Is this good or bad???

Comey will probably drag this along and """not remember""" stuff invoke the 5th and possibly just bait Trump into tweeting live something that sounds, in the worst case, incriminating, and also doing his job for him too by distracting from his lack of any substantial claims.

At the very least, isn't he going to just look more guilty and eager to distract?

Other urls found in this thread:

Srsly Trump, put down the Twitter for this.

comey better come through
planning to come into work late cause of this shit

Oh fuck, Drumpf is going to get outsmarted by Comey! He is finished!

If he does this without a lawyer next to him it's beyond stupid

No way! This will be top entertainment

I wonder if trump is touching himself while he tweets.

How the fuck is blumpf even able to put on his shoes in the morning?

This is basically the last big chance to start the swamp draining. Trump can't compromise it at any costs.

Another literally who blue check histrionic that's making shit up. Even if he was told this by someone important it's probably bullshit meant to make it's way to Comey to keep him on his toes. Comey here's this he might think twice about lying, which he frequently does. Under oath. Fuck this gay country we need to stop pussy footing around and race war now gas the kikes.

>At the very least, isn't he going to just look more guilty and eager to distract?
Yes. This is the part of the reality show where the audience begins to hate the main character. Damn this show is well written.

definitely good

Fuck the tweet, it's about him reacting to the testimony live while Comey doesn't even have to substantially do or say anything. If he can be baited they'll try. Comey's a weasel with experience.

how do you prove who was holding the phone?

Post yfw Trump releases the "tapes" on twitter during Comey's testimony.

I'm still trying to figure out who was phone.

trump has been blatantly goading lefties into watching this
im very hopeful for some big shocking reveals

>Hillary Clinton used variations of 'I don't recall' 21 out of 25 times when answering questions about private email server in court filing

Comey testimony=I don't recall Thursday

Wonder if Comey:

a) Bench presses (
b) Goes canoeing (
c) Walks down the street (

sources say that he will be tweeting from a Linux PC

>able to outsmart Trump

when are you fags going to learn that he doesn't lose

>How the fuck is blumpf even able to put on his shoes in the morning?
the guy who ran a multi-billion dollar business and out campaigned the country's most powerful politician? im sure he manages

What makes you say that?

>implying HillDawg, Jeb!, Rubio, etc. are the country's most powerful
You really think he got elected on his own power and not that of those who remain unseen?

Comey was complicit in the 9/11 cover-up and the Clinton Crime Foundation. Comey won't be able to say much without implicating himself, but they can spin Trump having a live twitter feed as "compromising and pressuring". You know how (((they))) are

yes. he paid for most of it himself. the entire media was against him.not on paper endorsed him. hell, most republican politicians stated in public they were voting for hilldog

the fact of the matter is Trump has the nuclear codes and we can't let him get them...


This. They'll ask Comey from the live tweets anyway they always do that

>two sources

why has no one learned

Well, the time travel and all...

But it's not like he hasn't done it already with Yates, if he has a free schedule then he's gonna watch it on tv

he'll watch it regardless. the testimony is gonna be big

Depends, it's expected to be big but all his testimonies were expected to be

so he's probably gonna do it anyway

It's gonna be fun to watch. Can you watch from Romania?

He should allow Chris Cuomo to filter and report his responses.


there/'s going to be livestreams all over the internet and yt, so yeah

It's going to be literally nothing


oh no so is drumf super finished and peached acoordian too enemamouse sorcerers?!

yassss queeeennnnn

No. We need God Emperor tweets!

oh noses is blumf finnished ???? !!!! is he peached thiz timmme?