xD wouldnt that be sweet guys? xD oh btw did we have homework for 7th grade History tomorrow?
I'm gonna send this to him
Michael Moore plz
Can't he get into legal trouble over publishing this stuff?
> t. reddit nigger trying to be funny
>we can send him fake info lol and then he'll actually think it's real xD xD omg were so wity
He's been storing up body fat for the day when he has to flee the country and hide in the wilderness.
Look, I applaud the effort (I'm fine with leaks so long as they don't blatantly endanger lives of our men or innocents). I'm fine with people leaking potential nefarious things Trump does since I think any leader needs something like this to keep them in check. But fucking 'TrumpiLeaks'? Why the fuck would you add an 'i' to that? 'TrumpLeaks' sounds much better.
michael, pls go away, no one is going to give you shit
I think moore is very interested in how many scoops of ice cream Trump is eating.
Anyone got some info to help him out?
>he doesn't remember pissgate
How do we work cheeseburgers into a conspiracy?
my names steve not michael lol were making fun of michael remember?
lol that was so funny! me and my squad were lolling all day when we made that one (that wsa actually us xD )
literally everything this website recieves will be troll responses
Does Michael Moore do this for all authoritative figures or only "right wing" ones? Like, did he have anything to say about Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize while attacking twice as many foreign nations as G.W. Bush?
fuck off retard
>Please send me any dirt you might have on Trump via app or email.
Because that worked so well when CTR and Buzzfeed tried it.
How about TrumpDumps?
i dont understand i thoguht we were friends- oh wait ur trollin me xD good 1!
So..I'm gonna need about TREE FIDDY
You know when someone thinks they're funny, but they aren't at all?
yeah I hate those ppl xD they piss me off so bad imma kill em all!! (jk xD xD)
Oh no it would be a shame if people sent him mountains of fake information
He's probably either drunk or trying to get banned for whatever reason. Either way just ignore him.
any good stories or historical events where we can just find+replace the villain's name with Trump?
sounds like sedition
Someone with legal experience needs to make a fake document that implicates him using Trump Steaks as a way for him to make a slush fund for something to the amount of $6,000,000.
>Below are several tools you can use to securely send information and documents as well as photographs, video and/or audio recordings.
I need ABOUT TREE FIDDY.......
Kek. The US is so fucking pathetic right now.
Why Liberals and all other Globalist Scum like to put "i" before the words..
We need to take the story of the Star Wars prequels and say that Trump is planning on starting World War 3 in order to become Emperor of America. Basically replace the Clone Wars with WW3, Palpatine with Trump, Count Dooku with Putin, Separatists with Russia, Republic with America, etc.
Dammit tuna, get off my lawn. I ain't givin you no tree fiddy
I was under impression Trump liked taking leaks and leaking?
Start? All they've been doing is trying to find dirt. Just because you make this site it won't magically happen.
see, you are under that impression because Sup Forums successfully trolled MI6.
How don't they see that this is exactly the type of behavior we WANTED?
How fucking stupid are these people?
General Lefty needs to chill
I kek'd so hard. That fat fuck of a toe is the dumbest to walk this earth
>Tfw my idiot drug dealer actually believes all the shit he reads about Trump on BuzzFeed
>Tfw every time I go over to buy he talks my fucking ear off about how Trump loves drinking piss or is a racist or whatever
putting this on my list of places to troll.
Right? these faggots keep giving us openings, and making themselves look ridiculous. CNN for example...
>people who were are in 7th grade now weren't even alive when Michael Moore was last relevant
really bowls my fahrenheits
I'm all for leakers shining light on the dark recesses of a government who no longer works fir the people but... You would have to be a fucking GIANT MASSIVE FUCKING IDIOT to give shit to Micheal Moore. I don't trust that fucker as far as I could throw him and I'm a fucking Bernie Supporter.
Did we ever really come up with anything meaningful for convefe? I really have no clue what to make of that.
Didn't he want to become a Muslim when the travel Ban was announced?
Would love to this idiot in Raqqa now.
he could have chose a less gay name atleast
time to arrest moore for rape.
how many scoops did DRUMPHY get?
This is pathetic
Spam it with scat porn
It was probably a typo of coverage.
i believe the consensus was that CO V FE FE related to the corresponding elements on the periodic table, the atomic number of which are, 27 23 26 26 and has something to do with a single transcript of a toad (referencing pepe)?
I love you
but muh conspiracy tho
Download app from gplay to talk directly to Michael Moore...
Take into account this originates from the mind of a obese, privileged child living in a real world playground
sent him this:
plural traitors
Learner's definition of TRAITOR
: a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc. : a person who betrays a country or group of people by helping or supporting an enemy
She has been called a traitor to the liberal party's cause.
He was a traitor who betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy.
He turned traitor. [=he became a traitor; he betrayed his country/friends]
i think michael moore is just doing it because he wants a bunch of weird porn but is to lazy to get it himself
"Trumpileaks" flows better when you say it out loud.
"Trump Leaks" is two hard sounds.
Adding an "i" makes the word roll off the tongue. Trump-i-leaks.
Say it aloud... "this image is my identity."
Go to bed, Michael.
they're just desperately looking for shit to stick so they can keep their base from completely splintering.
Michael Moore will trans into a woman and then die of a heart attack
>Implying wikileaks can't already serve this purpose
There sure isn't any massive bias here either. No siree.
They gave a postal address...
P.O. Box 4800
New York, NY 10185
Would be pretty annoying if they received a bunch of stuff like motor oil or other stuff you can't just legally throw in the garbage.
What... I don't get it, he made the greatest pro trump speech ever, now he is anti trump? What happened?
No and no.
haha yeah Mine watches Last Week Tonight every fucking week and buys into all the bullshit. Same with Maher. I suppose he thinks it's smart
So does this mean we're all spamming dick pics?
If so then I'm in.
As if Moore or any hack that he hired is going to be able to protect the identity of leakers. To remain truly anonymous now, you need highly specialized knowledge and skills that the typical sysadmin just does not possess. Moore is just setting leakers up to land in Federal Prison.
>Moore is just setting leakers up to land in Federal Prison.
moore cancer is no friendo to Sup Forums
Just spam them red pills. Let's flip some of his cronies.
Sup Mike