I give it 10 years of the same terrorism and cultural degeneracy because everyone flips the fuck out
I give it 10 years of the same terrorism and cultural degeneracy because everyone flips the fuck out
what is with everyone posting this foul whore on here lately?
Because, in the US at least, we're being radicalized to do that very thing.
you are actually being radicalized to do nothing about your identity and country being run over by nig nogs and sandniggers
The reality of what you should do is not even allowed to be spoken in your country John
that would be hilarious
Once boomers die out you will see changes. Even then Gen X is basically as retarded, so you have to wait for them to die also for REAL changes since millenials and gen z will be ready. Also by then nonwhites will be fucking everywhere causing societal collapse. Sad thing is that is in like what, 20 years maybe? Not 10.
it was one guy that started spamming it here and Sup Forums and Sup Forums
now unoriginal fags like turkorach in OP follow suit
>elsa jean
"""white""" americans, ladies and gents
more like radicalized to get outbirthed by beaners
turks have greek dna not the other way around you fucking uncultured savage
You could see the fire rise after the london bridge attack couple with the grande explosion
If the islamists keep exploding, more and more people will eventually go full 1488
thats not nice
The nigger nose is a giveaway.
is that her mother?so she is a spic
We have the same sunglasses btw
It will never happen in America. I can't say much about other places, but whites will never do shit in America about it. I doubt they'll do much in Britain, Germany, or Sweden but can't say anything at all with authority, I don't know enough about the situation.
Maybe sooner in America, they kill trump or impeach right wingers will flip shit. The anti white sentiment in the niggers is at an all time high so they much start some shit.
yeah nobody will start a genocide before the krauts are gone so they can't fuck it up but the people are getting angrier/conservative which is a good thing
Who's the mudslide
preparations are already underway, helenicbro, and you cunts are invited
That actually sounds about right. As things continue along the road of degeneracy and whites are demonized it's just a matter of time until a leader comes along to galvanize support for full 14/88. Jews will be called out. Once inflation starts getting out of control it's Weimar all over again.
Generally speaking the average millennial has more in common with boomers than the average gen x'er.
Hahahaha your full of shit buddy, see you the day of the rope
are krauts ready for a holocaust? Because they are next after the jews
Just wait your turn
Around 10 years is my estimation also OP.
We're at the beginning of a massive cultural shift.
Well well, looks like the only germans left will be amerikrauts like myself in middle america.
I can feel myself going 1488.
What do?
Hopefully never. The nice thing about the West is we actually have respect for lawful government (when it's done properly), so we can peaceably get rid of shit like Islamic terrorists.
It's Muslims and other third world pre-modern types whose primary means of social change is "losing their shit" and bashing the other guys to death with rocks or whatever.
The first WHITE PRIDE!! idiot who goes nuts and shoots up a mosque full of women and children is just going to make Islamicization of the West worse, because everyone will go "SEE?? WHITES ARE WORSE! THE PROBLEM ISN'T ISLAM!"
It'll be some crazy fuck who is looking for an excuse to kill people. Though most of those guys are joining Islam right now, so maybe not.
I give it 4 years when Trump refuses to gracefully step aside.
Fake election etc..
Everyone is just going to freak out on each other at once, it won't just be one group
mfw there are still whites in Germany
Talk all you want, what at all makes you think whites will do anything? We went from 90ish percent white in 1965 to less than 60 percent in 50 years and white people haven't done fucking shit about it, what makes you think they'll actually do anything? They're already a minority of births and have been for a while, even if they wanted to do something about it they're basically powerless at this point.
Moving to Europe is basically going to be the only option for people who want white areas, and the Europeans would be stupid to allow in dumb mongrels.
Once the boomers die, people will realize that they have nothing, and how fucked they are. So 20+ years, USA is the most likely to go that way. Not sure western Europe will ever recover.
>(when it's done properly),
you mean never?
seen Europe lately burger?
>Even then Gen X is basically as retarded, so you have to wait for them to die
There are only like 30 of us, our Movie is called "Slacker" and our theme song is called "Loser"....
You won't have to wait for shit.
porn is degenerate, it drains your energy and your soul
The rest of the world acts like americans won't genocide another race/religion like it's nothing because it is nothing it's an effortless wave of the hand
Buy as many guns as you can, and /ironpill/ yourself into peak physical shape.
Then, wait until you are called upon to walk in the footsteps of Saint Breivik.
you will feel crazy but actually everyone else is crazy and you are the sane one
Yes, it's much, much whiter than America. The only white areas of America left are the Midwest and Northwest, and even the cities there are heavily nonwhite.
>How long until whites lose their shit and go ful l14/88?
In Western Europe? Never. The average white person is so indoctrinated against right-wing politics and white nationalism that they will blindly vote for anything which opposes them.
In Michel Houellebecq's novel 'Soumission' he shows it is far more likely to go the other way. Whites mass converting to Islam because that is the only avenue to escape the twin horns of progressive liberalism and Islam. Once Europe becomes majority Muslim it then makes homosexuality illegal, removes women's right to vote and institutes mostly far right political systems with an Islamic flavour.
whites are cucked beyond believe. It's not gonna happen
Poles act smug and all about the whole immigration thing (it's all jokes, brahs), but the elections were barely won in time to stop it.
Have they been a bit later or the leftist won, we would have a second Germany here and I wonder if people would protest. They don't protest a lot against Chechens or Ukrainians.
