red pill me on why net neutrality is bad. i see all these leftist shills advocating for it... and that usually inst good , so what is bad about something that sounds like a good idea minus some slow down.
Red pill me on why net neutrality is bad. i see all these leftist shills advocating for it...
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>if the left likes it, it can't be good
Congratulations, you've reached 100% indoctrination! Don't forget to vote against your own interests for the rest of your life!!
Names 3 things the left likes that can be considered good.
Just google it.
Basically, every website has treated equally with net neutrality. is like having only one cable plan with access to every channel.
Without it, you will see pic related.
How is it that none of this scare picture happened before net neutrality was signed in?
it's an american problem, you have laws against mutiple providers in an area. Nobody else cares because we just move to whoever we want to.
The internet for the past 30 years has not had any net neutrality just capitalism.
this .... i dislike mostly everything about the left.
i just want to know why this could be considered bad. because i'm not seeing a reason.
Roads, not having pollution in their water, and freedom of the internet.
lefties fuck off i already know your reasoning. you faggots shove that shit down my throat every day.
It's unneeded regulation.
Think about it this way, the internet hasn't had net neutrality since it's inception and it's been fine.