At this point I'd say less than five years, possibly less than three. Trump's election was a huge step in that direction; not because he's a radical, but because he was painted as a radical and won anyways.
good thing we are not white
t. 56%
we're coming for you too once we're done with the muds
please slavs, save us
Difference is that you have huge land masses still as your states are as large as our nations. I see balkanization in the future for the Americas. You also have weapons.
>The average white person is so indoctrinated against right-wing politics and white nationalism that they will blindly vote for anything which opposes them.
I'm sure a lot of people thought similar things during the 1920s.
whats so cool about 1488? columbo didnt arrive until 1491...5 years later.
>what is with everyone posting this foul whore on here lately?
>posts alternate foul whore
Thanks you english speaking sandnigger that lives on a desert island.
>bottle blondes
pls m8
People before 1945/65 were much more nationalistic, conservative, and Right-wing than anything we see today. Most progressives in the early 20th century were probably more Right Wing than many of today's conservatives.
I knew something was off about her.
yea nah no worries
you gotta save yourself. As I said, we saved ourselves with elections just in time. Voting is the only way apart from civil war.
hitler ruined nationalism, he gave jews the power to paint whites as the bad guys and oppose any of our ideas as " radical and stupid"
He is stupid for attacking poland but I think the anglos would find a reason to attack him anyways
Typical Scandinavian pig nose
how can white bois compete
>The nice thing about the West is we actually have respect for lawful government
Which is why muds shouldn't be allowed in white countries. They absolutely do not play by our rules.
It takes 20 years to change culture because that's how long it takes someone to be educated. It takes another 20 years for those people to take power and *boom* society is changed forever.
rather give it to her mother
They just cant
She's not Scandinavian. Did you not see her mom? She's most likely an octoroon.
>I give it 10 years of the same terrorism and cultural degeneracy because everyone flips the fuck out
It's to late baby. And don't give me the "my greek" treatment. All the greek girls here are sleeping with arabs.
>thinks elsa jean is white
and the generation that produced American Psycho
I hope in the next 7 years, but generally I hope they will as soon as possible and I would love to help.
are they?
Can you slap them for me?
its her sister...
it will never ever happen.
look at soth africa whites willingly stepped down from power and they are passively waiting to be slaughtered like cattle.
the white race is on its death bed
that's not really true. people in the north western europe have always been fairly easy going and live and let live, with a few people in society doing the dirty work. everything related to eugenics is a german mad scientist thing.
That's why we need to continue to push the Overton window back where it belongs.
Look at what we have done in the past 18 months alone. We're well on the way to breaking conditioning that it took the Jews nearly a half century to construct.
The truth sells itself, and with that, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.
This is not the time to stay comfortable, it is the time when we must instead redouble our efforts.
This. The Jews are going to make the USA the next Germany.
top kek. i regret nothing.
Never, white bois have demonstrated that they are inferior to black BUCKS
The sooner they rebel though, the better. The Black Stallion will get to eradicate what's left of tiny-dicked white bois
check'd & kek'd
They should've done it 30 years ago. I'm afraid now it's too late.
"Civilised men" does not have the willpower necessary to fight
>and I would love to help.
You're already doing a fantastic job!
>more and more people will eventually go full 1488
You are Swedish and should now better. Today is the Swedish National day. Guess what... The only people in my neigbourhood flying the Swedish flag was me and a Serb. People will never rise up unless told so by their leaders.
well I agree with both of you, because there are lots of americans on either side of that spectrum. i am talking about the radicalization is a bifurcation between race purists and race traitors. right now we are in the minority, but over the next decade or so, we will continue to be the rising tide. self-deportation is a huge part of the battle.
all Rodrigo Duterte had to do in the Philippines is tell the people they are allowed to form right wing death squads. Duterte didn't say he had to change the law or that it was even now illegal, he just told his people to do it and they wouldn't be prosecuted. Now, I'm not a fan of weak rule of law, but when it gets to the point where the country is collapsing, you'll see the race war break out at some point after the collapse. My spin on the race war is that before the collapse it will be like a race cold war, almost like south africa, slow burn genocide. after the collapse everything will become tribal and thus the race wars will follow.
if there were a way for people to line up and fight, they would. but it's not conventional war. whites will continue to move away from browns though; it is happening now naturally. browns will continue to run their "societies" their way, and people will avoid them.
She went to my high school. She was a year younger than me. Her real name is Sapphire, which is already a stripper name.
> people in the north western europe have always been fairly easy going and live and let live, with a few people in society doing the dirty work. everything related to eugenics is a german mad scientist thing.
Multiple states, including the US, were starting to pursue state-funded/involved eugenics style programs in the 20s-30s you know. Also up until the 60s or so racism wasn't just publicly accepted but was the norm amongst most people in Western countries, ethnostates were pretty much universal, etc.
did you fucc?
If the bombings keep happening in Europe, the people will take things into their own hands.
5 years. TOPS.
all of that is relevant, but the average person didn't spend a significant amount of time thinking about other races, it's simply not part of normal consciousness. white people will simply try to distance themselves from other races, but it isn't a naturally conscious act.
Actually already begun on that path.
It's obvious that the world around me is insane what bothers me is that the only people I talk to that see it are here on Sup Forums.
Seriously my coworkers were having a conversation about how if we let in more refugees there would be less terrorist attacks because we "wouldn't be a threat".
This is how people think now.
Do I get the swastika neck tattoo now or wait till shit hits the fan?
I'm liking the 6's
looks tasty. I usually have pay arabs to make me one. Protip: Don't have the garlic sauce. It's been enriched